Spart's Cream Caramel - Mars II 400W - BioBizz Loving Run

Best Number of plants 60cm x 60m (2'x2')

  • 1

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
Alg a mic will do nothing for pest control :) it's said to be a vitality stimulant, ie like vitamins. You just saved some money, you don't need it, just like leaf coat does not seem necessary in your case for the moment.

Also, do not choose "basic" black soap: make sure it is 99% organic, and if possible find one for gardening.

Alright so exhaust fan has it for the win it's literally 6 euros more. They do have leaf coat but I've heard many mixed reviews. I might just go for a basic black soap one for insecticide and see if I can get some stickies as well. I can't afford to get alg-a-mic so I think I'm gonna risk it. It doesn't smell like it's off so will give it a go.
someone tell the ms. spart I'm gonna need a carbon filter in a 1 1/2 months because I'm scared too LOL :rofl::rofl:

You could always wait till the Mrs complains about the smell, be her idea then. :rofl:

Bums when you miss the store by a couple of minutes, it happened to me the other day. :passitleft:
@ spacef
Yeah man I know it's for the basic health of the plant/cal-mag/minerals/vitamins. I've been complaining about mine turning brown sorry if it wasn't clear man my heads been racing lately with lots of shit on my plate again. What I got for the little creepy crawlies is black soap I went for the one with the least ingredients:
distilled water
potassium soap (<5%) (kills the fuckers)
pine oil (not sure the reason but I'm guessing it would help with mold and fungi if my memory serves me correctly)
citric acid (pH balancing)
That's it....
It says if you get it in your eye can a mofo, ya drink it call a mofo, ya kid drinks it call a mofo.
Says it is bio tho as well so I guess it should work.
I'd get the bags except it's an expense I can't afford right now. A freezer shaker is probably out of the question as well I'm on a budget here.

@Mr. Am4zing
Yeah it's okay I'm not really in that much of a rush. BEST IDEA EVER WITH THE SMELL!!!! It'll last til the preflowers smell in the slightest. But to be honest I'm only getting a few degrees difference if the room had an a/c unit or something it would be okay. Not sure what I'm gonna do in the winter I'm gonna need a heater might have to come after a different tent. I seen a small one that looked pretty cool it's 100cm x 60cm x 160cm. It's divided into two separate parts a 60cm x 60cm flowering side and a 40cm x 60cm veg side the veg side with a dividing light proof wall. It looks like a nice bit of kit, I think it'd be better 100cm x 80cm with 1x] 60cm x 80cm flower 2x] 40cm x 40cm veg/auto
I will already have the two fans after i get the new one, I got the mars 400w and can get a deal on 2 veg reflector48s' for the other side...

Okay so I sprayed that stuff yesterday and it seems to of made everything to fuck off. I also sprayed the walls and under pots and basically gave to tent a good spraying. I'll give the tent and all a wipe with a basically a KFC wet nap to get rid of any residue from the spray but that's just me I doubt I really have to. The little ones are starting on there second nodes I'll take a few pictures tomorrow. I got no idea which is named what anymore with all the cleaning and spraying going on but let's face it it really doesn't matter. :rofl::rofl:
I think if I want to top these bunch I might need a longer veg time and it's gonna end up yielding the same. So what I'm gonna do is a 2 1/2 more weeks in the little pot then 2 weeks in the 7l and flower I'll give em a little low stress training but if i start it's hard to stop. Might try to do one plant in like a 18l pot or something next :p I think I'll start them on feed next week, gonna keep them on the root juice. My feeding cart doesn't include the new additives so I'll be following this one for the acti-vera. And for the alg-a-mic I'll go 1ml/l and see if I run into any problems.

What did you use your last grow for a cal-mag or does the biobizz not really need anything else or should I use the allmix so many things to except but nothing happening oh three leafed node is out and collecting the led goodness.
What did you use your last grow for a cal-mag or does the biobizz not really need anything else or should I use the allmix so many things to except but nothing happening oh three leafed node is out and collecting the led goodness.

I use a plant magic calmag or magne-cal+ as it says on the bottle.
Thanks Mr. Am4zing I might just get some more alg-a-mic it costs about the same as everything else so why not right.
I had a long think on it and kept an eye at temps and rh% and everything but to be honest it's pretty good max of 32* and only a 7* difference between ambient temp and inside tent temp rh% is always around 30-45% max never under 30%. They seem to be growing pretty good in my book the new growth looks cool under the light they are already starting to pick up on speed in growth. I still can't afford for a full run with BioHeaven though only got 90ml I'll see if I can get a few more samples from the shop.:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::morenutes::morenutes:





So according to the feeding schedule I have it says that starting tomorrow I should start giving nutes and I think they are ready. I will be making them up every other day 500ml at a time and give them about 125ml every two days no run off not sure why everyone freaks about run off all the time. I'm gonna start her off slow since I have to add in an extra 2 weeks veg. I'll change this first week and keep her at maybe 3ml/l for an extra week. Flowering will be the same as the schedule only with the al-a-mig added in as a constant additive because of the LED. Anyways.
29/6/16 nutes:These will be given every watering. Has anyone tried BioHeaven before is it worth the money??
2ml/l Root Juice
1ml/l Alg-a-mic
1ml/l Grow
1ml/l Acti-vera

1ml/l BioheavenEvery other watering. It's to expensive but might help. I'm seriously thinking of getting a 250mlbottle.....

That's it for now I guess. Hope everyone's Tuesday is going good. Going shopping tonight for sticky gnat things, Alg-a-mic and grow.
Anybody else got a shopping suggestion?? Under 15 euros :p
... I dunno what to get fuck this fucking wild haze has a kick. Erm Alg-a-mic 250ml (since i know it can go off rather not stock up on it), Bug sticky things, can't really think of anything else...
Bio Heaven cannot do harm, I used it all the way in my last grow (250 ml bottle is enough). I did not have any problem during the whole session.
I used a little bit of alga mic but I haven't bought a new bottle.
Biobizz support once told me that autos don't like too much nuts and that Alg-a-Mic should not be used before week 2 or 3.
Bio Heaven cannot do harm, I used it all the way in my last grow (250 ml bottle is enough). I did not have any problem during the whole session.
I used a little bit of alga mic but I haven't bought a new bottle.
Biobizz support once told me that autos don't like too much nuts and that Alg-a-Mic should not be used before week 2 or 3.
Well Biobizz support didn't know what they were talking about because alg-a-mic isn't a nutrient.... I think it's the price that's doing it for me on the bioheaven, I might just say fuck it and try it once.
The legal definition of "nutrient" is that it must have NPK. If it does not have N+P+K, it cannot be legally called a nutrient...but they are all nutrients, or super food for plants (alga-mic= vitamins, enzymes, hormones, micro nutrients). plants and micro-organism feed on them. Those definitions are made to sell stuff :)
Not in my legal book it's got no npk it's an additive.

Thanks weed man still not sure on what if any training I'm gonna do to early to tell i might pony tail them..

Anyways got heaven and alg-a-mic so now it's gonna be the entire line up. It should be smooth sailing from here on out
Hey Nicholas yeah man we'll see how they turn out. Spent enough money already on this grow to last the next few runs but I shouldn't have to buy nothing for a few runs.

I've been thinking and depending on plant structure will depend on training. If they are looking short and stalky I'll trim the bottom node and get a sog type of bud. One center cola type of thing if they look branchy I might just go ahead and top on the fourth node and stick to the original plan.
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