Spike's Grow Room

mamas filling in

Man, mama ain't gonna fit in her thong no more :goodjob:
Hi there man. Sorry I just had to catch up on a few pages here, I've been on and off 420 lately. Busy busy. Got the new growlab tent up and running, and am just stopping by to see what I missed. I did infact get your PM, and replied. did you get the reply? I still have little to no Idea what the Credits are for, so i thought it best to just ignore them untill they tell us. to hell with it. lol

Thanx for the plug on my cindy99. she DID get 2nd place, but on the 1st month that they don't hook you up for it. lol go figure. Yes and no on the rootbound thing. I grow in Coir, and the girls do have excessive root structure, but since they don't search for nutes like in soil they will continue to grow like a hydroponic system for the most part. Once they get this big in such a little pot they will get touchy and tempermental though. I'm upgrading to bigger pots now since i have more height to work with in the tent. it's 6' ceiling, so I figure I can get a 4 x 4' plants out of there. We'll see.
anyways, I like your cloning method, and hope to try it out sometime soon. but I gotta do it when I'm going to be around alot. How often do you end up switching them from light to dark thru a day?

I hope so. I actually hope that we can get past that and just end the prohabition.

bye for now!!! Keep up the great work and thread!:cheer:

YO Jason about trying the bg cloning method,take the cutting with cloning gel or whatever you got put her in good dirt and give her a day of dark.
Then take her out and depending on how close to the light you put it will depend on how long.at first I give them 4 hrs,but thats far enough away they feel no heat, same distance for a few days and increase a few hrs. each day,if you are going to be gone awhile just keep them farther away.
Even if they wilt alot just put them in dark till they spruce up,and of course keep damp all the time,I give a little water daily,and you know no nutes.
Hey J was this beauty close to root bound,great job on growing this winner.:bravo:

Say I used a container that size but with a potting soil, would the plant become root bound very quick and even make it to flowering? Surely it would not grow so big? Just curious because, the smaller pots means smaller plants but it means more plants per sq/ft
yea, in a pot that small in soil you'd run into alot of problems down the road unless you have smaller plants in them. Sea of green style might work ok, but I'd still recommend 1qallons for that with soil. the 5 1/4" square pots are probably too small even for that in soil. Definatly would help get more plants per sq/ft though.

Sorry for the hyjack Spike. I hope all is well at your homestead!
Ya sorry spike I just had to ask that question!! You can have your thread back now LOL.

Oh and I still want all your plants spike.
Hey spiked how you been? Plants are lookin good and tasty...Finally found a place to buy and it gets sun all day long..and a shop about the size of a 1 car garage... I'm stoked, will be signing contract tomorrow. Green house is in the back of my truck ready to go.Have to go to seattle in a.m for 5th yr. ct scan..this puts me in the 6% catagory of survivors for lasting past 5 yrs. with type cancer i have... woooo whooooo
hey Af how goes it,I have 3 bubblegum clones and big mama gum and a ice plant no widows now,goodto hear from ya.post some pics,we have a new sponsor,I might get a small led to go with the rest I got.

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