Spike's Grow Room

just with mom and her bo,she thinks since i have right leg pain and numbness
maybe the,,,,,ooh sharp pain just now right in spine,uff da---WWI oh yeah
maybe my back is numbing my colon ,intestines so i cant go as easy.who knows.tonighjt i am going to smoke ice instead of widow,widow has helped and helped me sleep,thank goodness for smoke.:tokin:
You ever try one of those ergonomic "chairs" that you kind of kneel on the bottom angled pad and sit on the upper one? Keeps your back straight somehow without having to "hold" it straight. Feels like it's just natural. But it wouldn't do anything about compression-related pain of course so I have no idea if it would help you.

Speaking of compression, would gravity boots help? Problem with those is that if you're weak and in pain, you might not be able to get off the bar without a helper.

what are gravity boots soul
just with mom and her bo,she thinks since i have right leg pain and numbness
maybe the,,,,,ooh sharp pain just now right in spine,uff da---WWI oh yeah
maybe my back is numbing my colon ,intestines so i cant go as easy.who knows.tonighjt i am going to smoke ice instead of widow,widow has helped and helped me sleep,thank goodness for smoke.:tokin:

Morphine definitely gums you up. My screen name (Horse Badorties from The Fan Man by William Kotzwinkle) had a paragoric thing, major stoppage. Big topic in the book. Opiates.

As for smoking the ice, will it take you out of the running for nug of the month if it's gone? :)

Frozen ice and heat may help some. Ice for 15mins, helps reduce swelling and adds some numbness... wait 1/2 hour heat it up with a rice bag. Gets some blood flowing, blood helps in healing. Keep repeating until it wears you out, or until you see one's helping more than the other.

Shit, it hurts to hear you're hurtin', sorry man.

Hey spike, if you don't mind drop by my thread and give me your input on my future strains.

And get better!! :peacetwo:
Thanks horse I have been doing ice and heat both it does help awhile but the movement just to get shit set up hurts enough not to do.the best thing now im doing is laying in the lazy boy reclined.i have the lidocaine patches and smoking-laying off the morphine so i can go again.dont care about contest
anymore,i voted for hogdaddy.lol-----i just hope i sleep some tonight.Thanks for caring.:tokin:
Hey spike, if you don't mind drop by my thread and give me your input on my future strains.

And get better!! :peacetwo:
will do lighter in the morning,thx for being a bro.:tokin:
what are gravity boots soul


They're not, strictly speaking, boots. They allow you to hang inverted from a bar in a doorway. Said by many to help decompress the spine area.


May also be used with a "table" device that allows you to invert yourself by placing your arm(s) over your head. Handy if you don't have a helper and cannot reach up to pull yourself off of the bar.

WARNING: I am no back surgeon. I am no chiropractor, either (always struck me as pretty "iffy" that someone would work to make a person feel better... for a couple of weeks, and then work to make them feel better... for a couple of weeks... Probably good for job-security though, lol when you can guarantee yourself repeat business). These things might help you - or they might not. There is some debate as to whether it is helpful and as with all things that involve your spine (or eyes), consult a professional, ask someone in your condition who's used them, and be very careful.

From Wikipedia's article on gravity boots:
Gravity boots are ankle supports designed to allow a person to hang upside down. Thanks to exposure in television dramas and movies in the 1980s, gravity boots became a common fitness tool in homes across the United States.

Today, gravity boots are used by the U.S. Army and have experienced a surge in popularity in 2006 with Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown praising them as well. Several companies manufacture and market gravity boots under various trade names.

The purported benefits of gravity boots range from the relief of back pain and headaches to increased oxygen flow to the brain. Some people use gravity boots to add an extra challenge to workouts, doing inverted crunches or squats, while others such as Uri Geller use them increase blood flow the brain, in the belief that it facilitates thinking.
From Wikipedia's article on inversion therapy:
When the body's weight is suspended from the lower body — rather than borne on the hands as in handstands or headstands or hanging from a bar with arms at sides, which are also forms of inversion — the pull of gravity may decompress the joints of the body below the anchor. Hanging by the feet, as with gravity boots or inversion tables, causes each joint in the body to be loaded in an equal and opposite manner to standing in an identical position of joint alignment. Inversion therapy of this sort is often commercially advertised as a relief for back pain, but it is not widely regarded as a serious treatment.

Proponents claim that inversion therapy is particularly beneficial for the spine in that it relieves pressure on the discs and nerve roots; this in turn allows discs to recover lost moisture and to return to their original shape, decreasing the pressure they can exert on nerves. Skeptics note that pressure is also relieved when lying down in bed. Proponents counter that while gravity-related pressure is removed, the pressure of tight muscles is not, and that traction is needed to allow the possible space between spinal discs to be realized.

Holding the bones of the spine and legs together, the ligaments crossing the joints under traction are subjected to pulling forces, assisted by passive muscle tension, the skin, and the fascia. Proponents claim gradual introduction and increases of the intensity and duration of traction can cause stimulation for the strength of ligaments to increase.
Health risks
People who have heart disease, high blood pressure, eye diseases (such as glaucoma), or are pregnant are at higher risk for the dangers related to inversion therapy and should consult their doctors about it first. Such people would have to progress very slowly, starting at very light levels of inversion. The first time anyone tries inversion therapy with gravity, they should be sure to have someone standing by, in case assistance is required to get out of the apparatus, or if health problems are experienced.
Hey Thank-you TS lot of info there,I have seen a cheap version advertised on t.v.I have often thought I would like to try them another idea to take to docs office.If I had 1 here and a couple spotters i would go for it.TS that
is very kind bro to be helping me Thank you.:tokin:
Bubble Gum looks yummy!! I know this is kind of the opposite of the devices shown on the last page, but one thing I do sometimes for my back is to stand on my head. It actually feels really good. May sound silly, but its pretty easy to do.

Just place your hands behind your head like you would if you were doing a sit up. Face the wall with 6-8 inches between your head and the wall. If you are perfectly verticle, you will just fall back again, you need to be angled at the wall a little bit for support. Getting on your knees, hands behind your head, facing the wall using your head/arms as a "base", arch your back so your butt is up in the air, and push off. It may take a few tries to get right, and you will feel like a dork in the process, but eventually you should be able to get your legs up balanced against the wall. Try and hold it for a minute or two, then lower yourself down. I find despite "compressing" my spine a bit, it actually allows me to stretch and losen up easier after I do it a few times than if I had not done it at all.

I don't know how easy that would be for you to do with your back conditions, but I have scholiosis (sp) and it helps me out a lot. Thought I would throw that out there. :smokin:
Thx Odin if I can get 2 people here to help I might try,i think once i got up there it would be ok(maybe)but to get up alone will kill and i kill now just sitting here,getting upset at this whole thing i dont know how much more i can take,got a big quilt folded on floor so i can lay on in living room,thats where the air is,92 here and humid as hell.thx bro,i'll see if mom and a freind who lives near by might wanna help.mom will freak i bet. + reps :tokin:
well i brought up stand on head idea-mom and her bo about to shoot me for even thinking about it.my bone density is so bad i would just snap something
doing it.i used to do that and felt so good afterward.and those who know me good know i have not slept in a bed for couple years cause when i wake up
im so stiff i cant get up,so I sleep in a lazy boy which is kinda like a hospital bed and not half as stiff then.sometimes though you just want to lay flat ya know and stretch which i now do on the floor.I dont know whats going to happen monday,but if i have to i just may sleep at the hospital thats the way i feel now.:tokin:
well i brought up stand on head idea-mom and her bo about to shoot me for even thinking about it.my bone density is so bad i would just snap something

I don't know about that (although it is certainly possible if your bones are shot or decalcified or something) - but if yours is a compression-related injury then you'd probably not enjoy it.

Be something to ask your doctor: Would you have relief decompressing, compressing, or neither? You would want to be able to maintain alignment as much as possible, I'd think.

But I'm no back doctor, just an amateur... head doctor:winkyface:.

Good luck! Oh, and continued good luck with your garden as well, lol.
You are Great with opinions and helping TS,my problems are compression related from jumping cars with the skateboard.my discs are shot from top to bottom(middle 1s aren't that bad.Thx again TS soon I will have some kind of answer.:tokin:
hey spike, how long have you been flowering that bubblegum for? My flowering plants are only under 12/12 for 2 weeks and the buds are way bigger than usual at this point, they look about the size and development of yours.
hey spike, how long have you been flowering that bubblegum for? My flowering plants are only under 12/12 for 2 weeks and the buds are way bigger than usual at this point, they look about the size and development of yours.

K2 I went to your thread couldn't see what your growing,you just finished a grow didn't you,did good too qty.is your new grow bubble or what.
Spike you need to put wheels on them planters !! Maybe even a remote controll truck to drag them out into the sun , while you lay in a nice hammock with a cold beer and a fatty !!
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