Spike's Grow Room

Thx xl,to get that many bud sites on a small plant I came up with a way to
retain the root growth and during that time it was putting more bud sites on
and getting stocky.:peace::thanks:

Hey Spike, would you mind elaborating? Sorry if you explained this more before, but I'm intrigued - both in understanding the method you use and the theory behind it. I'm always interested in learning something new! :)

Am I understanding correct that you are saying that the roots are bound to some degree, and the plant focuses energy on bud-sites as a result? If that's what you are doing, how are you doing it exactly?

Thanks buddy!
OK xl I call it - PIP POT IN POT.I plant the gal in one of these fiber pots,I
cut some holes in the thickest areas.Then I plant the whole pot in a regular pot covering it all the
way. The roots hit the walls,bottom and work to get out,then they explode once they break free.I only will do it on easy growing strains.
Hey Spike, you are still thinking about moving?
Have you decided where yet?
Hi Naph,yes The latest I can stay here is april.If somethings happen I will go
sooner.(family)I was thinking michigan,montana or colorado those are the 3
closest medical states,then I can be by my grandbaby.But california is
yanking on my heart strings cause I lived there most my life.Would give
the kids a good vacation spot.:peace:And with plane travel they could be
with me easy.
like your method Spike! keeps them short in veg and gives them all the room they need
+rep for that :thumb:
well i cant still got to spread it.... looks like its time to go on a rep rampage lol
just know that you get the rep anyways!
Thank-you Shag I wanted to beef the gals up yet keep them smaller.I tried a
different pot and it didn't hold back enough.Once the roots are held up a little they start new shoots to look for an opening.They also change directions alot.:thanks::peace:
I broke 1 of the new widow sticks,dropped a plastic dish right
on top of her.I am having trouble getting them into the
fledging stage(flower and veg) and keep them in it awhile and then all flower.
Oh well Still got 1,, and a 1/2 of 1.lol
Ya i think its going to be a weird summer i will know in a couple of weeks already seeing pre flowers on my plants they wernt suppose to show for a couple more weeks but O well glad to here things are going a little better for ya i hope my lucys don't double in stretch there 8 feet now that's a whole lot of trimmin ill get some pic in my gallery next week plants are lookin great Spike69:Namaste:
Took this pic.as it shows pip starts right away.The 2 clones up front,left
with popsickle sticks are pip and other 3 not.Can you see already they are fuller and shorter than their cohorts. And all these clones were and are much alike.When the 12 and 12 go to bed.I give the rest of my plants some cfl time.Don't have a gnat problem anymore.lol

Hi Naph,yes The latest I can stay here is april.If somethings happen I will go
sooner.(family)I was thinking michigan,montana or colorado those are the 3
closest medical states,then I can be by my grandbaby.But california is
yanking on my heart strings cause I lived there most my life.Would give
the kids a good vacation spot.:peace:And with plane travel they could be
with me easy.

Hey Spike,

Just curious, what do you mean the latest you can stay is April?
I recall you saying you are disabled with Social Security, and have the insurance too.
I was awarded my Social Security, and have to wait the 2 years for the insurance. Have you researched where the best place to live on SS is? Or has anyone else reading this forum?
I'm wanting to relocate to a state that I can grow my own meds, because of my conditions, especially the migraines and PTSD, have worsened to the point that I have to do something or I'm not going to be able to handle it. My monthly income is around 3000+ so i'm looking for the most finacially feasible place.

Any info you can give on what you have looked in to, and researched would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Hi Naph. the house I'm in was sold to a Headstone place and that is the latest
I can stay here.I did check on the best states and hawaii came up high just
google best ss states.My decision is based alot on staying close to my kid
and grandbaby.But if certain things happen here with the family(bro) I may
just leave sooner.:peace:
Hi Naph. the house I'm in was sold to a Headstone place and that is the latest
I can stay here.I did check on the best states and hawaii came up high just
google best ss states.My decision is based alot on staying close to my kid
and grandbaby.But if certain things happen here with the family(bro) I may
just leave sooner.:peace:

Well good luck Spike, I hope all works out the best it can for you. I'll keep looking around to see what state I can afford the most.

Kind regards,
Hi Spike - Thank you so much for elaborating and sharing pictures of your pip method. Very cool technique, and I appreciate you taking the time to share it. :thanks:

Sorry I haven't been around more lately. Health issues have been limiting some things for me recently, and I will probably not be around much for a week or two either.

Take care my friend, and thanks again! :)
Hi Spike - Thank you so much for elaborating and sharing pictures of your pip method. Very cool technique, and I appreciate you taking the time to share it. :thanks:

Sorry I haven't been around more lately. Health issues have been limiting some things for me recently, and I will probably not be around much for a week or two either.

Take care my friend, and thanks again! :)

Hey XL your around plenty - Be Well,sooner or later were always yapping anyhow.I have 2 pip's in a test with 2 reg.and its almost too much growth now for 4 inch plant.lol:peace:
pip growth 2 front,back right is a cut root plant,if I don't like the way a plant is acting,looking etc.instead of trying all kinds of different things ,I do what
is called common sense growing.I like to consider myself a common sense grower
anyway I took the plant out of the pot and what I found in the roots was a
couple balls of root and not much spread out so I just cut them off.I then replanted her.

I'm so jealous of your grow space, can't wait til I can have my own indoor setup. All this guerilla stuff is stressful. Sorry to hear about your situation, hope it all works out for the best.
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