Spike's Grow Room

Hey spike +reps on the cloning method. There are many cloning methods out there,but the most effective seems to be the simplest. Did you find out whats up with the credits? I have credits but hate to admit I haven't donated to 420 yet ( out of work,and broke) so it must be something else. :goodjob: :peace:
Thx for the kind words,I just tried it and every time I took them out of darkness they looked great so when they didn't look great right back to darkness and the darkness can be shortened the older the clone is getting.
I think I know what the credits are and how to get them but I don't wanna say till I know or I mean we all know.:surf::thanks:
new pics

this is that little clone after just a couple days of full light now

Ice plant(ice grows slow,at least for me)
I kept trying to clone with conventional ways but some always died,the bg method I have not even seen 1 a little sick, for me it works well so far 100 percent.(knock on wood)I didn't learn it just did it and did it 1st with the
bubblegum strain,thus bg method,and thats my initials.
Bg cloning method.

I thought maybe I would put up here the way I do clones because it is
working so good for me.Alot might say to much work but it works.

I take my cutting,scratch up stem where rooting gel goes,put the gel on and plant in good dirt.then water good, Then she goes right into darkness 24 hrs.take out next day and just put it near but not to close to veg. light the
minute it starts a little wilt back to darkness.Each day when you take out of dark it will be spry and looking good,put near light when it wilts samething.
after a week or 10 days you can leave in light and thats it.Since I've done this they have all lived.

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