Spart's Cream Caramel - Mars II 400W - BioBizz Loving Run

Best Number of plants 60cm x 60m (2'x2')

  • 1

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
So today marks week 1 being over as well as germination being over.
Next watering will be
1ml/l grow
2ml/l root juice
1ml/l Bio Heaven
1ml/l Alg-a-mic
1ml/l Acti-vera (every other watering)

So the nutrient line up looks like this

The plants look like this.


Any questions about anything just let me know. They are growing really quick and the nodes are really close together so far we shall see tho.
Thanks beast Just waiting for the lights to come back on to make up there mix.

Not sure if this helps anyone but the guy at the shop said he found that if you keep alg-a-mic in the fridge it'll triple it's self life. We shall see we shall see. Oh also when this journal is over I'll be using the poll results for the next run either one plant or two seem to be pulling ahead.
First feeding
500ml between the 4 of them

1ml/l grow
2ml/l root juice
1ml/l Bio Heaven
1ml/l Alg-a-mic
1ml/l Acti-vera
Young ones are looking real nice and healthy man, those pictures with clear led light just look sweet too :thumb:

Im liking how your using the poll results too, imma spoil my vote haha i webt for 2 just because you can have bigger plants then 4 and playing pot positions with 3 frustrates me lol and then having 2 you can still have the variety of 2 stains. Theres never anything wrong with 1 big girl to take all that space though either haha
Maybe I'll say fuck it and do 9 autos in smaller 3L pots :rofl::laughtwo::rofl:
So any seed bank seeing this and ya want your strains next in my slice of heaven let me know
I've seen it a few times before but normally pops up during flowering . Ended up being a tiny bud on a fan leaf. But haven't had it happen during veg like this.

I've never seen node spacing so close together...
nothing new to report really temps are 25off 30on,
the plants are coming up on there 5th node. still got the one that's kinda smaller but not really a runt. she's just a bit smaller then the rest.
Hope everyone's week is coming to a close smoothly
They've got some pretty impressive roots on them for only being 9 days old got a few poking out. I had a look at them and they are nice healthy and white will be right on my planned schedule.

I had this big thing written out that i just deleted because typing it made up my mind.:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm gonna give them another 5 days in the 1L pot then transfer to the 7L, 3 more weeks veg then flower which should be plenty since as soon as I transfer them they'll explode with growth. But more on that later.
Was gonna explain what I did but it's pretty straight forward. After the transplant i gave them a good feeding of the normal stuff 250ml/l each.

Thanks guys. I had to keep the lights on an extra few minutes but no worries on that one.

I got the light about 55cm away from the tops of the plants that's what it was at when I transferred so might as well keep it the same for now they're growing fine. I'm thinking hopefully 3ish weeks til flower just trying to get a bit more girth to them before switching. Im still hoping for even a zip/plant would be good.
Wow it's hot outside time to turn on the a/c I think. Might have to go swimming as well :surf::surf:
Day 14 of life from seed
OK so week 1 of veg is done today (week 2 from sprout) not much new to report. They're loving their new homes and the temps are all spot on. Max is 31.5c (88f) low is 25c (77f) rh% is always about the same with a few fluctuations during lights out but nothing up over 40-50%. So far this light is preforming as to be expected. I've been using nothing but the full spectrum mode (both switches) on and the grow is doing great nice tight nodes under growth is starting to take off nicely. According to the schedule I'm using they will have 3 more weeks of veg and then to flower.

Feedings starting today will be the week 1 of veg from my schedule. pH as always is whatever comes out of the tap I don't alter my pH when using soil minor fluctuation in the pH of the feed/water is actually beneficial to the ecosystem that is in the pots. Plants will be getting 250ml/plant for now on as the pot's soil is dried already from the watering yesterday they are being fed/watered this amount daily. Which I'm really pleased about means I've got some healthy happy roots/ plants.
Today's watering will be:
2ml/l Root juice
2ml/l Grow
1ml/l BioHeaven
1ml/l Acti-Vera (every watering now why not)
1ml/l Alg-a-mic

So on to the pictures
My view from upon opening the tent I really got Dr. Frankenstein that bigger fan maybe after lights come back on. I want to take off the bottom of it and flip it upside down so it's not blocking any light next run I'm gonna spend a bit to get another clip one maybe a 15cm oscillating one.

Mars light
Pretty much every week I'll be taking picture of the lights/diodes to show that none are burnt out and all are working properly.

Here we have the two biggest ones and a side view to show the under growth.



As always if anyone has any questions or suggestions please feel free.
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