Since I'm a little tired I forgot that I have a pic or two from uppotting, so they'll be here too.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Jacinda roots.jpg

These are both Jacinda
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Jacinda up-pot.jpg

I decided to use Jacinda for the training pics because her open structure makes things a little easier to see.
First step is to make the Carhooks (a creation of @Carcass ). I used to wait a little longer to start training the top branches so that I could just attach them straight to the dowel/rod (which will come up when I continue training them into shape, not today), but after @Trala introduced me to them I realized they could be used to get started a bit earlier:)
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training step 1.jpg

The next step is to pull the top two branches down with the hooks. If you spin the pot 180 degrees after putting the fist one in, you would e putting the second hook in the same way as the first, so they actually end up on opposite sides of the branches.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training step 2.jpg

Step 3, do the same thing with the next set of branches.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training step 3.jpg

As you may notice, I screwed up here. I fixed it later, but as usual, I did it by moving 3 of them, instead of just one, lol.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training from above.jpg

You want these hooks as close to the stem as possible, so it is protected from being torqued in the next steps.

Step 4 is to bend the next set of branches against the skewer holding the Carhook above, and to place another hook holding the branch so that it will be growing up into an open space afterwards.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training step 5.jpg

And continue doing so with all the remaining branches
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training step 6.jpg

And that is how I begin training my plants.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training complete.jpg

And here is a pic from above.
Space Grow 15 May 2022 Training complete above.jpg

If there's anything you're not clear on, or if you would like me to upload a pic or two edited to highlight a step just let me know. If you would like to see a step in more detail I will be training Lucille on Thursday morning, and I will be training Jacinda sometime around then too (I've already done Donatra).

If you have any questions just let me know.
As I read this it came back to me! Sorry my memory is not great. Did you top the fifth node? I see you have it perfectly symmetrical from the start. You warn against torquing the stem, which is what I have done without realizing it would come back to bite me.
Yeah, I like to add an occasional sprinkle of cinnamon to my coffee. It helped me kick the sugar habit and now I can taste the coffee again. The salty garlic chili powder is for the oatmeal, lol. Really strange how it can go either sweet or savory so well.
Next step is experimenting with decarbed kief added to the cinnamon!

Lol, no kidding!
Those are flavours that do not go well!

Yes I do! It's earlier in this journal, and the post is here!
I'll get my thoughts together and actually do a write up on exactly why I do things the way I do if anyone is interested. Maybe do it as a different thread and put a link in my sig.
lol when I was younger had my wisdoms taken out so I had a bottle of salt water in the fridge well Christmas morning a year later my dad was super thirsty and chugged it down not knowing
As I read this it came back to me! Sorry my memory is not great. Did you top the fifth node? I see you have it perfectly symmetrical from the start. You warn against torquing the stem, which is what I have done without realizing it would come back to bite me.
It isn't absolutely necessary, it's mostly to guard against any possible root damage. If you've read the lst thread by @InTheShed he mentions anchoring the stem to prevent the plant from uprooting itself as it grows, and this is sort of the same principle. The pressure those branches could put on the roots by putting torque on the stem might cause an issue for the young plant, but it's not a definite will cause an issue.
I top at the 5th node if the lowest set of branches looks like it'll be weak and I strip that node, leaf and branches, right off. I know Idid that with two of my current plants.
With Ebony and one of the others I topped at the 4th node, since the branches there were already growing well, and I trained them.

Edit: Whoops! This is why we keep grow journals. It was only Ebony that got topped at the 4th node. All the others were topped at the 5th node and had the first node stripped.
I'm pretty sure all the plants have started to stretch, even though Lucille still isn't showing any pistils. After this post I'll put up a row of pics of just the potted plants over the last few days (that I took pics :oops:) to make sure.
Space Grow 17 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 99
Space Grow 17 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

I'm still not getting clear pics of the whole plant. I think I'll just go back to the original plan of just showing shoot pics, and maybe a trunk or two, from here on out. Sorry, but I do have to take security seriously.

Jacinda the Ripper - day 97
Space Grow 17 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 17 July 2022 Jacinda shoot 1.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 92
Space Grow 17 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 17 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 82
Space Grow 17 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 17 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Thanks for checking in, and I'll be back in a minute with the series of pics to compare their heights over the last few days!
And here we go!
10 July 2022
Space Grow 10 July 2022.jpg

11 July 2022
Space Grow 11 July 2022.jpg

12 July 2022
Space Grow 12 July 2022.jpg

13 July 2022
Space Grow 13 July 2022.jpg

14 July 2022
Space Grow 14 July 2022.jpg

15 July 2022
Space Grow 15 July 2022.jpg

17 July 2022
Space Grow 17 July 2022.jpg

Hmmm. Well, Ebony has certainly grown tall enough in the last couple of days that the crossbar on the supports is now included in the frame. I guess I really do need something like that in the frame of all the shots as a reference. We'll see how fast they seem to be growing now that that's in the shots.
Good morning Mel :)

These plants are giving me life!

They are bang on!
Thanks Tra!
Me too!
Awesome pics my friend and they are definitely getting taller everyday :green_heart: Ebony is going to be a monster :morenutes:
How many hours of light are they getting?
Thanks G!
Direct light? About 6 hours. My neighbour's tree blocks a lot of light in the morning, and the house blocks it in the afternoon, starting around 3.
The neighbor is going to have to take the tree down soon though. It's starting to lift the fence.
Looks like I won't be getting pics today, it's too overcast and I keep getting rained on when I go out there.
Yea for sure growing strong daily ;) nice job Mel
Thanks Happy!
They are looking amazing Mel now they are going to rock out the daggers (pistils) and look all bad ass :)
Thanks 12!
They're working on it!
Just awesome! Absolutely beautiful plants my brother
Thanks BC!
Growing great Mel!
Thanks Stone!
I hope my Skywalker OG does as well as yours!
Looks like I won't be getting pics today, it's too overcast and I keep getting rained on when I go out there.

I don’t know over there in Ontario but here has been a totally different summer than last year. It’s been overcast here half the time. I just keep thinking humidity September ohh noo
I don’t know over there in Ontario but here has been a totally different summer than last year. It’s been overcast here half the time. I just keep thinking humidity September ohh noo
Completely different!
Last year we seemed to get at least one bad thunderstorm a week, and then September was pretty much one long rainstorm.
So far it's been a pretty dry summer, but not excessively hot.
And a day after I said it hasn't been too hot here we get a heat warning, lol.
Currently it's 33C and feels like 40 with the humidity. That would be 91.4 feels like 104 for our friends south of the border.
It's looking like it may be a three watering day. It depends on whether they start to droop this evening. I've already watered them twice today. First with a feeding, still 1.25g/L of MC, and with 2ml/L of @Remo Nutrients. The Remo is still doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to using it in flower.
Between the heat and my vape I forgot to take tip shots today.
Space Grow 19 July 2022.jpg

I also don't have usable shots of Lucille :sorry:

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 19 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 19 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 19 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Hope you all have a great day!
Keep cool!
And a day after I said it hasn't been to hot here we get a heat warning, lol.
Currently it's 33C and feels like 40 with the humidity. That would be 91.4 feels like 104 for our friends south of the border.
It's looking like it may be a three watering day. It depends on whether they start to droop this evening. I've already watered them twice today. First with a feeding, still 1.25g/L of MC, and with 2ml/L of @Remo Nutrients. The Remo is still doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to using it in flower.
Between the heat and my vape I forgot to take tip shots today.
Space Grow 19 July 2022.jpg

I also don't have usable shots of Lucille :sorry:

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 19 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 19 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 19 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Hope you all have a great day!
Keep cool!
They are looking good and ya man cant wait for it to rain they are saying it’s supposed to cool down by 6 going to be a 7 bottles of water type of night. Was going to go home but to many people saw me in Julia’s car lol
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