Spike's Grow Room

Hey Xl I hope that your health is ok and I think your pos vibes worked
because I woke up the other morning on a mission and a new found energy
that I used to right my ship.I totally believe if you think,meditate on some 1
it can reach them and some part of the mind will pick up on it.Thank you Bro.
3 newest flowering gals as I get rid of all before next grow,these just got to fill in.
That was gonna be my other widow stick but shes turned into a bush 2.The
back 2 are cheese they can grow a long time,and double size.

Hope all is well with my gro bros.
I'm sitting here thinking I am not going to be able to grow the mystic for a while as these cheese need to finish and there are 3 more clones that I can flower.With my cash the way it is I can't get the bigger light I need and I can't
keep shoving plants under the lights.I want full power on 2 mystic plants and see how
good I can grow them,I plan on growing these 2 plants as if they were my
last 2,can't wait-but I have too.:Namaste:
Wow! Those Widows are brilliant white! I love the conical shape of the one in the last pic. It looks like a little Christmas tree with peal white ornaments.
Don't worry; good things come to those who wait! Plus, you'll have plenty of Widow and Cheese to smoke while they grow.
Looking good, bro!
Let the good vibes flow!
hope all is well spike
Well Thank-You Naph thats very kind,give ya reps, things are calming down
some and I am thinking better on what I have to do.I will sit the winter out here and then in the spring,????????????????????.go somewhere.

Thank-you again for up holding the way we live,proud to be your Friend.
2nd lil widow clone,I think she will be whiter than her twin.The bucket I had just bought at a garage sale for a buck and when the sun is low in the sky
its just right for the widow to set-in and get an extra 30 min. of sun.So that is a part of the growing family now.For a buck can't beat it.(unless it had something in it I won't mention.)
I'm sitting here thinking I am not going to be able to grow the mystic for a while as these cheese need to finish and there are 3 more clones that I can flower.With my cash the way it is I can't get the bigger light I need and I can't
keep shoving plants under the lights.I want full power on 2 mystic plants and see how
good I can grow them,I plan on growing these 2 plants as if they were my
last 2,can't wait-but I have too.:Namaste:

I hate waiting for stuff like that - I'm terrible at it. That's why I'm trying to squeeze that Chocolope seedling into my current grow, I just couldn't wait to try one of my new seeds. :)

2nd lil widow clone,I think she will be whiter than her twin.The bucket I had just bought at a garage sale for a buck and when the sun is low in the sky
its just right for the widow to set-in and get an extra 30 min. of sun.So that is a part of the growing family now.For a buck can't beat it.(unless it had something in it I won't mention.)

Looks great - I love how frosty white the white strains get - I've grown several Snow White's (relative of White Widow) and they get so white and frosty.

Well, whenever you do grow the Mystics, I'm in. I can't wait either - those are some I'd like to grow myself eventually. I've been pleased with Nirvana's genetics so far.

Oh, and thanks again for the reps! :high-five:

Take care,

Yaa I am terrible at waiting to use the seeds when I have never grown it
even if I had if its kinda new I'm on it to do it.I guess thats the grower in us where getting there is really what its about.Of course we love the finished product but its the getting there again and again and yaa ok.Thx XL
Did you plant the chocolope yet?
I have decided to just flower the whole room,so I can get down to evaluating
strains for my own knowledge.And the first is blue mystic from nirvana and
I saw where they thought of it as 1 of their best strains.So 4 flowering now half done and 5 more starting tonight.Then all of my effort and all the light
power will go to 2 plants and see how good I can grow them when all the
tools are used for the 2.Nice winter project and then in spring move somewhere,cal.col.or mich.
Best of luck with all of your adventures Spike.. All of your ladies look outstanding!!

I was just watching the news or something and I started to think about all the times I would go on the search for smoke to buy. See at that time my bro used it daily in a rountine kind of and it help his seizures and 5 other ailments.It was a bi-weekly or monthly chore I would do,I wasn't smoking
then and when I look back at the stuff I used to do,yikes.
And then I found here and thats the rest of the story.
Just Thanks to all who I've had the pleasure to type
with and exchange brainwaves.
Thx K2,hey k2 something has happened that has got me a little worried
has to do with my bro who ran away to Mo.and come to find out that
some of the smoke I gave bro as it helped him with seizures he was trading for pills to a guy.Now this guy must know I grow, my bro would have said
something in his percocet stupors and bro owes him money.He called my
mom to get money that my bro owes him and she laughed.Good for her,
He hasn't come to me and I don't think he would say anything if he does
know I grow because of his pill dealings.Right now I have 5 plants all
flowering,in a haste of paranoia I threw out 3 4 in. clones,mostly cause
I want to grow the mystic,2 plants only at a time.Any 1 if you or any 1 has a comment,hit it.Thx
Sorry to hear you are getting run through the mill Spike, sometimes life hits us w/what seems like an unbearable amount of shite.

Don't let this dictate your responses... I would be cautious about this pill dealer... Rx heads are a different bunch!

I wish the best for you and hope you are able to continue to put up top shelf meds for the non pill heads in your life, including yourself... sounds like you could use a few good hits right about now... sending some your way... watch your head... LOL
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