Spike's Grow Room

They are doing great i lost a 10 footer DNA kushberry bent the top over and it had balls on it 2 flowers were opened i pulled it up and drug it up the holler and burned him i hope it didnt mess up all my ladies ill know soon enough them feminized seeds are a crap shoot or i did something wrong i started getting a little worried because she was only supose to get 4 to 5 foot i thought i had the monster kushberry i still got 1 more im watching her close well put up new pics in my gallery this week hope you and yours are doing good :peacetwo:
thank-you weedy,,,,xl hope all is well with you bro's,yaa I am jazzed to do the blue mystic just a couple plants and they are getting full light and attn.
i want the mystic to be as good as I can make it.:peacetwo:
Funny thing is, that knowledge is usually given to us by teachers and parents early on, but we dont listen....we have to learn for ourselves somethimes....
Thats true Quix,I knew what I was doing just putting it off ya know but then
didn't finish through with with just putting off.That turned into forgot,,remember,,don't know how much I owe,,wheres any papers
and ya know that was it.I dreamingly thought they might not catch it
Yup that was a Dream all right.Now I will just pay them and have no
savings.Moving money ,I'll make due,I am just mad at me. thats not lasting long.lol
Man I'm sorry to hear that Spike. Life throws us curveballs, and sometimes we throw our own curveballs. We all do it. Hang in there buddy, will send good thoughts and vibes your way. Hope things look up soon. :goodluck:
my widow stick turned into a 3 fingered leaf mutant widow clone,but its looking good
just let her fill in.
Man I am feeling like I just want to beat on well somethin,I've meditated,listened to a talk on frontal lobe thinking and I am still just--------------!yaa I got your frontal lobe alright.Uff da
vent a minute,,,, Maybe its the irs shit that I blew yrs.ago before I used my whole brain,,,,or my house is gone in apiril for a parking lot to a gravestone company,,,even the people who have passed are telling me something,,,or
the tire I just got that was flat this morning,,,or my mom who is in mo.
enabling my bro which is killing them both,,,or they are taking more money
out of my disability checks,,,car needs heater work before its 20 below,,,,
need money for that,,,still need a tire or patch,,,bro, naughty as he is had
nine seizures in mo. clinic yesterday,,,Thx for listening even if you didn't.
I'm listening bro. My thoughts are with you my friend. Try to focus on the things in your control and what you need to do for you. Maybe smoke some B-Gum and spend time in your beautiful garden.
Even with the 3 leaf thing, the Widow is starting to fill in nicely.
Positive vibes to you, brother!
;)Thx Tri,you are right and I think writing something down helped too.I just
for some reason this afternoon I was in a bad place and I'm not used to that
but like you said I am focusing on what I have to do to make things tolerable
at for me.Thank-you Tri,,,,mean that :thumb:
What a diff. a day makes.Tri I thought pos. thoughts this morning,got my tax shit and walked into h@r block, sat this gal down and told her wats up.The whole time I was pushing the pos vibes out the frontal lobe of the brain and to make a short story long the gal did the part I needed done now or trouble
was coming, she sealed it up,licked the envelope(very nicely)and mailed that baby off
and she did it for free and will be there for the next 1 as I owe 1 more time.
If more people acted like Sherry the world would be much nicer.Thx again Tri!
The mutant widow is kicken it.I am giving it in flower,- hps and mh.Also
some big cfls.I have 1 more just like her as these 2 were going to be my
widow stix.Now there 3 fingered mutant widow bushes and this gal is white.
By this picture you can see I have no screens,thus AF.and I have no lighter,them wooden matches
once you strike that baby you can have 4 different fires.And I have no nails as I cut up buds with
the scizzers not really I always cut them up.
vent a minute,,,, Maybe its the irs shit that I blew yrs.ago before I used my whole brain,,,,or my house is gone in apiril for a parking lot to a gravestone company,,,even the people who have passed are telling me something,,,or
the tire I just got that was flat this morning,,,or my mom who is in mo.
enabling my bro which is killing them both,,,or they are taking more money
out of my disability checks,,,car needs heater work before its 20 below,,,,
need money for that,,,still need a tire or patch,,,bro, naughty as he is had
nine seizures in mo. clinic yesterday,,,Thx for listening even if you didn't.

I listened Spike, even if I was a few days late. Sorry, but I've been so busy lately and dealing with some health things and have fallen behind, but I always read what you write and follow your journal even if I do fall a day or two behind. I've been sending you positive vibes...

What a diff. a day makes.Tri I thought pos. thoughts this morning,got my tax shit and walked into h@r block, sat this gal down and told her wats up.The whole time I was pushing the pos vibes out the frontal lobe of the brain and to make a short story long the gal did the part I needed done now or trouble
was coming, she sealed it up,licked the envelope(very nicely)and mailed that baby off
and she did it for free and will be there for the next 1 as I owe 1 more time.
If more people acted like Sherry the world would be much nicer.Thx again Tri!

Awesome, I'm so glad to hear things are looking up a bit. Maybe the positive vibes we've been sending are being received? Hope so. :)

Widow's lookin' nice and frosty and healthy. Will be packing buds on now!

Take care my friend. :high-five:
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