Spike's Grow Room

Thank-you Taco,things are ok with me,I hope you get your room soon.
Then I can follow your journal.
love this pic.shes done growing now,just love the pic.

Hey Spike plants are lookin good finally got more outdoor pics up Ive got some lucys that if they aint 9 foot they aint a inch i was hopin they wouldent get that big its to hand for me to take care of ill have to tie some up the stalk don't look like it can handle the weight let me now what you think . need more pics of your outdoor garden heres hopen good things to you and yours :Namaste:
I have come far enough in the pip experiments I have found some downfalls.
But what I am going to do now is make a pot that is exactly meant for this
purpose.Downfalls are retains water-got to be careful cause she will stay
damp in the inner pot.As it slows growth a little to bulk and leaf up I see it
slows flowering and filling in.Also it keeps the leaves smaller too.You need to
water the inner and the outer side of the pot,way more to the outside though.
1 neat thing I'm seeing now is,the buds on the bottom branches are the
same as the upper 1s.They all are quite close in size,I'm talking about the
buds on the ends of the branches not like the 3rd set in.All in all so far its
ok,I think with a pot or something like a pot made for this is where I need
to go.:peace:Now that I think about it being a common sense type of fello
the growth is kind of controlled so it should figure with control and growing
slower the buds and leaves are all more alike,I sense smaller buds but more
of them.
Hey Spike plants are lookin good finally got more outdoor pics up Ive got some lucys that if they aint 9 foot they aint a inch i was hopin they wouldent get that big its to hand for me to take care of ill have to tie some up the stalk don't look like it can handle the weight let me now what you think . need more pics of your outdoor garden heres hopen good things to you and yours :Namaste:
I don't get to see my outdoor garden as another guy does all that,its really his gardens,but I gave him 25 different plants.20 were clones 5 were swiss
cheese plants.
WOW!!!!!!!!! that's a lot of weight there but that's pretty good you give clones and you end up with finished product cant beat that hope all is well :Namaste:
Well papa lets see what I end up with before I rate it as good.
Now I think your right papa you are going to have to tie up some of your
bigger plants.They may hold the weight then again.:thanks::peace:
Now that the very 1st pip is flowering I have come to the conclusion that
it just is not worth the extra things you have to do and in the end I think
it is going to hurt the quanity.Fun to try shit though.:Namaste:
now a tiny reveg project going,if it works and its looking good in the 1st week.I will learn alot about revegging from this first try.

Love to learn
Love to grow
Love to taste it and get down low.lol

I cut the buds off this and just replanted it to see what would happen and it is starting to reveg.
Hey Spike, I know I haven't been around much, but I've been keeping up for the most part. Just wanted to drop in and say hi, and hope all is well!
I'm pretty interested to watch this little re-veg you're doing! I've always wanted to know how well it works, in case I find a plant that is just too cool to kill!
Good luck!:popcorn:
Hi Quix glad ya come by,yaa this is a tniy branch with nothing left to grow
so it will have to regen or die,,,,but I see new growth and I am giving it a squirt of worm casings now and then but there is some new green.:Namaste: having some swiss cheese tonight lol
thanks bud for coming by!:high-five:
now a tiny reveg project going,if it works and its looking good in the 1st week.I will learn alot about revegging from this first try.

Love to learn
Love to grow
Love to taste it and get down low.lol

I cut the buds off this and just replanted it to see what would happen and it is starting to reveg.

When I was a little boy, I went with Mom a few times to places that had interesting and rare plants growing. Every time when we got home, it'd turn out that a few miscellaneous leaves "accidentally" ended up in her pockets. She had success turning them into plants - but some of them only grew into leafy ones that never flowered. It might have been due to incorrect light cycle or something, but we assumed at the time that it was from not having a large enough chunk of the plant.

Your post has me wondering what I'd end up with if I removed a leaf, dipped its stem into Oliva's Gel, and stuck it into a cup of perlite/vermiculite.

Hmm... Winter project, lol.
TS, Heres what would happen. (I did not grow this)

But the way I understand it, you'd pretty much need a lab grow anything more that that, without at least one node. But if you do get one going some how, would you please do a journal for it!?
I wouldn't journal it specifically. But I'd definitely post it.

Come to think of it, one of the types of plants that Mom routinely grew from leaf-cuttings was African violet. If I remember correctly, she more often than not ended up with lots of healthy foliage but no flowers.

BtW, I do have (irregular) access to a lab, but it's not exactly the correct type. Still, I love to drool over the many thousands of dollars worth of instruments. And the hoods are great for exhaling your shots into so that the guy sitting ten feet away doesn't notice that you're hitting a bowl, lol.
That leaf is neat,I just like to learn,experiment with things all things not just
growing.I always am looking around for cool rocks,I have a telescope,yaa learning-exploring got to love it.Thanks for coming by TS,,Quix.:high-five:
My outdoor guy just came by with an update and all is fine
April is the latest to stay but I'll go when it thaws in the spring.
Top of the move list is Cal.,,My daughter and Family want to Vacation
at the beach and I'm an old surf rat so,,there ya be.Grew up in Santa
Barbara so I don't mind going back cept I hate earthquakes.
Seems like California is calling you Spike, and it would be a fun place to have your family vacation. I know you've been considering a number of places to live next, but from my perspective it seems like California calls to you the most. :goodluck:
<------ Doesn't like it when the ground shakes and spits fire. Lived in the Phillipines for 3 years. Earthquakes are cool when your drunk! Took a car ferry from across the visayan sea and saw a huge mound in the water. The water was 2-3 feet higher in this mound area than the surrounding sea. Found out it was upwelling from the sea floor due to the lava heating the water. Tossed and turned the car ferry like it was a toy boat in a bathtub. I will stick to MI, nothing happens here...lol. You will do well where ever you end up brother. The garden seems to be doing quite well, keep em green.
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