Spart's Cream Caramel - Mars II 400W - BioBizz Loving Run

Best Number of plants 60cm x 60m (2'x2')

  • 1

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
They look great.:thumb:And thanks :thanks:
Day 14 of life from seed
OK so week 1 of veg is done today (week 2 from sprout) not much new to report. They're loving their new homes and the temps are all spot on. Max is 31.5c (88f) low is 25c (77f) rh% is always about the same with a few fluctuations during lights out but nothing up over 40-50%. So far this light is preforming as to be expected. I've been using nothing but the full spectrum mode (both switches) on and the grow is doing great nice tight nodes under growth is starting to take off nicely. According to the schedule I'm using they will have 3 more weeks of veg and then to flower.

Feedings starting today will be the week 1 of veg from my schedule. pH as always is whatever comes out of the tap I don't alter my pH when using soil minor fluctuation in the pH of the feed/water is actually beneficial to the ecosystem that is in the pots. Plants will be getting 250ml/plant for now on as the pot's soil is dried already from the watering yesterday they are being fed/watered this amount daily. Which I'm really pleased about means I've got some healthy happy roots/ plants.
Today's watering will be:
2ml/l Root juice
2ml/l Grow
1ml/l BioHeaven
1ml/l Acti-Vera (every watering now why not)
1ml/l Alg-a-mic

So on to the pictures
My view from upon opening the tent I really got Dr. Frankenstein that bigger fan maybe after lights come back on. I want to take off the bottom of it and flip it upside down so it's not blocking any light next run I'm gonna spend a bit to get another clip one maybe a 15cm oscillating one.

Mars light
Pretty much every week I'll be taking picture of the lights/diodes to show that none are burnt out and all are working properly.

Here we have the two biggest ones and a side view to show the under growth.



As always if anyone has any questions or suggestions please feel free.
Mr. Budworshipper has returned. :adore::adore:
Yeah the leds seem to be doing the trick. Not a single complaint much cooler then that 300w craptastic cfl. Nodes are staying really close together. Undergrowth is starting to come threw. I'm getting 5ish*c difference between ambient temps and regular temp with the cfl it was 10c and I got the same extraction fan. Oh with this you got more then 15cm clearance to work in which is something I'm completely new as well. I have no complaints except I want more space to grow :rofl::rofl:
send me a message man it'd be nice to catch up.

Nothing to report on the grow temps are good 25c+-to31.6+-, rh% is good 35-50%, feedings all good, pots drying out good. I might get another fan just for the room itself and get the air moving a bit more. Not sure what node they're on but guessing would be 6ish in two weeks still not sure if i want to train them and fuck with them a bit or just let them grow.
The girls are fine but thirsty yesterday drank a full 500ml each and were bone dry this morning. Gave them another 500ml each they are happy as hell with conditions tho rh% is sitting at like 50% and the temps max are 32.5 low of 26 so it's still within a good range both ways and I'll be flowering at night at 8pm-8am so I'm gonna miss the day heat altogether :;):
Ok mini mid week before snorkeling pic up date. I really can't tell the difference when i look at them but when I look at the pictures I truly am amazed at how much these are growing up and quickly.... I'm gonna run out of room... :rofl::rofl:
3 days ago


few different angels as well





All and all I'm quiet happy about there growth so far. Normally when I'm doing autos they are getting ready to flower now and start stretching. I think about 2 weeks 3 days might be a bit much for flower but we'll see. On the other hand I want the most out of it. I got lots of room height wise even more so when I start to flower and drop the light down closer to the plants. If I get another set of yo-yos from somewhere I could hang the light til its about 10cm (4ish inches) from the top of the tent. and I can take out the clip fan I don't think it's really accomplishing anything anyways...
Hope everyone is ready for the weekend and the beautiful weather.
Things be going to shit out there people so stay safe and remember stranger danger
They are doing a great job,:thumb:will you top them later?:high-five:
I like those leaves.:volcano-smiley:
All and all I'm quiet happy about there growth so far. Normally when I'm doing autos they are getting ready to flower now and start stretching. I think about 2 weeks 3 days might be a bit much for flower but we'll see. On the other hand I want the most out of it. I got lots of room height wise even more so when I start to flower and drop the light down closer to the plants. If I get another set of yo-yos from somewhere I could hang the light til its about 10cm (4ish inches) from the top of the tent. and I can take out the clip fan I don't think it's really accomplishing anything anyways...
Hope everyone is ready for the weekend and the beautiful weather.
Things be going to shit out there people so stay safe and remember stranger danger
Yeah they're getting nicer and nicer. I think I should of followed the original feeding schedule and not added the extra week I'm gonna up the nutrient today to next weeks and start from today. So really I'm only adding a extra few days of lower nutrients at the beginning. Topping I'm not so sure If I had bigger pots then maybe just because I would need a few weeks for them to recover. Next run will be one plant that I'll fool around with. So I'm literally 14 days away from flower today If I top now I think I'd end up hurting my yield but as it sits these little ones are gonna double in size during the flowering "stretch" which I should be able to handle easily. I just hope I don't give them nitrogen toxicity or something but we'll see and I'll deal with it when it comes.

So today will be the start of the weeks 2 veg nutrients:
3ml/l Grow
3ml/l Root juice
2ml/l BioHeaven
1ml/l Alg-a-mic
1ml/l Acti-vera
I'm not sure if this stuff is actually helping with the heat but I don't see any heat related issues and temps are sticking around 30-32c lights on and 24-27c lights off...
topping without LST is pretty useless in terms of yield in my experience. If you don't bend the side branche, the bud sites will never become colas, they will remain basic nugs. It is not bad, it is just not a guarantee of better yield at all, if you don't LST (have you seen Arteekay's grows? that's how topping and LST should be done, otherwise, without all that extra work, it is simply a joke in terms of production, you don't get a single gram more...and zero big cola for sure ;-) ).

Myself, I may just throw a net on them if they get too big, then LST if it's useless, and topping as a last recourse if the apex goes above the light :) otherwise, i won't do anything except tucking during flowering to help light penetration and to densify lower buds.

Yeah they're getting nicer and nicer. I think I should of followed the original feeding schedule and not added the extra week I'm gonna up the nutrient today to next weeks and start from today. So really I'm only adding a extra few days of lower nutrients at the beginning. Topping I'm not so sure If I had bigger pots then maybe just because I would need a few weeks for them to recover. Next run will be one plant that I'll fool around with. So I'm literally 14 days away from flower today If I top now I think I'd end up hurting my yield but as it sits these little ones are gonna double in size during the flowering "stretch" which I should be able to handle easily. I just hope I don't give them nitrogen toxicity or something but we'll see and I'll deal with it when it comes.

So today will be the start of the weeks 2 veg nutrients:
3ml/l Grow
3ml/l Root juice
2ml/l BioHeaven
1ml/l Alg-a-mic
1ml/l Acti-vera
I'm not sure if this stuff is actually helping with the heat but I don't see any heat related issues and temps are sticking around 30-32c lights on and 24-27c lights off...
I don't have room to lst.:rofl::rofl:
Yeah I kinda figured that spacef but my only experience with topping was outdoor and the one indoor that got the stick treatment. :laughtwo:

I'm just gonna let them be I think. I wanna see what kinda colas this mars light can produce to an untouched plants. When I move the light down to flower it'll encourage the under growth to shoot up. I am gonna give it a week with the new level of nutes and see what happens. For any kinda LST in this tent 1-2 plants is more then enough any more and it's no choice but to sog. I can pull the biggest one down a bit just so it's even with the rest but it's not really needed. I think I'll hit my dry weight goal of at least 120grams.

The next run will be either one big ass auto in a 15L fabric pot or 9 autos in some 3.4l anti-spiral pots. Still haven't decided the votes are going towards the one big plant guess i should of put 9 as an option :loopy::loopy:
The next run will be either one big ass auto in a 15L fabric pot or 9 autos in some 3.4l anti-spiral pots. Still haven't decided the votes are going towards the one big plant guess i should of put 9 as an option :loopy::loopy:

I also clearly want to do an Bloody Skunk Auto session with 4 of them at least, other purples, and finish a bit of what I still have (blow mind, jack47auto....). another 8 / 10 / 12 plant session.... not now though :)
Smaller pots are a good idea, the ones I planted in the "rised-6 liters pots (1 pot + a slice of another pot on top to make it higher: it gave almost the sme size as 11L pots (some 11L pots were smaller). But It makes the pot+plant taller by a few centimeters that can be precious in a small room).

Like you it's the 1st time i grow fems, i feel a bit blind...will learn as we go :)
I've grown a fem before. well vegged outside and brought it in. I've done lots outdoors as well.
I really don't know what to do next one this one isn't even near over and I'm thinking of going to get seeds and I still got some:rofl::rofl:
I got 25 bag seeds as well could just throw them all in a big pot and let them fight to the death :rip::rip:
Ahh damn Spart they are looking great right now and well your whole setup is looking awesome man :thumb:
4 plants as healthy and well kept as you keep em well the harvest should be a real treat :)

Didnt realize i had a pm till the other day either. Sorrry abiut that one.
How did that whole situation with transport turn out?
Yeah man everything turned out alright. Can't count on anything in this place for shit anymore. Everything is going fine.

I made a kinda rookie mistake the other day and used the black soap on the plants not thinking about the pH of the liquid turned out to be a bit high so I got a few burnt tips on the bud sites where it stayed and rested while drying no worries tho it's still growing perfectly. Next time a slight dilution with some bottled water will be in order.

A week and 2 days now til flower. I want to try to keep the stretch to a minimum so as soon as I kick them into flower the light will be 35cm from the top then on. Right now they are sitting at about 55cm and still growing fine. I'm gonna need another set of ratchet hangers these wires just hang down to low on the light with 4 hangers I can literally get it within a few cm of the top. Other than that no problems at all. Temps are fine even tho its hot as shit out 40+ the room is sitting at about 25c and tent temps about 30-32c lights on.

They seem to be loving life and growing like champs they're loving the upped nutrients. Only one thing has changed I noticed that they were drooping a bit a few hours after their daily watering so now 1 day they get 500ml and the next they get 350ml then 500ml again. Pictures will be Thursday at week 4 of life. I noticed a few little roots poking out the end but she should be no where near root bound and will do just fine in the 7L pot.

Stay safe everyone and hope the gardens are green and healthy.
Hey Spart,
Too bad what happened with the black soap. It sounds like it was too much soap for leaves of that age. Try smaller doses (half). Also, i manually sweep the drops at the end of leaves because it can burn them too (absorbtion with handkerchieves, sounds boring but it's easy and quick on a few plants).

Anyway, I don't know if you are still intrested by your shaker, but a jam glass jar filled at 2/3rd 3/4, put it in freezer a few hours (you need only to reach 3/4° but you can leave it longer), then shake well a few minutes, then filter with whatever you got (kitchen strainer is fine). It's proper kif and you don't need to buy anything for it. The material that is unfiltered can be kept for a second extraction, there are still trichomes in there. For better quality, extraction filters are the best i think (you can choose the filter size).

Got a light? :hookah:
The one I was looking at was the Polenmaker Cristal (27euros) or the grey hash maker one(17 euros). The fan leaves are fine it's just where it "pooled" at a few spots they should be fine tho. All are reaching for the light tonight so hopefully its a good sign. The smallest one looks to be affected the most but she will be fine. I dunno I gotta go shopping again anyways for a few things for the next run. a 18L pot is gonna be needed
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