Spart's Cream Caramel - Mars II 400W - BioBizz Loving Run

Best Number of plants 60cm x 60m (2'x2')

  • 1

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
What I'm doing with the wire is basically looping it to and around the yoyo so it's circling from the loop hole to the yoyo and back so the actual length is half what the wire is. If i can do away with the wire then I don't have the length of the wire. I'm just gonna buy another set and have them all connected directly to the loop holes.
@nick what hanging distance would you recommend for the first few days of flowering I think I might what to keep it at like 45cm and then let them grow into it... Then when I see the pre-flowers give it all a lollipopping and keep it at like 30cm :hmmmm::hmmmm:
the light's with wires going today for shopping

the plants were reaching for them today good sign rH% has gone up a bit but that's mostly because of the weather being so hot and humid 60%, temps are fine 30c lights on 25c lights off :hmmmm::hmmmm:
well I messed around with the wire and got it to hang just 5cm from the top of the light which is pretty good for not having to buy anything new if i needed it any less i would just tie it directly to the bars the light is now sitting at 40cm from canopy to see how they develop over the next few days hopefully the stretch isn't to extreme
Light wire setup it hold so it's all good


Plants DAY 2 FLOWER :)
Every leaf is so beautiful...:cheer::thumb:
well I messed around with the wire and got it to hang just 5cm from the top of the light which is pretty good for not having to buy anything new if i needed it any less i would just tie it directly to the bars the light is now sitting at 40cm from canopy to see how they develop over the next few days hopefully the stretch isn't to extreme
Light wire setup it hold so it's all good


Plants DAY 2 FLOWER :)
Looking great Spart:thumb: can't wait for them buds
You and me both my dirty brother from another mother. :high-five::thumb:

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Glad to see you finally made it Comrade.

Good thinking mate made urself alot more room good job;) i used shoe laces to get mine up high for more room;) lol
Shoe laces and here I am worried about the wire bending to much :laughtwo::laughtwo:

No need to be nervous, plants are looking great though Spart I love how the 400 performs!! Can't wait for my 700 :yahoo:
I'm not out of the woods yet they're just starting to flower. Only 1/3 of this run done so far.

Every leaf is so beautiful...:cheer::thumb:
Yeah these indica plants all have huge fat fan leaves they look really nice under the leds :love::circle-of-love:

Looks good! Subbed
Thanks for tagging along man I'll pop over and check out your grow in a few :welcome::welcome:
Well it seem to have gone fine last night eith the lighting distance for some reason when I watered yesterday the one plant went a bit droopy so until the flowers start to form I'll be dropping the water/feed down to 375ml/plant/day. Nothing else to report hopefully I can finally manage to get to the store I'm starting to run out of grow/root juice/ Acti-vera (temps really haven't been an issue though)/ need a fan (mine sounds like it's struggling every now and then).

For feeding they are getting the Pre-flower week one
3ml/l root juice
3ml/l Bio Grow
1ml/l Bio Bloom
1ml/l Top Max
3ml/l Bio Heaven
1ml/l Alg-a-Mic(Not on the feeding schedule but figured they would need it because of the leds)

Other than that hope everyone is staying safe out there and making a difference to better the world for everyone. Personally I can up with a new swimming/ snorkeling/ free diving game. I snorkel around see garbage and dive as deep as I can and pick up whatever I see from the sea floor (I'm at about 5-7ish meters in depth). Then I put it in my little fishing floating basket thing that is suppose to be use to put caught fish in. People really look at you like you're a weirdo coming out of the water with a bag of garbage. But if it wasn't there I wouldn't be doing it....

Anyways Stay green people and remember stranger danger I think I got a wake and bake on the menu right now
I like them.:cheer:
You and me both my dirty brother from another mother. :high-five::thumb:

Доброе утро Как поживаешь?
Glad to see you finally made it Comrade.

Shoe laces and here I am worried about the wire bending to much :laughtwo::laughtwo:

I'm not out of the woods yet they're just starting to flower. Only 1/3 of this run done so far.

Yeah these indica plants all have huge fat fan leaves they look really nice under the leds :love::circle-of-love:

Thanks for tagging along man I'll pop over and check out your grow in a few :welcome::welcome:
Wow man things are looking real nice and well over here :)
Those plants are looking so healthy and those fat fan leaves have some real apeal going haha
Ive had similar issues with lights before and done almost the exact same thing youve been doing wiyh wires a couple times lol can be a pain in the ass thinking about it lol

Good on you with cleaning out trash too :thumb: if everyone who visited beaches, oceans, rivers etc. Cared as much about keeping it clean things would be great.
This spring/summer coming ill likely be taking a trash bag with me everywhere i go fishing, amazing how much people can not care about nature!
Yeah man again it's a matter of common sense. They eat the fish that are basically eating and breathing micro plastics from all the garbage. It's really gross. Plants are all fine not drying out as fast as before and it's getting really crowded but I figured it would been doing lollipopping the whole time I want all that under growth gone no pop corn on this run I haven't really touched the single not low stress trained one. I was gonna get pots today but didn't know what to get yet since the votes are even 2 vote for 1 and 2 votes for 2. If everything goes as planned next journal the seeds will be sponsored. If that's the case I get to go crazy with a sog. But I'll be getting another tent as well so will be doing a hidden sponsored run and a personal run on here. The one on here will be whatever the votes end up like at harvest or there around. Bought more grow and another clip fan as mine is making weird noises from time to time. No guarantee on the first one this one has a year. Grow is pretty cheap and i highly recommend it to everyone took out one of my plants to look under normal light and they're all a beautiful dark green.
Have a great night/day everyone and stay safe.
There's a grower by the name of "MillerTime" who is growing in a 3x3 tent and he's talking about going as high as 600W in it with more than one plant. It's so full and not even in flower yet.

Take a look at his grow maybe that will help you decide.

Definitely 1 plant will be very happy by herself in that tent.

I'f you're going to try 2 plants in your 2x2, you will be facing some creative challenges to control the canopy.

Anybody can take out the scissors and start cutting off plant parts during flower when the tent is bursting at the seams with green, but I'd say don't stress the plant if you want the biggest buds.

Nice plants :bongrip:
I've done 4 autos in this tent before in 5.5l pots really it depends on training and pot size. I think 2 plants in 11l trained and spread out to keep em small would work these seem to be going goos they have begun to stretch about an inch inch and a half since the switch 4days ago I still got like 40cm of head way but that's pushing it. I'll check it out in a bit got some stuff to do now. But I think one big one that I could main line/spread across and keep the height down during the stretch would be real nice. I did see ten 3.5l non spiraling pots for cheap so if I'm getting seeds and another tent I see a 9 plant sog in my near future
I'm probably gonna use the ones that are real stemy and make cookies or maybe get a keif shaker. I chopped off most of the sugar leaves and hung it my hands were sticky as shit after cutting and i ended up with about a half gram of scissor hash :p I know that the grow shop here has a bunch of different ones I could make ice hash but them bags are expensive but might be worth it in the long run..... so many options to so little money.:rofl::rofl:

the shaker thingy

Hello Spart. Im very impressed with your knowledge and hope you will follow my first tent thread and help me become a master grower.
I made some "coffee filter hash" from a utube vid. and it turned out fantastic!!! Best Kief Ive ever smoked. I used crap bud, no leaf. This fall yard harvest I plan to cold water hash everything but the best bud. I will buy the 3 bag system but maybe only use the last bag, or see if I can buy just the one last bag.
This is the same theory as the coffee filter process, just 1 bag.
With the coffee filter process I use about a 1/4 oz and run it twice. the first run I get about 2 grams and the 2nd run I get about a gram of killer hash!!
I hope you follow my tent thread!!
It's great to get the compliments but I'm nothing special I mostly watch my plants grow :morenutes::morenutes:
I was actually already looking at your journal when i seen this message pop up :p
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