Stages' Summer Run - HSO Sour Diesel Auto - TH Bubblegum HSO Blue Dream in Coco

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It's Mary Jane Monday people!
Day 103 for the TH Seeds bubblegum, day 15 of 12/12.
Wondering aloud. Feel free to chime in.:hmmmm:
Thinking maybe I should dim the HPS down to 450w instead of 600w and keep her in the top drip tray?
The distance from the pot to the lights will be the same but if I use the dog fence to hold the tops down a bit, maybe I can flatten her out/down a few inches. If I can get 14 to 16 inches from the hps I would be comfortable with keeping the light at 600w. Otherwise I would need to dim the light.
Hey canna-nation,
I needed to address the light height issue so I removed the light hangers and attached my hps to an S hook at the top of the tent.
This gave me back 5 inches. :)


Here is a shot of her canopy after I misted her leaves and before I got ghetto with her.

Now easy people, I know what I'm doing isn't recommended but desperate times.... blah-zay blah.:smokin:
Decided to break out my dog fence training again.
It's ghetto, I know but hey let's see what it do eh? Let me explain what I did.
I used my hands to spread her canopy and lay the taller 4 corners of the plant (where I topped her) down.
My objective is to hold the tops down until stretch is complete which is less than 2 weeks.
Now the light distance is @18 inches. Her canoeing should ease up now.
I do know that if your buds burn from growing into the lights.....that is a FAIL.:straightface:

Morning Stage! Just checked out your grow. i was lookin for a good auto and Confucious recomended the sour desiel. I must say I have to agree with him. Very nice. I read earlier in your journal that you were concerned about that resevoir and hight issues and it look like you were right. I hope the fence works for ya. Is ther anyway to seperate the resevoirfrom the top tub and move it to the side so you can lower the top tub a bit? Im Just thinkin out loud. Anyway i am from the south originally and there aint no place like home. I miss the people, the food, the whole damn southern culture! Most of all i miss the Waffle House hash browns scattered and smothered, mmmmm. Subbed
Welcome Nick and good morning to you!:welcome:
I was thinking the same thing!
Yea man I love the south for all the reasons you listed above.:circle-of-love:
Unfortunately, the rez and drip table have to remain as 1 unit. I am sure I could DIY a way but, If something goes wrong when I am not home, I would have 25 gallons of water to worry about. :lot-o-toke:
I was thinking I could just hand water and remove the rez and table entirely if the stretch gets too out of hand.
That would be a last resort but certainly on the table as an option.
I hope to give you a good show with the bubblegum. Thanks for the compliment.
Thx Brad. She is a whopper.:dreamy: She's making her bud sites known and I am starting to smell her sweetness.
Whats good on your Shatterday night?!:party:
Check out how mine went. Man I tell ya, when you sitting on a sweet sticky stash of sour um um. The things that happen.:dreamy:
So I went to the vape store to buy a new sub ohm kit when I struck up a convo with an attractive young lady from out of town.
She said she vapes to relax and vaping helps her relax and is conducive to her writing process.
I asked her what she did for a living and she said she was a sex therapist and writes a blog.
I said really? Then I looked at the word stenciled on her sweater written in cursive: penetration.:wood:
I smiled and was amused. She asked me questions about vaporizing pens then eventually asked where she could get some herb.
Clearing my throat I said today is your lucky day so we got in my car pulled around back and blew a blunt of the sour d.
She said this is the best shit I have ever smoked and could she take a piece with her to smoke later. I said sure and broke her off a nug. She put it in her bag smiled and hugged me and thanked me for being so nice.
Right about then a car pulled up with her friends inside. 3 equally attractive young ladies and 1 metro sexual guy driving. (He had press on fingernails that looked like he was Eddie Murphy in Vampire in Brooklyn.):thedoubletake:

She got in the car and she held her handbag outward so the other females in the car put there faces in and took a collective whiff. They all shouted in unison Fire Fire Flame!
Ahh... what a Saturday night. :cool:

Now...for the update. Bubblegum is 108 days young and 3 weeks 12/12. She is filling out nicely and the sweet pink gum smell is filling my nostrils when i open the tent. Using my loupe I can see the beginning of trics.
I decided to trim again and clean up the lower buds that are destined for popcorn.
I wish i would've cloned her. Stage
Damn dude, you should have invited them back to your place. Could have been even more interesting! Nom sayin... LOL!
Got a couple of lights out pics. Her upper most leaves show signs of tacoing. To address that, I made some changes. Shout out and Big up to Nicholas Flamel who inspired me to use my DWC bucket alongside the drip tray.
Thanks Nick!
She sure is a healthy green. Wonder if its because I ran out of flowering nutes 3 days ago?
I have been using grow formula since then and I shall continue to do so. :):surf:
Damn dude, you should have invited them back to your place. Could have been even more interesting! Nom sayin... LOL!

Yea Blaze, nahmean?
It ok, this type of sh*& happens evrry day! Sometimes I think I am a magnet for these encounters I swear I'm being setup. :biglaugh:
Glad your getting on top of hight issues my friend. Is there a Mrs stage? If not why in the name of all that is holy did you let a sex therapist and her fit mates just drive away? :passitleft::rofl:

Yep, you guessed it. Ms. Stage wouldn't be too pleased if she knew. :)
I had to thank Nick for the light height suggestion. This plant is so hardy and robust. I would recommend TH seeds bubblegum to anyone at this stage. Genetics cannot be overlooked when choosing a strain. The expression of her after 14 weeks of veg has me convinced she is a super plant. She has what it takes to be a 1lb monster. :morenutes:
Just made it through, good read man! Nice take on the autos.

I guess I just got here for the best part. I am a proud member of the "mile high club" this might make me strive for the "lb club" next.
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