Spike's Grow Room

I'm talking-thinking of cutting down the cheese and I just looked through
a microscope at some tri's from different lo-cals and there are almost 0
amber tri's in fact as many clear as milky.So She isn't coming down yet
-aah I think some of her different patterns I see are from going from mh
to hps all the time having 6 48 watt flowering cfls on her.Kinda cool just
help her home.lol been 1 heck of a plant.(clone)
Thank-you L-1----------I am starting to go through withdrawls now,my
bubbler's sit empty(I used to like every hole filled with clones)There will
be a little break after these last 3 clones flower up.Heck that will be 2 mos.
maybe by then who knows.Going to do a real cleaning in the room got Mom
helping so,you know it'll be good.Only essential equip. in the room.lights
nutes.no clones for awhile,and on mystic's I'm not going to top the 1st 2.
seed to whatever plant comes from it.Later I will grow bigger 1s.Can't wait
to grow them gals though.I'm stoked
I understand about the withdrawls, I dislike it when my supply runs low as well. I'm to the point where I'm just growing for myself so 1-2 plants will keep me Happy til my next harvest. I really love the idea that I'm saving $$$$ but it will never stay in my pocket because of all the Bills....lmao...

Best of Luck with your Ladies my friend...:yummy:
Yaa L-1 its nice not paying.Since I started, I have had always,got some outdoor qty.coming so I can cruise,before my blue m grow, the room will be readied
and spotless.So just the 2 plants going.And your right if you have money from here
it will just get taken by something else.
Put her out for late day sun,took this,I think its a gnarly picture.always new growth coming too
which would be seeds if she wasn't a virgin.lol

Hi K2 yaa even most of the fan leaves are sugar too.I think its a combo of
strain,mh light 1/3rd the time-hps and cfl(2700)the rest with a couple hrs. sun each day.Was giving tiger bloom and molasses,now water and molasses.And 2 secret nutes.I got some new nutes to help with the blue mystic grow.
Have 3 flowering then a little break and clean-up/streamline the grow room.
Then I will grow 2 blue mystics and go all out on these 2 gals.Can't wait.The
3 flowering a bubble(?),widow and a cheese are all nice.
Just took my 92 year old Grandma by ambulance to the hospital.BP is through
the roof.If you could her name is Mildred a little blessing.Thank-you
Pos vibes Grandma,be right there.

Hi Spike - So sorry to hear about your grandma. Sending positive vibes your way, and will keep you and family in thoughts as always. Mildred just got a little prayer from me, and I am not really a religious person. But... I'm a sucker for 92 year old grandmas. ;) Hope she is okay.

On a lighter note, you sure are making me crave Cheeeeeeeese. :)
Glad to hear she is doing better Spike... I'm sending positive vibes your Grandma's way my friend... I wish her a speedy recovery..

I understand the what your going through I had to take my 66 year old father to the ER last week. Him and the dog where playing around and the dog busted him in the nose and he was bleeding for 24 hours straight. That's when I made him go, he's so damn stubborn and hates doctors. He kept saying I'm fine holding a blood soaked washcloth up to his nose, I'll stop anytime any time now, The doctors can't do anything more than what I'm doing now saying anything so that I don't take him to the ER. I could not stand by and not do nothing, So I said get your azz in the car you have no choice. He looked at me and got his azz in the car..

Shit 24 hours of blood flowing from your nose means you have lost alot of blood and maybe it's to thin to clot. I :love: ya dad and I'm doing this for your own good and not to upset you, but if you do get upset I could really care less.

Back in April my Father broke his ankle is 3 places and his rt hand in two places by tripping over a puppy gate and falling down 6 steps, He got up and walked on it from the side door where it happened back through the kitchen, bathroom, dineing room and living room to get back to his chair. When I got home I made him go to the hospital ER. He said to the doctor to "wrap it up with Ice, put it in a splint, That's what they would do in Nam."
The doctors and nurses had a good laugh then got pissed off b/c he walked in the hospital to use the bathroom he did not want to be wheeled in there.
Doctor whatever his name was like does the crazy old man knows that his ankle is broken in 3 different places, I looked at him and said I don't think he really cares he had to use the pisser...
He told the Doc that there was no pain they prescribed pain pills anyway, my dad did not want to get them that night, when he woke up in the morning he was like "Son I think you better get me those pain pills" He said it very slow and you could feel the pain in his words, I didn't give him the I told ya so speech. I just went and got him the pills...

He never said :thanks: and more in likely never will but I know deep down he's thankful his ankle and hand are healed his nose anit bleeding anymore and that his family will do what's best for him even when he wants to be a stubborn Azz.....Lmao....
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