Spike's Grow Room

Galadriel, I am able to spend alot of time with the plants and whatever I know I learned right here and I came here because I needed to learn to
grow for my brothers sake(seizures)and it has gave him a better life.
The 420 site here means alot to me and family because my mom does
not have to buy it and now her boyfreind is terminally ill and it helps him
out to and mom doesn't worry about jail anymore.Thank-you for your kind words.:thumb::surf:Your gallery is AWESOME,you are as good or better than me .:thumb::surf:

Now I am truly humbled. I too spend a lot of time with my girls. My blood disorders prevent me from having a traditional job do to risk cutting, bruising while on blood thinners.

My Hubby has CP, and he get's colonnus (sp?) seizures in his legs and also has chronic pain because his muscles are ALWAYS tense. He is also a medical patient too. I am fortunate that Colorado has an amendment to their constitution that allows us to use MMJ. He was taking 4 Tylenol 4's a day to control his pain, and the next thing our doctor was going to prescribe was methadone. So we asked about MMJ, and she agreed it was better for him than the prescriptions that she could write.

I hope you don't mind me coming in here and picking your brain from time to time!
tiny bg clone(dont know about this 1-stem is 1/4 inch long,couldn't put in dirt yet.
Something is wrong with Sadie,the parrot I rescued she is old,not sure how old.I saw her this morning like wobbling and now at night she can barely
perch herself let alone walk.I dont know I cant afford a vet,I hope shes gonna make it but I think otherwise,shes just to wobbly and weak.Uff da
I hate when pets die,I went to visit old people in a home and sadie was there
all covered up in the daytime so I started talking to staff and noboby knew who took care of her,no food little water so I took her shes been a great parrot for the months I've had her.sad

Sadie 2 months ago having a bath
Thank goodness sadie is still alive today haven't got her out yet,kinda scared
I dont want to see her wobbly.ok just had her out seems better not so wobbly.
should leave in cage today,thank goodness.
well I did a little reading for sadie - Long story short-she had poop around her butt under the feathers could not see-but had to wash off hot water
keep some heat on the area and she pooped a big 1 and seems a little better
she is still wobbly butt what the hell,and I'm hitten the bubblegum. UFF DA
hell I didn't check on shit until I did smoke,see opens the mind, makes you weigh options.
I hope Sadie gets better and pulls through! But, even if not, you provided her with a comfortable and happy home. A lot better way to go than being neglected and starving. Your a great guy for rescuing her!:goodluck:
Your flowering clone looks great! I got good yields from my 2 successful clones.
(Yoda voice to BG clones) Feel the force flowing through you. Grow large buds, you must.:biglaugh:
With that SC and BG you'll have a sweet and sour garden!
Best of luck to you and Sadie!:peace:
Hey spike, glad to hear Sadie is doing better. And reps to Tiger Balm for doing some research. :peace:
So happy Sadie is doing better! Hubby and I both have service animals, and would be devastated if anything bad happened to them.

I'll also be curious to find out if those seeds you bought are female. I know it says they are feminized, but I was lurking in Pit Viper's Journal, and his feminized seeds that he bought turned out to be males. The seed company is replacing them, but man, all that time and effort to grow and flower, only to find out they are males! Ugh!
I'll also be curious to find out if those seeds you bought are female. I know it says they are feminized, but I was lurking in Pit Viper's Journal, and his feminized seeds that he bought turned out to be males. The seed company is replacing them, but man, all that time and effort to grow and flower, only to find out they are males! Ugh!

That happens more than you'd think. I have a friend dealing with this right now. Paid top $$$ for not so feminizied seeds.
That happens more than you'd think. I have a friend dealing with this right now. Paid top $$$ for not so feminizied seeds.
6 times I have bought fem. seeds and always been that.
dope seeds.com-- has never let me down
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