Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Jack Herer Auto Day 76, Day 27 with Hairs

Here is the latest update on my moody Jack. She still refuses to pray for me and isn't really putting on any frost :rolleyes: . She is just kind of there in my eyes. No real smells coming from her either. She grew big but aside from her size she hasn't impressed me. Holding out hope. She has about another 10 days or so and she will switch spots with the Northern Lights.

Blue Dream up next!

yay for the blue dream ... and tbh ... maybe that plant is not at its preferred temp compared to the rest ... but tbh she looks doing quiet ok ..
Blue Dream Flip Day 18, Day 10 With Hairs

Still loving this girl. She isn't stretching as much as I anticipated (which isn't necessarily a bad thing...I can always prop her up....can't raise the lights anymore) so I don't think I will have any donkey colas on this one.

I gave her about a gallon and a half of ACT two days ago. Almost time to strategically remove some fan leaves that are blocking a few lower sites. @Duggan Notice I didn't use that word you hate LOL! I will do another top dressing on her the next time I water her (most likely the last one on her...but I will play it by ear).

Interesting to see the beginning of the frost starting to when I can start to see it on the new buds. Her clones are looking phenomenal as well....might give an update on them after this. I need to up pot them tonight or tomorrow.

yay for the blue dream ... and tbh ... maybe that plant is not at its preferred temp compared to the rest ... but tbh she looks doing quiet ok ..
I suppose it could be temps....though my temps and RH are about perfect. Temp is generally 72-78 with lights on, mid to high 60s at night. RH is about 45-55% in the flower tent....lots of air flow.

I agree she look like she is doing quite ok, but i hate 'ok' LOL. I love my plants to look happy and green, makes me happier. When they aren't happy, I take it as I am not giving her something she wants or I am giving her stuff she doesn't want. I just can't figure out what it is......leaning towards the soil being hot. Makes me want to run another seed of it in a less hot version of my soil to test it out. But I won't revisit this until I am ready to run autos again. Perhaps next run I will mix my Stank Soil with Coco Loco to make it a little cooler for future Autos.
Thanks Sam, I appreciate the compliment.....but we have had some issues early on. Got em mostly figured out so I haven't had the same issues I had with the Stank and the Nukehead early on.

The leaves on the Stankberry look like they have been through war. Really wish I would have grown her in a bigger pot. I didn't expect her to grow so big so fast. We initially just wanted to grow it out to see; 1. how it grows, and 2. how it smokes. Lesson learned LOL
The leaves on the Stankberry look like they have been through war. Really wish I would have grown her in a bigger pot. I didn't expect her to grow so big so fast. We initially just wanted to grow it out to see; 1. how it grows, and 2. how it smokes. Lesson learned LOL

I go through that all the time in real life. Gotta have a few issues to have the opportunity to learn. ;)
A quick story for ya'll. I saw several followers of this thread talking highly about Pua Mana O'hana from Hawaii. I got excited and ordered some of their seeds. That was back on the 24th of April. On the 29th I still had not heard a peep from them. Not even that they had received my order. So I sent them a short, polite email asking about the status of my order. They did reply the next day saying they were sorry, but because of flooding and landslides and mud slides in the mountains they were a bit behind on shipping.

Today when I checked my mail there was a package from Pua Mana O'hana with (DUH) their return address in Princeville, Hi. Now here is the interesting part that made me go hmmmm. The postage label is from Eugene Oregon!! So the package was mailed from Oregon and not Hawaii.

Something is smelling very fishy to me. And I have lost all confidence in the quality of the beans.
And the address they use is a supermarket in Princeville, Hi

I really detest being taken to the cleaners!
A lot of seed vendors have fake return addresses and beards for shipping. Isn't shipping cannabis seeds a federal offense?
Yup. Sure is. I would bet it is as you say. This is why i will risk international over domestic. If customs catches it no harm no foul unless you have an abnormal sized order. Usually results in a letter or an empty shipment with an explanation statement as to what the confiscation is for. Postal inspector gets wind of shipments from state to state and things can go sideways in a hurry.
And the address they use is a supermarket in Princeville, Hi

I really detest being taken to the cleaners!
Well I don't know if breeding is legal in Hawaii or not. Perhaps all the growing is done on the island and they have a state side logistic point...ya know for legality reasons. My point brother Beez is to be skeptical....but don't bet you are taken to the cleaners quite yet. Perhaps try growing one or two out and see what ya get....might surprise you. Hoping for the best for you man!
Plants look beautiful, love that blue dream! Does she smell yet?

I don’t like autos much
Thanks Newty! She has been smelling awesome in veg. I can't describe the smell very well....but I love it. The Blue Dream and the Northern Lights are the two best smelling girls in veg I have sniffed. Hoping she smells even better in flower!
Clone Update Day 15 (in Soil), Day 22 from Cutting

These girls (and boy) are really picking up steam. Gonna up pot them tomorrow. Blue Dream 1.1 will be going in a 3 gallon pot and shortly there after (a week or 10 days tops) she will be flipped to be crossed with the Stankberry.

The other Blue Dream will be going in a 1 gallon (in order to conserve soil until the stuff I have cooking is done) for as long as I can keep her in there. I will make S1s from her.

The Stankberry will be going a 2 gallon pot where I will split the Stank Soil with Coco Loco. I don't need to keep him around long, so as long as he makes it to popping we are good.

All three got drinks of ACT yesterday.

Blue Dream 1.1

Blue Dream 1.2

And the Stankberry Stud

Bonus Shots......Northern Lights Veg Day 55.....getting freaking huge.

She got a drink of ACT tonight as she was feeling a bit light and leaves were drooping a bit (for her)

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