Spike's Grow Room

I reinjured my vertabrae that were broken years ago.
"If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of my body."
Right. Not likely.
I don't remember my mom warning me, she would just haul me or my brothers down to Emergency.
Nobody expected me to get old, least of all me. Suprise!
At least we have sweet MJ ;)
Howdy MMMMMMMMick back feeling better just cant do shit like I used too.
plants are doing good trying to get my cloning to a few steps,right now I
have a easier process then the 1st 1s where I was going in and out of light
3 times a day.Now I just get the clone in the dirt,12 hrs. dark and then 18
hrs very low light,it does wilt a little but perks after some dark again.
Then I increase it closer to direct light each day.so far so good.:peace:
"If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of my body."
Right. Not likely.
I don't remember my mom warning me, she would just haul me or my brothers down to Emergency.
Nobody expected me to get old, least of all me. Suprise!
At least we have sweet MJ ;)
Were all glad your still around GATOR.lol:welcome:
damn spike.. Haven't had a chance to swing by lately. Good luck on that sour cream. I will tell you to be careful while smoking that, it's a serious strain. I picked up a quarter of it a while back, and all I can say is DAMN. Some great smoke, probably the best strain I've ever smoked personally. Be careful growing it too, it was the stinkiest bud I've ever had. I bagged it 3 times, put it in a drawer, and it still smelled like it was laying on the table haha.

I don't have a journal for whats going on now, but I have 4 more of the kushberries in veg.. Coming up on their 5th node, growing great, very compact. I can't wait to see what they do when grown out big. The sad thing is, I smoked pretty much all of my last harvest already lol.. about 2.5 months left till next harvest so I better slow it down a bit.
Yaa K2 It has been a long time I should have went looking for you,hows life.
Glad you told me about the sour,I have only grown like 5 or 6 strains.Been
working hard at getting my clones down to a repeatable version way of doing
it so far been doing diff.every plant but its coming around.WE can't be such strangers.:welcome::welcome::welcome:
I would like to try the kushberrie,heard alot about it.
Howdy MMMMMMMMick back feeling better just cant do shit like I used too.
plants are doing good trying to get my cloning to a few steps,right now I
have a easier process then the 1st 1s where I was going in and out of light
3 times a day.Now I just get the clone in the dirt,12 hrs. dark and then 18
hrs very low light,it does wilt a little but perks after some dark again.
Then I increase it closer to direct light each day.so far so good.:peace:

Glad to hear you're coming around Spike.

Yeah I do 48 hours dark, or in a fairly dark corner, then a low power flouro at 18 to 24 inches for 3 or 4 days(longer if they're slow to start growing again).Just give them enough light for energy to produce roots. When they start to show new growth I drop the light over a 2 or 3 day stretch down to a few inches above the tops. Same general idea, we both give them minimal light until they show they can use more. I don't usually get much, if any, wilting. Some strains yellow a bit but thats probably due to the amount of nutes they carried when cloned.

I've read they will root faster if the mother is leached of nitrogen by heavy spraying every day for a week or so but I haven't tried it yet.

I was hitting 100% then I started to use the 90w UFO because it was idle. They did not like that much light, even a couple of feet away. Back to the low flouros and all is good again.

Your way is working great for you.
cool. glad your recovering well. that sucks about the back. At least you have some meds! Nice experiments on the cloning too! I hope it goes well. keep it up man.

..........well, back to lurking. See ya!
Great pics. I love the nice contrast ratios that really show the different colors. Very sorry to hear about the truck and your back. Throwing out a back is so debilitating. You don't think about how everything is connected to your back until its broke.

I have back problems too. I have osteopenia in my L1 and L2 spine. The cure for what ails me causes other issues... You and I are both glad that we have our meds!
thank-you tall 1 and papa and jason,I'm on disability cause of my back
I just can't do some things,but when your broke down you got to do something.Its that van the last time I broke vertabrae was changing a
flat on the van,that van is obsessed with hurting me.lol
tiny clone experiment

this was how they were in 1 cup(stupid)
this is now-these were tiny 2 in. branches bottom of young veg. plant

so their off and growing so that works,these grow up looking like reg. plant,roots on both 5 inches
this is how they grow up to be
spike aka the clone whore haha that my name for you. You do such a Nasty job on your clones they look the same. Perhaps not for you but in pics they look the same. Good work, you'll get them lights upgraded soon. Whats the rush when you have healthy looking plants? Better than nothing my friend. Glad to hear your doing better.
LOL. as soon as i am back in business and start my clone army for my clone wars I will be give your bg method a try first!
clone whores,,,,,clone army,,,,,,and clone wars I think we got a movie:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: In part 1 of CLONE WARS

We have bg clone whores trying to infiltrate the clone army,with their
smaller size but ample leafage the bg's are hoping to put down roots before
General Myzz,Sargeant Lighter will notice and top them.lol
LOL. as soon as i am back in business and start my clone army for my clone wars I will be give your bg method a try first!
Lighter what do you mean back in business,you mean got no grow going or you quit for a bit?
or cause of the move I bet.
Ya its the move back to the good ol house where I cant touch anything or get kicked out. But... I did manage to get some real DANK strains from the attitude so far this summer, so when i get an apartment again I will be growing balls to the wall no holding back. I will finally be able to compete with ya haha

If you go to my old grow thread you can see the strains I managed to get ahold of. link is in my sig if your not subbed anymore.
LMAO sounds interesting. I shall be growing by next month hopefully. Once I get the perpetual thing figured out then I shall join in on the cloning, got a 5gal clone bucket in mind i stole from somewhere else. Damn I wish i had a stash of some goods, money is tight going to be moving finally and oo what a lovely closet it is. A few modifications and ima be rocking. And NP on the name lol i was going to say it a few days back but i didnt feel it was right but you are damn good at duplicating them looks like the same plant cant tell the difference in pic.
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