Spart's Cream Caramel - Mars II 400W - BioBizz Loving Run

Best Number of plants 60cm x 60m (2'x2')

  • 1

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
Biobizz light mix plus plants equals soil about in my opinion.can not stress how good this stuff is.u gota try it to see.plants will grow huge;) happy growing every1;)
When my flux is finished I'm gonna cram as many 2 liter pots I can fit and run 11/13 from seed. Some photos, some autos and a couple of my own breed. :thumb:
I've been thinking the same thing but at the grow shops they got pots that are pretty cool looking and cheap I might have to pick up 10 for the run after the next one I still got 25 lsd seeds to mess around with LOL.
2.6L Anti-Spiral square black pot said:
2.6L Anti-Spiral square black pot
Alchimia adds to its catalogue the 2.6L Anti-Spiral plant pots, made of black plastic and designed to prevent root bound, stimulating their development and maximizing their growth.
This is achieved thanks to the side slits, which make the roots to change their growth direction and thus avoid spiral growth while promoting root branching.
They also have large drainage holes to avoid waterlogging.
Their height is 21cm, measuring 14x14cm at the top and 10.5x10.5 at the bottom. In case of using the SOG technique, we can use up to 40 pots per square meter.

Hey Beast Glad to have ya aboard.

I got me the 420 pro support dream team in this thread :high-five::welcome::welcome::thumb:
Hopefully we're all just sitting here watching my plants grow tho and I don't run into any troubles :thumb:
squared Plant Pot - 3'25L said:
It is plant pot ideal for the early stages of growth or for use in SOG (See of green) in which it allows us to put up to 36 pots per square meter.
Its excellent drainage system and the quality of the plastic with which it is made makes it one of the best pots of its category.
Its measures are 15 x 15 x 18cm and it has a capacity of 325cl.
Its white color makes it ideal for growing outdoors where white color reflects the Sunrays and help to avoid that the ground temperatures get too high.
Compatible with the squared plate up to 3, 25 l

I dunno man what do you think would help a SOG more not spiraling roots or an extra half a liter of space. I did a west coast og from fast buds in a 3.25 round pot before and got a nice sized plant I thin she was 15 grams a really one bud structure and I didn't do any trimming at all I think I should of early on tho.... the bottom node at least here a pic or two why not. The roots If my memory serves me correctly were fine but the bottom of the pot I did it in was mostly empty so that might of helped a bit.



It looks fun but not very productive (you may have to do it a lot of times). Get some bags directly. Also make a youtube search about dry ice extraction. it's appetizing :)

I'm probably gonna use the ones that are real stemy and make cookies or maybe get a keif shaker. I chopped off most of the sugar leaves and hung it my hands were sticky as shit after cutting and i ended up with about a half gram of scissor hash :p I know that the grow shop here has a bunch of different ones I could make ice hash but them bags are expensive but might be worth it in the long run..... so many options to so little money.:rofl::rofl:

the shaker thingy
Very nice little one Mr. Am4zing :goodjob:
I was thinking about the bags but what the point I don't have enough to need to spend that much on it.

So I opened the tent and I officially have Gnats not many but enough to piss me off but I'll let the pots dry out and get some stickies, and then I saw a thrip.... LITTLE BASTARD THRIPS..... Needless to say I'm going use up the last of this bio one not sure what is in it got it at the local shop only got one last use in it then in a few days I'll use some Extract of Neem and possibly a root drench from Aptus or I might use the BioBizz leaf coat and see how that works out it should get rid and prevent the thrips but I'm still gonna need something for the roots. No matter what I'm gonna stick to the Bio products.
I found some really narrow deep ones the other day
10 x 10 x 17 cm - 1.4 L it was a normal plastic pot
1.5L and measure 11x11.5x21cm and is a fabric pot
13 x 13 x 18 cm - 2.5 L normal plastic
and lastly another anti spiral pot it's 21cm in height, 16x16cm at the top and 12x12cm at the bottom 3.4L

I think if you're doing a sog the plants are gonna stay short anyways so a little extra pot space won't make much difference foot print wise but will increase yield. I'd go for my space with 9 plants probably in the 3.4l anti-spiral and go 1 week germination 1 veg then flower probably end with maybe 15-20/plant 135-180. The 180 would be if everything went damn near perfectly. If you had a good organic soil you could actually pull off with out not having to give next to nothing in nutes. It not even 3 months time after all.

Anyways happy growing
happy weekend
Stay safe :Namaste::high-five:
Hi SPart!
You should use blue stickers for thrips, as well as yellow ones for soil gnats/flies. You can find them in any gardening shop, and it's "organic". I put them a bit everywhere at the begining of a session. This and lower watering (let pot dry a bit) should do the trick. You should catch a few and what is important is that they don't reproduce. so enough stickers will catch many insects and they won't reproduce and it should be over soon. Make sure the stickers do not touch the plants leaves ,or they will stick (i've lost a few bits of leaves in the past). also, ventilation must not make them move in a small box. in case of serious invasion i use double sided stickers, and i place them around pot edges , both faces (facing up and down) will catch many gnats and trips (the side facing the soil, but not touching it, should catch them quickly after they come to the surface).

You could also add organic neem oil to the water or by spraying (neem not yet tested here, but soon), after checking that it works on thrips (not yet checked here :) ). Neem gives the larvae and insects all kind of problems like genetic mutation and other awful stuff, it may not be necessary, stickers can be enough to solve the problem if used very early).

I've also tested essential oils (pelargonium graveolens L+Lavandolia latifola medik+various sitrus and mints) , it works, but makes me nauseous too, reppels also the grower... not good, but spraying, outdoor, a couple of drops per liter on leaves seems to work fine, smells strong though :)

I hope it helps,

Good luck with your new tiny friends :D

Very nice little one Mr. Am4zing :goodjob:
I was thinking about the bags but what the point I don't have enough to need to spend that much on it.

So I opened the tent and I officially have Gnats not many but enough to piss me off but I'll let the pots dry out and get some stickies, and then I saw a thrip.... LITTLE BASTARD THRIPS..... Needless to say I'm going use up the last of this bio one not sure what is in it got it at the local shop only got one last use in it then in a few days I'll use some Extract of Neem and possibly a root drench from Aptus or I might use the BioBizz leaf coat and see how that works out it should get rid and prevent the thrips but I'm still gonna need something for the roots. No matter what I'm gonna stick to the Bio products.
I'm gonna get a bunch of stuff next time I go to the shop. I wanna use up this other stuff first it seems to work. I've been spending to much money on this lately need to get a grow or tw done before buying anything else :p Temp are a bit high but it's alright. I might flower with 11/13 not 100% sure of it yet hell I'm not even sure what the plan is. If i want to top and train I'm going to 11L. But I think I'm not gonna do anything crazy might low stress train them all a bit but nothing crazy. Time will tell.:loopy::loopy: They might all die from the shit I sprayed on them :rofl::rofl:
If u put an auto in 71 pot mate and tried growing it in a tent.impossible to keep her under control without topping or training.would get out of hand.if u top an auto early enough at the correct time it wont delay the finish time of an auto.lst is what stalls an auto as lower growth begins to think there dominant growth;) and energy is switched around the plant topping and lsting my 2 autos in my current grow as there in 35 litre pots and there in a to keep them under control. So il give an extra week for the 12 weeks max for my autos then harvest;) will be well worth the wait;). Hope this helps .happy growing every1;):thumb:
I did a run of auto in 7L twice now. It got crowded but not crazy crowded I think my main goal is to get enough smoke to last doing a scrog so what i need is a bigger tent LOL
Okay before I do head to the shop if I could get some input on if i should get a new extraction fan I can get one it's 300m3/h for like 20 euros 300m3/h is a lot for a tent my sized so I would need to dial it down to about 250m3/h using a dimmer switch. Thing might make my tent implode tho :rofl::rofl: If I can get away with leaving the square passive air vent open I'll hook up a box or something to block out the light.
Basically my problem is should i get a 300m3/h extraction fan or get a new intake fan and see how that goes. Snap just remembered 14 days return policy. Guess if the intake don't work I can bring it back and get he exhaust.
300 m3/h is just fine for a 2*2 box. I have 280 and sometimes it is not enough when it is hot. Well, it is enough without a filter, so more air comes through, Ideally, it must suck all the air coming from the fans of the led panels before it goes down. With %Mars 400 there is only 1 or 2 fans, but with Mars 1200 there are 4, that more heat coming from the leds.
Alright so exhaust fan has it for the win it's literally 6 euros more. They do have leaf coat but I've heard many mixed reviews. I might just go for a basic black soap one for insecticide and see if I can get some stickies as well. I can't afford to get alg-a-mic so I think I'm gonna risk it. It doesn't smell like it's off so will give it a go.
I did a run of auto in 7L twice now. It got crowded but not crazy crowded I think my main goal is to get enough smoke to last doing a scrog so what i need is a bigger tent LOL

Sorry mate my bad i thought u said u were using 71 litre pots.7 litre pots will be sound of luck;)
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