Spart's Cream Caramel - Mars II 400W - BioBizz Loving Run

Best Number of plants 60cm x 60m (2'x2')

  • 1

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
so plants are doing fine nothing to report I still think I'm gonna buy some Bio Bizz Leaf coat and use it weekly til the flowers develop a bit I seen one of my arch enemies and I sure the hell am not using the black soap stuff again.
Day 5 flower
well I went to the store bought some leaf coat was going to get another bottle of root juice but the guy at the shop wanted like $10 more than the internet advertised price... So to rich for my blood I might go another day and try to spread out what I have remaining. Hope everyone's weekend is coming to a high close.
:) :Namaste:
So i just got done spraying them with the leaf coat stuff it dries on them really quickly but I'm gonna use up the bottle pretty quick. I've noticed a few of the lower leaves on the one i haven't defoliated is showing signs of not getting enough light on the bottom so the lowest nodes are looking kinda weird and need to come off as well as some of the lower fan leaves so what i need is a cheap easy way to make clones i was thinking the 2l pop bottle crazy humidity dome and some root plugs or maybe just the rootit kit with the dome. I'll be trying it out with maybe 6-7 of the lowest branches on all the plants and these will end up being outdoors in a super sneaky not so sneaky location. Any advice on this would be great i'm proper shit at cloning so don't expect anything fantastically astounding to come of them. Oh lastly we have pistils on all of them so flowering has started. 4 plants in 7l pots gets to crowded but if they were topped and trained more like a scrog then it's completely possible. My topping accident one is looking well short and well bushy maybe with different budding sites. So photos tomorrow and week 1 of flowering will be at a close. Hope everyone is good and remember a stranger is a friend you haven't met or stranger danger. I always get them two mixed up :)
Advice on cloning these little ones if defiantly welcome.
So I've decided to do an update later on tonight since tomorrow is Monday and I will have lots to do. I'll be going to get another few seeds from the local shop as well as the new pots for whatever is decided with votes 1 x 18L or 2 x 11L I'll get both. Cloning will be a no go since I have no where to put them it's still really busy here and outdoors is not an option but I will be adding a few small autos out on the terrace again it's so beautiful outside how can I not (think the red family is calling me, maybe 2 Bloody skunk).

I've never grown the Northern Lights Apollo G-13 from queen seeds but we shall see, it's this strain and another:hmmmm::hmmmm:.... It's hard to pick when the place I go to has over 500 different strains to chose from:rofl::rofl:
ADHD overdrive whenever I go in the shop:slide::slide:

So actual photo update in a few hours after lights come on :p
Do it!!
Haha nah with indoor and all the times ive trimmed away and thrown out so many potential plants because i dont quite have everything i want right now to use for clones its probably the only thing i regret with my plants especially when they end up being real good.
Clones arent real hard and ive said it before but you take care of things pretty well and thats what a majority of doing clones is i believe. Make sure they have what they need especially humidity while waiting for them to root and theyll be all good. Taking your clones at this stage of your grow works out well too :thumb:
ok so lots of pictures tonight what I thought to be not enough light I'm now aiming towards a cal/mag issue just because of how it's developing. Also I've noticed a few leaves I don't know how to describe it other than a rolling. I haven't seen this before I will be upping the alg-a-mic to what is stated on the alg-a-mic feeding schedule instead of keeping it at the 1.5ml/l I'll just it to 3ml/l. :hmmmm::hmmmm:
In any case they look ok minus a few leaves looking messed up. You'll see what I mean.

Lots of pictures in no order but here they come:



So after talking to my good buddies today who have years and years experience I've decided to up the alg-a-mic for the calcium issue and stop the root juice completely hopefully within the next week or so it'll sort itself out and if not I'll do a transfer. Pretty sure the problem is I've had the root juice going for to long I've been reading at flower I should stop it but we shall see what happens.
I think the hardest part about growing with such a small setup is picking out strains. I'm going to have to buy them by the individual seed. Which sucks because all the strains I want to try come in packs of 3 and more... :loopy:

I got a gift card for this one shop here for like $60 but only need one more seed for the next run but I gotta spend the whole card thing I dunno that's the card policy. Not sure what to get or what to do... 500 strains to pick from and only one on the menu lol
I was thinking maybe something more indica dominant possibly one from the same seeds bank as the other strain I have already a queen seeds one or a sweet seeds black jack.

So I had a chat with the guys at sweet seeds and while talking I realized exactly what is causing the rolling leaves. First off me not thinking and secondly it's to much direct wind from the non oscillating fan which makes 100% sense. Seeing as i just bought the new clip fan and while i sprayed it leaf coat had it blowing directly on them. The other lower leaf issue is obviously cal/mag so i upped the alg-a-mic and it should stop. It's gone into proper stretch mode 10cm since the switch but should be slowing down now since the pre-flowers are in full effect. I haven't used LEDs in a while so it's just my mistakes always a learning experience.

Strains I really don't know but i might as well buy a single seed and a autoflower set and maybe a new carbon filter just in case. I dunno which strain to pick but I'm sure that a 2 plant scrog would really show case this mars light to the local shop so we'll see what the boss man there says he wants to see.
I got this gift card to use up ;-) I'm gonna buy maybe a auto pack from philosopher seeds and one more photo fem for the next run maybe some new pots as well like some fabric ones or air pots or something. I can literally drive a bit and choose from 500 different strains and 40 seed banks and stop at a club and have some bho for lunch lol ;-)
Thats a very healthy looking plant!
Just so you know my hat goes off to you indoor farmers! I hope one day I can come close. Ive learned so much in my first few months here and its like I barley scratched the surface. Having a few successful yard grows has barley prepared me for this indoor system that you have perfected. Its crazy all the knowledge needed. I know trial and error is everything but God Bless you good people here for trying to teach. I will focus on keeping it simple and Thanks!!
Yeah if it doesn't get any worse then I know it's all good I might just take off the effected lower fan leaves I can't see them getting to much light anyways and will be more of a burden on the plant than benefit. next photo update will be sunday unless a problem comes up. If there's any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask. I will answer then to the best of my knowledge. Also will be starting another outdoor little run with a few plants in little 3.5l non spiral pots. I was thinking about it and decided to go with sweet seeds Devil Cream outdoors and gonna add to next run the Jack widow 2.0 also from queen seeds. So next run is the Jack widow (24% THC) and NL Apollo G-13 (20.5% THC) and outdoors will be a 3 pack on Devil Cream.

So stay tuned come this Monday will be another photo update with more seeds going to be popped.
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