Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Twice as big! If you roll down the fabric and expose the root ball when it's dry, you should be able to lift it out. The roots attached to the fabric are dead anyway. And with 11 days of growth after the transplant they should be into the new soil. If you can give it two weeks, even better. Some people cut the fabric down the side (you can use velcro to re-attach it for the next plant) but I think rolling it down would work better.

All good advice...up pot to 10-gallon. A trick I use is I set the pot on a hard upside down pot and that gives me room to pull down the sides...then the root ball is sitting there ready to grab and re pot. There will be some "ripping" to the root ends, but that is normal and they will do fine in a bigger pot with more soil.
Morning gang! Hope everyone is having a great day. We have a few updates coming today. Ms Stank was kind enough to do all the water last night (both Nukes and her Harley). The back just wasn't having any more bending over. Its feeling a bit better today.

@Blew Hiller....yes laziness is the mother of some invention but pain is a much better motivator to come up with something better.
@Blew Hiller....yes laziness is the mother of some invention but pain is a much better motivator to come up with something better.
unfortunately true....

Stank Genetics are rolling in the GH. I am looking a the tomato cages ready in the pots, and I have visions of the gorilla ripping open the circus cage! Luckily we have some old school tomato cages that are serious gauge...
Nice! I am sure they are loving the natural light!!
I love seeing plants worshipping the sun...the Stankberry looks like a radar dish throughout the day turning her large fan leaves to follow the sun! DTF and ATF just starting to bust all new growth. Kushberry is picking up and I'l give her another 2 weeks in the 3-gallon. The others go in their pots/tomato cages next week...
Hindu Kush Veg Day 8

Ms Stanks newest girl is picking up steam now. She has basically doubled in size each of the last 2 days so I know she has her roots down in the Stank Soil. Figure a few more days and she will have to be up-potted. I am glad to see she has outgrown her funky start. I am curious to see what direction Ms Stank takes this girl in regards to training. I will always encourage her to push her to experiment with each new plant.

Jack Herer Auto Day 76, Day 27 with Hairs

Here is the latest update on my moody Jack. She still refuses to pray for me and isn't really putting on any frost :rolleyes: . She is just kind of there in my eyes. No real smells coming from her either. She grew big but aside from her size she hasn't impressed me. Holding out hope. She has about another 10 days or so and she will switch spots with the Northern Lights.

Blue Dream up next!
I am wondering if there is something to this whole "autos aren't heavy feeders" thing. I know I am growing in soil but perhaps my soil is more suited to photos. Thats about the only thing I can think of. None of my photos have its either poor genetics or my soil. I lean to a perhaps a bit of both.
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