Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

when we find our dream plot of land
*Cough* MAINE *Cough*
We hope it will have access to top notch water. My Dads well is about 700 feet below the surface and his water comes out 6.8-6.9. We need some of that stuff in our life!!
We hit water at 60 feet and they dug another 20 feet just because they had only just started...refresh is 30 gallons a minute. It is 6.8 and tastes amazing...I was laughing my ass off when I read about the "live water" selling for $60 a gallon in San Fran.
Guys and Gals I could use your help please! Last week I celebrated my 1 year anniversary growing the green goodness. In the past I would always go from veg to flower too quickly. I attribute this to my lack of patience and because let's face it, a flowering plant is a lot more exciting to look at every day then a vegging plant. I got into the habit of harvesting a plant (maybe 1 zip dry) and replacing it in the flowering tent with another youngster that would produce about the same. Well thanks to this site, and more directly this thread I realized I was wasting. Wasting time, wasting money, wasting water, wasting electricity, wasting nutrients. So thanks to you guys I decided to veg my plants longer, do some topping and LST training and see if I couldn't be patient and increase my YPP.

So here is where I need your help. I grew a plant that I harvested about 6 weeks ago. I had taken a clone off of it before flowering it. Well the product is absolutely perfect for me. The seed was donated to me and I was told it's Green Crack. Anyway on to the clone, I have been bending branches, tying branches down, topping a lot. The photos below are the end result. It is currently in a 5 gallon fabric pot (first time with a fabric pot) in Pro Mix BX medium. I use the full line of Fox Farm nutrients including the Bush Doctor products.

As of this second this plant is scheduled to go into the flowering tent in 11 days. I fear I may have made too many branches/tops if that's possible. Nearly all the branches are at or very near the top of the canopy as I have worked to let light into the dense canopy. I see you guys thinning out the underside of the canopy. But in doing so I would be cutting off branches that although skinny do reach the top or close to it.

I guess what I'm asking is what the heck do I do now? Is this plant in a 5 gallon pot capable of feeding all the tops I anticipate will stretch out of the canopy? How do you think I should proceed?

Thanks Van for allowing me to hijack your thread. I have followed this from day 1 and trust you guys to give good information.

Here are three photos of this plant. Below that is my Solo Cup plant that will be harvested in about 10 days.

This is the Solo Cup plant. A Super Lemon Haze CBD

Ph limits are set by the EPA
I'm sure they'll stop setting pH limits when they work they're way down the alphabet ;).

I guess what I'm asking is what the heck do I do now? Is this plant in a 5 gallon pot capable of feeding all the tops I anticipate will stretch out of the canopy? How do you think I should proceed?
Put it in a 10 gallon pot, wait a week, and take off all the leaves that don't see the light or are blocking something that can reach the canopy with more light. Wait a few more days and then flip. I think it's going to be a good producer for you.

That's my 2 cents anyway :).
Put it in a 10 gallon pot, wait a week

Is it difficult to get it out of it's existing 5 gallon fabric pot? Do the roots stick to the side of the pot? Would the 10 gallon make a big difference vs. the 5 gallon?
Is it difficult to get it out of it's existing 5 gallon fabric pot? Do the roots stick to the side of the pot? Would the 10 gallon make a big difference vs. the 5 gallon?
Twice as big! If you roll down the fabric and expose the root ball when it's dry, you should be able to lift it out. The roots attached to the fabric are dead anyway. And with 11 days of growth after the transplant they should be into the new soil. If you can give it two weeks, even better.

Some people cut the fabric down the side (you can use velcro to re-attach it for the next plant) but I think rolling it down would work better.
@beez0404 what shed said! Plant looks good!.... My experience with fabric pots has been mixed... If you let it dry out enough sometimes she will slide right out.... Sometimes ive gotten pissed off and cut it off... 10gallon means roots have room to explore during the last few days of veg and into the stretch of flower. That is my understanding anyways....somrone may correct me lol
Stank's Tuesday Fun in the Sun

The cupboard was rather bare with soil so I decided to get outside and wreck the back today. Goal....mix up 60+ Gallons of Stank Soil for this summer's run. I changed a few amounts of amounts on a couple of my ingredients but for the most part it was the same mix as my previous batch. I lowered a couple sources of phosphorous that can drift the pH up and increased a couple that can swing the pH down. I also added a bit more Pro Mix in this time as my peat source. Hoping that those few changes will give me the adjustment I want in the soil pH. Ended up with about 70 gallons of Stank Soil....about 10 more than the previous time. Guess I added about 10 more gallons peat!

And to address the wrecked back (which it is freaking pissed off at me right now!)....a little bit of ATF therapy!

Looks like a backbreaking job in good times! That ATF must be sweet relief.

I hope the soil changes work out well. pH can be a pain.

I do everything I can to minimize the impact on the back. I kneel when I shovel/mix and try to keep the back as straight as possible. Definitely minimizes the effects....but even with that, it was raging mad by the end. Probably should have smoked before I did it....but I didn't think about it.

The ATF was perfect again. Sat on the steps outback.....took 3 nice hits and I was good. Of course, its about 2 hours later now and its starting to liven up a bit. Might be just about that time again.
you need a mixer like blews!!! Help save that back for when ya need it!
Hell yeah I do....but he's a bit far up the road to just swing by and borrow LOL. I had neglected this long enough. Would have done it sooner if spring would have gotten here a bit earlier. At least its over and done with now
Hopefully the changes adjust the ph some, should make a big difference.
Thats what I am hoping brother. I will find out in about 2 months or more. Gonna get it analyzed from one of the places that Bobrown found for us. I think its Virginia Tech. Interested to see what the results are.
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