Spike's Grow Room

That bud looks mighty fine well every thing is in bloom i got two kushberry suppose two be 8 week 4 to 5 foot mine are like10 and 9 there just starting to get hairs on em that will put me into October the way this weather is hope they don't freeze Hope you and yours are doing:thumb: fine
Hope all yours make it papa.
This is a fimmed clone,I fimmed it before I took it as a clone put it in the
bubbler and now she's rooted.Think she will make some nice clones herself.

Turned on my shower this morning and "BAM" the pipe broke off just inside
the wall behind the shower head,times like this I am glad I rent this house.
Now if it would of happened in my house that I rent to my daughters family
that would be a drag,cause old Grandpa would have to come running to get that taken care of.
I just watched a show bedbug Apocalypse and I will never sleep good again,my god them things are nasty and hard to kill,and since my shower blew up I might as well start packing.lol:helpsmilie::hmmmm:

:yikes: YIKES! I can't stand watching shows like that - they make it impossible for me to sleep good afterwards. Yuck!

Sorry to hear about your shower, glad it's at least a rental situation....

Hope all else is well for you Spike!
K2 you and me just keep on pumping em out,huh,:thumb: wtg bro!

yeah bro perpetual is the way to go. I have a nice big harvest coming up from when my veg light went out and I had to flower all my clones. I have like 6-7 SLH and another 6 wonder woman all ready for chop in the next month. the SLH is a month along and the buds are fat but there are barely any trichs. She usually starts producing them around week 6-7 and then out to 12 weeks it goes. as much as I hate the long flower time, the smoke is well worth it.
Sometimes k2 our alikeness in whats going on in growing is uncanny,I am
flowering all my clones as I had more for the outdoor guy got to late.I want
to get all my light power on the blue mystic I'm going to grow,I will have a
few widow or cheese clones in the bubbler to be safe.The blue mys I am
going to just do a few and see how nice I can get them.We sure do end up
in the same predicts don't we.Flowering all our shit for 1 reason or another
at the same time.:peacetwo:

p.s. I have had 2 plants that had big buds but almost no tris I just took it as
this certain plant cause others of the same came out beauty.
Outdoor guy came over and fixed the shower in 30 min.and I am still using the same parts,if it happens again somewhere I will know just what to do
(love learning)as long as I have a tap.He said the plants are nice but the
widow clones didn't get as big as he would have liked.But they are bushy.
that cheese looks real nice man.

If you're in the market for a new light anytime soon, I just picked up a revolt ballast, they're an underdog and by the quality I've experienced from the ballast, it is worth telling everyone about it. It's a 600w dimmable and runs quieter than my digi greenhouse ballast, I swear its brighter too, I have my old MH bulb on there dialed down to 50% and its about 16" from my vegging plants and they're loving it, I can't wait to get some tight nodes, and this light is just in time for the new strains I'm adding-- aurora indica, master kush, afghan kush, og kush #18, and then whatever 2 freebies I get in there too. I'm pumped for this.

You ever look into vertical growing at all? I have some plans drafted up for my flower room to run a vertical cage style setup with a drip system. Just gotta finish piecing the parts and I can start building. real excited about this, should take a lot of the manual work out of it, watering that many plants in small containers generally leads to me missing one or 2 and stressing them out. I'll post up some pics when i get everything together.

keep that cheese green man, it looks great
Man K2 you are getting down it will be great to watch.:welldone:

You hear just an hour ago 5.9 in Virginia felt in atlanta and ohio.
A church ceiling in new york came down.We are living in an interesting
times to say the least.:Namaste:
yeah I'm around 300 miles from where it happened and I felt it for a brief 5 seconds or so. I was in a building in the city and it felt pretty crazy as the building swayed side to side, not to mention the possible hurricane thats about to hit the east coast. things are definitely changing, as the course of nature continues and man continues to rape the earth of its resources.
Love the strains your growing k2,yup we are in a time of changes on mother earth and I don''t think she is happy.I am watching the New Madrid fault now
as she can kick some ass with the quakes that in the past have been huge.
Any of us from colorado did you feel the 2 there?:peacetwo::popcorn:
Ya that plant looks great ya them bed bugs are crazy you know when i go on vacation i take my own pillow sleeping bag and flip flops for the shower my wife thinks im a germafobe they say you should change out your mattress every 8 years and it will weigh more just because of the stuff that falls off us now im scratching any how hope all is well with you and yours Spike :peacetwo:
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