Spike's Grow Room

Thx Cap for that advice and I'm not going to worry about pill head because he won't do anything that may keep the pills away.So I have 5 2 are half done in flower and 3 just got going,then 2 blue mystic,jazzed for that.
:thanks: again Cap
Hey Light 1 good to type with you again,Thank-you for the pos vibes back at you,lets not be strangers.:welcome::Namaste: + Reps

Thanks for the reps Spike.. Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while, I've been slacking on commenting in other people's journals, but I always stop by a give a peek.:yummy:
Sorry to hear about that B/S your brother did. Sounds to me like he needs alot of Tuff Love.

I smoked some Widow last week and lets say it was awesome, I've never had a chance to taste some cheese. Maybe one day I can get me a clone of that a a few others I want to grow.

Keep doing what you do my friend!
Hey I'm just glad to yap at you again light 1,yaa my bro is leaving burning bridges for sure,fire isn't out either though he's in Mo.I just want to get to
my next grow.Cheese is great but I can let it grow forever and thats not
in the plan but if I want to max. the yeild I should wait and wait.
It's good to yap you as well bro. I understand the feeling about being stressed, I have been dealing with things my daughter's mother has been trying to pull. So I have been in and out of court over sh!t she has done wondering should I pull my girls or not, they have buds but not fully mature a couple more weeks and they'll be ready to harvest. They have nothing on me so they can suck on my 3rd leg, lmao....
It's good to yap you as well bro. I understand the feeling about being stressed, I have been dealing with things my daughter's mother has been trying to pull. So I have been in and out of court over sh!t she has done wondering should I pull my girls or not, they have buds but not fully mature a couple more weeks and they'll be ready to harvest. They have nothing on me so they can suck on my 3rd leg, lmao....

Good luck with the L1U - I can relate. Nothing more stressful, either, imho.

Sorry to hear you have more worries with your brothers issues, Spike. It is a different world with pill addicts and what they'll do, but I doubt you'll have to worry. Either way, stay safe and be healthy my friend. :bong:
sorry to hear about your bro man, just keep your head up and kinda lay low until things clear up. I definitely wouldn't be giving him any more meds until he straightens up. You can also just tell him you found out what he was doing and decided to stop growing since he clearly didn't appreciate it. Whatever you decide to do, just keep your head clear and you'll make the right decisions
Thanks K2 thats exactly whats happened.No more meds,already have told him I quit growing so it can filter to his pill head friend.And every plant is flowering already so I can get to the blue mystic grow.If I need to wait a bit to start thats fine too,outdoor grow will be here soon so I will have plenty
if needed.Thanks K2 your my gro bro,bro.:thanks: + reps
Your grows looking great :bravo: I've been so busy I haven't done much online either. I put 9 on 12/12 around the 15 of Aug then the grandson moved in and had to get him in school and all the crap that goes with it. I'm just thankful he's not the type to want 100$ tennis shoes and jeans. Well... they started to flower in 5 day's and by the end of the second week the buds were the size of a dime. I added something different called "Ionic" and I have a slight problem with nute burn on the older leaves but looks like it's under control. I've decided to cut way back on my count and might not start any more for awhile. The Michigan State police are setting up sting operations big time. Caregiver to patient is now illegal unless you don't charge. So most dispensary's & care givers now just charge a "consulting fee" for their patients. I went to the rally in Lansing yesterday, got there about 4 hrs. before it started and helped do some set up. Then I got to personally meet the owner/editor of High Times Mag and a lot of the others from Michigan fighting for our rights. The governor is trying to GUT our laws BIG time! Met a lawyer who warned ALL to be very careful and under no circumstances sell to no one who is not under our name in the Michigan system. Have to make sure their cards are legal. The police are targeting home owners so the State can confiscate all their property and resell it to make money for themselves. High Times is having a get together next month in Detroit and I'm planning to go. We had around 3000 people there yesterday and I hope our legislators were listening cause we're not rolling over now or ever! We ALL need to support those fighting for the cause nationwide or we'll all loose. Michigan is leading the fight for all the rest of the states so they can get rid of their MM laws too! Well better go & tend the new girls, it's getting cold here and hope they're not stressing out. Because we don't know who's watching I can't post pictures anymore. They don't have a crying smiley but would post one if I could. Have a great week!
Yep, my brother is in a shit storm of addiction and wrong living too my friend, thoughts and prayers out to you and yours:Namaste:
Yaa Quix if it didn't screw my mom up so much I could deal with it better.I for
the life of me cannot get my mom from helping him and that goes way back
and very deep inside her as in 1964 my folks got a divorce and all us kids went
with my Dad.Back then this was unheard of,but I feel she is now trying to
make up some time or something,ya know now that he is in mo.I want the
enabling to at least slow way down,well see.:peace:
My Paranoia is sucking,seen a cop parked across the street this morning and
there are 20 houses all around him and I think hes looking at me.uff da
I don't know what he was doing but this has got to stop.I am going to
finish the plants I have and then clean the hell out of the grow room and
that will be my break before I start the blue mystic.Can't wait to grow them
but I want no paranoia while I am doing so.:thumb:
Yaa things are fine mishap,I had a little widow and I'm feeling cool about things.I learned the cop in front of my house was there for a earlier
accident so there ya go,paranoid.Anyway my back was hurting earlier
because mom and me moved a lazy boy in and after the widow 80 percent better.:thanks:
My Paranoia is sucking,seen a cop parked across the street this morning and
there are 20 houses all around him and I think hes looking at me.uff da
I don't know what he was doing but this has got to stop.I am going to
finish the plants I have and then clean the hell out of the grow room and
that will be my break before I start the blue mystic.Can't wait to grow them
but I want no paranoia while I am doing so.:thumb:

Man I hate that - stuff like that makes me paranoid too, ugh!
Hope all is well! Oh...and your not the only one paranoid! :bravo:
Did you move yet?
Can stay in this house till april if I want.So got to think where to move then.
cheese filling in slowly


I can't wait till my cheese is flowering, I can't tell you I've ever smoked cheese, so it will be an interesting experience for sure. You have real nice trich development on the fan leaves, looking great bro
I can't wait till my cheese is flowering, I can't tell you I've ever smoked cheese, so it will be an interesting experience for sure. You have real nice trich development on the fan leaves, looking great bro
thought I would throw this in about the smoke,helps pain too.looks like cheese even.

Strain information :

Type : indica / sativa [mix] crossbreed
Climate : indoor / outdoor
Yield : up to 24.5 ounces / 700 grams m2
Height : up to 31.5 inches / 80 cm
Flowering period : 8 to 10 weeks
Harvest : end of september, mid october
Stoned or High:very strong clear yet stoney high
THC level : strong 15% to 20%
Grow difficulty: Moderate
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