Spike's Grow Room

I've been where he was with the pain. Your body goes into full production of your own built in morphine system. Broke my fore arm in half once and didn't feel it until 6 hours later. It was like a mix of opium and speeders mixed together.
love nirvana,gave me freebies and hid it all in a nirvana wallet.

Hey now that I think of it what do you think the freebie's are?Half(6) of them are good looking seeds.
From what I have read on Nirvana's site, they're generally whatever they end up with that cannot be positively identified. But they ought to be as good as the rest of their stock. Just a surprise (and they could be a mix of strains).
Spike, first, thanks for stopping by my journal, cuz' somehow, I've missed this one until now! I'm sorry I'm so late to the party, but I did get caught up on the first 75 pages and, so far, it's been great! :goodjob:

I thought I'd throw in a few non-grow related comments.

First, my heart goes out to you regarding Sadie! As a pet own/lover, you have my sympathies and I admire the courage of your decision.

Next, I also have some (horrifying) experience with a loved one with bipolar disorder and have learned a lot about the condition. Unfortunatlely, the "kick in the ass" doesn't work, and neither does logic like "if you loved me you wouldn't do this".

Part of the condition is a tendency to engage in high-risk behavior, or behavior that has high liklihood for negative consequences. This can be anything from sky diving, to permiscuous sex, to exhorbitant spending sprees, etc.

Telling someone bi-polar, "if you love me you wouldn't do this" is like saying to someone with cancer, "if you love me you wouldn't have cancer".

They're simply not in control of their own minds and are incapable of making sound decisions in certain circumstances.

Fortunately, bipolar disorder is almost 100% controllable with the RIGHT combination of the right medications. This becomes difficult, at times, to find since they have to treat both the mania and the depression.

It can also be tough to convince a bipolar individual to seek help and/or stay on the med's since, when they're in their "manic" stage, they feel great, and have no problems, so if there's any problem it must be yours (right!). Or, they're in the "depression" stage and they feel nothing will help them, anyways, so it's no use trying.

Please forgive me if this situation is already resolved and I just haven't made it that far in the journal yet, but I definately feel for you on this situation, too, and felt compelled to comment based on my experience.

My best advice (non-doctor, non-psychologist, just a friend) is to get the person to stay on the meds and set "healthy" boundaries for yourself. Certain behavior is simply unacceptable, and where you may not be able to control someone else's life (who's out of control), you can control your own life and what YOU choose to be subjected to.

Best wishes!
Man Krip you went way back,Hi bud, yaa things are cool.Glad your here
soon I'm growing some blue mystic and am too jazzed to do it.I love new
strains and I love blue.
I looked at a few pix and they look great man! Sorry to hear about your grand mammy but at least it was something minor. I have a 97 yr old great aunt that lives in florida, she worked in a nursing home taking care of 70 yr olds up until she was 85 aaaaand rode a moped with training wheels till she was about 80!
Spike, first, thanks for stopping by my journal, cuz' somehow, I've missed this one until now! I'm sorry I'm so late to the party, but I did get caught up on the first 75 pages and, so far, it's been great! :goodjob:

I thought I'd throw in a few non-grow related comments.

First, my heart goes out to you regarding Sadie! As a pet own/lover, you have my sympathies and I admire the courage of your decision.

Next, I also have some (horrifying) experience with a loved one with bipolar disorder and have learned a lot about the condition. Unfortunatlely, the "kick in the ass" doesn't work, and neither does logic like "if you loved me you wouldn't do this".

Part of the condition is a tendency to engage in high-risk behavior, or behavior that has high liklihood for negative consequences. This can be anything from sky diving, to permiscuous sex, to exhorbitant spending sprees, etc.

Telling someone bi-polar, "if you love me you wouldn't do this" is like saying to someone with cancer, "if you love me you wouldn't have cancer".

They're simply not in control of their own minds and are incapable of making sound decisions in certain circumstances.

Fortunately, bipolar disorder is almost 100% controllable with the RIGHT combination of the right medications. This becomes difficult, at times, to find since they have to treat both the mania and the depression.

It can also be tough to convince a bipolar individual to seek help and/or stay on the med's since, when they're in their "manic" stage, they feel great, and have no problems, so if there's any problem it must be yours (right!). Or, they're in the "depression" stage and they feel nothing will help them, anyways, so it's no use trying.

Please forgive me if this situation is already resolved and I just haven't made it that far in the journal yet, but I definately feel for you on this situation, too, and felt compelled to comment based on my experience.

My best advice (non-doctor, non-psychologist, just a friend) is to get the person to stay on the meds and set "healthy" boundaries for yourself. Certain behavior is simply unacceptable, and where you may not be able to control someone else's life (who's out of control), you can control your own life and what YOU choose to be subjected to.

Best wishes!

Heya Mr. Krip -

Wow. As someone who spent many years with a person who had bipolar disorder this is so spot on. You are completely right in my experience. The RIGHT kind of meds makes all the difference. It's a nightmare for everyone otherwise, at least it can be. Problem is, the right meds make things, well, right. Then, "why do I need these, nothing is wrong with me?!" Argh.

Glad you found Spikes thread, he grows picture perfect plants and takes perfect pictures of them.

Oh, HI SPIKE! Love the deep dark green on that Cheese plant. :bravo:
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