Stages' Summer Run - HSO Sour Diesel Auto - TH Bubblegum HSO Blue Dream in Coco

Favorite Auto Strain's

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I don't know about exact temps. The coco gets very hot in the middle of the pile when it's in the tarp, I would imagine it would work in cold temperatures, my only concern would be the mycos wouldn't colonize. I like when they look like mold on the top. In the winter I like to use a 30 gal tub inside. A garage would be fine.

Go through BIDs journals, he was a member here until him untimely death a little over a year ago. I learned alot about organic coco from him.
Thanks Grimm
I know of the legend of the Big Irish Dude.
I'll take a moment to cruise thru his journals.
Thank you for extending yourself.
Stay positive thru these trying times brother.
Thanks bro I always try to keep my chin up!

I went over to Re-pot. I put four in ten gal., four in 7 gal and there have been four in 5 gal. for about a week...anyway I'll save the details to keep it short but I just wanted to say that I also add extra forest humus, besides the ancient forest. I also top dress with a fairly thick layer of worm castings.

Have you had a chance to go through Big Irish coco thread?
Thanks bro I always try to keep my chin up!

I went over to Re-pot. I put four in ten gal., four in 7 gal and there have been four in 5 gal. for about a week...anyway I'll save the details to keep it short but I just wanted to say that I also add extra forest humus, besides the ancient forest. I also top dress with a fairly thick layer of worm castings.

Have you had a chance to go through Big Irish coco thread?

Whassup Grimm?
I did indulge in about 13 pages of BID's journal "Lets talk Coco". That journal should be a sticky.
Chock full of proven suggestions and techniques.
Goot sh*& mane! :thumb:
Hey Stage you running coco? Been thinking of mixing it up this winter... Pretty sick super cropping you're doing there, that is my new favorite technique,, nice work bro
Hey Stage you running coco? Been thinking of mixing it up this winter... Pretty sick super cropping you're doing there, that is my new favorite technique,, nice work bro

Whats crackin M3 my bro!?
Yep I did coco on all my gals this run. T'was too hot to play wit DWC.
With photo strains, I get all Ike Turner on em. Especially if i have waited too long to train.
Good to see ya mane.
Hey stage your grow is looking very very good, I love auto's as well...I prefer photo's cause you can choose when to flip but there's certainly a place for auto's. They're great for a quick harvest at any point & stealth. I say stealth not only because they remain smallish but because you can place them anywhere at anytime & it won't disrupt their cycles...its great for those who need to move them around.
Hey stage your grow is looking very very good, I love auto's as well...I prefer photo's cause you can choose when to flip but there's certainly a place for auto's. They're great for a quick harvest at any point & stealth. I say stealth not only because they remain smallish but because you can place them anywhere at anytime & it won't disrupt their cycles...its great for those who need to move them around.

Welcome and thanks for stopping by.
Auto / photo grow is ideal for all the reasons you outlined above. The added veg time benefits the photo. Typically I
Wouldn't veg 10 to 13 weeks but half that.
Thanks for caring guys! It's smooth sailing on the bubble gum. I'll post pics soon. Currently at day 118. Day 30 of 12.12
Wrecked and Mr Am4zin,
Thanks for reaching out and nudging me to post an update.:thanks:

I have been mostly commenting on the journals I am subd to and not really posting so much in my own journal.
I probably will keep the photo updates to once or 2x a week.
Of course I will continue to respond to the wonderful banter of the 420 bullpen.
However, I was starting to feel like maybe I was posting too much.
Anyways, here are a coupe of pics. I personally don't think the profile pics do my bb justice. Just looks like a mass of leaves. The bud sites don't stand out visually.
Canopy pics show just how wide and flat I attempted to make her. Unfortunately I didn't take any today.
Look for them this weekend.
She smells amazing. I grabbed the main branch (trunk?) and grasped it tightly and gave her a good shake. The flowers are weighty and swayed in my hands with much heft. Hope i conveyed to you what I mean. She thick like that.
She is indica dominant and I expect her to continue gaining mass/weight.
Best of buds to you all and may Green Blessings follow you. :Namaste:
Profile shot. Sorry for the hps glare. I swear one day I will learn how to use the white balance.

Trichs are making things frosty on the bud sites.

Blue dream looking happy but clearly not the center of attention. Wish i could have found a home for her.
Stage my man, you can never post too much in your journal. It's an honour to visit your garden! But I fully respect the once a week or so update, this is a very time consuming (for me at least, as I can never get of it) site. That being said...

Dude, WOW
She is so thick and frosty, you got me drooling lad!

Man i could almost picture that smell, and Yeah I'd deffs go trunk ;) perfectly explained she thick like that

Mmmmm much weight to gain yet, tasty times a head.
Hope you have a great week brother, I'm sure I'll see you round ;) thanks for my personal update! Hope I didn't put you out of place!

May the green blessings follow you to my friend
No worries mate. It's guys like you that keep the flow flowing. :high-five:
Looking most excellent Stage! That bubblegum is going to reward you for sure.
Looking most excellent Stage! That bubblegum is going to reward you for sure.

Blaze thank you for the positive feedback.
Truth is I endeavor to deliver a 1lb plant but even if I don't get a # I'm certain that she is the biggest yielder I have ever had. Still early yes but no matter what I'm very satisfied at the point.
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