Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

No journal. I don't want to commit to posting on one. At the moment I can't even upload new pics. My Crome shuts down every time I try. It works good everywhere else, just not here
I've heard the shutdown problem is an actual Chrome problem, and the developers (Chrome developers) are working on it.... Just to pass along information.
I've heard the shutdown problem is an actual Chrome problem, and the developers (Chrome developers) are working on it.... Just to pass along information.
I use chrome though its probably an older version of it. I try not to do many updates on my computer.....seems like the fewer updates I do, the better off the computer runs. Though this one is close to being thrown out the damn window.
I use chrome though its probably an older version of it. I try not to do many updates on my computer.....seems like the fewer updates I do, the better off the computer runs. Though this one is close to being thrown out the damn window.
I use Mozilla Firefox and have no problems with the site. But I'm also on a desktop.......
Not sure how much will be left over. I plan to eff up a lotta ribs!!
She ain't kidding either. But I am to blame for that......I have ruined ribs for her (along with Steak, and a few other meats!).
Do you use a electric smoker? I use a electric one most of the time. It holds constant 225 temp. I do have a charcoal one. But it's hard to keep track of temps. I do love ribs on it tho
I have a cheap horizontal smoker.......firebox on the side. I love using real lump charcoal. To me its just got the best flavor. BUT.....I play a serious game of up and down and inside and outside when smoking in that thing. Tough to keep the temps stable and where I want. Usually takes me about an hour to get it dialed in and then constant adjustments to keep it dialed in.

Eventually I want to get a real heavy duty steel smoker....1/4 inch. They hold temps so steady. I might pick up a Weber smokey mountain smoker until then. I think it would be a bit easier to control and lower maintenance.
I used misquite instead of hickory. I personally like hickory the best
I love smoking food. My personal preference is mesquite or apple chips for chicken. Hickory for beef and pork. I smoke a lot of salmon and trout and mix approx. 1/2 mesquite and 1/2 apple for the fish. And if you like sausage try this. Buy one of these

And lightly apply some pork rub and put it in the smoker. Delicious!
I like using hickory most of the time. I will use mesquite with beef cuts sometimes as well. Love apple, cherry and pecan wood too for most things, but only if hickory isn't available.

Best turkey I ever had was smoked on lemon wood imported from italy and soaked in white wine. HOLY HELL that was some good freaking turkey!!
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