Not caught up but I started from the bottom, now we’re here.
The yard looks fantastic! Let’s hope for cooperative weather to the end 😁
It's way better than last year so far!
Ya she seems alright now and holy dowel didn’t know they could do that! Just fed my in ground some of that MC she’s all droopy and barely growing due to the shade wonder if this will help it
Hope so, but since she's in the ground light is probably your limiting factor.
Hahaha yea unruly girls not liking their bindings :laugh: all of mine have pulled through floral wire tie downs.....just means she's strong mel ;)

And everyone is looking great, can't wait to see them all in full bloom.
Hahaha yea unruly girls not liking their bindings :laugh: all of mine have pulled through floral wire tie downs.....just means she's strong mel ;)

And everyone is looking great, can't wait to see them all in full bloom.
She never did like the training, lol.
I can't wait for flower! Won't be long now though!
I'm going to have to thin out the branches at the bottom of Jacinda. It's getting difficult to water her. I'm thinking I might lollipop her. I haven't done that before since I usually use larfy buds to make hash, but I'm not sure I want any hash this year. I ended up giving most of it away last year.
So, any tips on lollipopping would be appreciated. All I really know is anything on the bottom third of the plant should be taken off, and anything that won't make it to the canopy.
Space Grow 23 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 105
Space Grow 23 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 103
Space Grow 23 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 23 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 90
Space Grow 23 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 23 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 80
Space Grow 23 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 23 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Thanks for looking in!
Have a great evening!
I have a set of bubble hash bags. You put a bunch of weed in the freezer (there's some debate about whether fresh or dried is better) as it's getting good and cold you line a bucket with your bags going from the smallest micron mesh to the largest. Take the frozen weed and put it in a bucket with lots of ice and just enough water to float the ice. Stir it well for several minutes, then pour it into the bucket with the bags. Pull out the bag with the largest mesh and put it aside. It's holding the weed and ice. Slowly pull the other bags up one at a time scraping the hash from the screen as you remove them. Put it aside to dry. Some guys just use the work bag, and the smallest screen, rather than the sequentially smaller micron bags. Using smaller screens is supposed to separate the hash into different grades, but if you're just using it for edibles that doesn't matter.
Then you do the same thing again.
There are videos on yt of how to do it.
The set of bags cost me $40 on the 'zon.
So, any tips on lollipopping would be appreciated. All I really know is anything on the bottom third of the plant should be taken off, and anything that won't make it to the canopy.
Interestingly enough, SCD just asked me this question in my LST thread! Here's how I do it (and I just did!).
I have a set of bubble hash bags.
I bought a set of 4 bags for $24 US and just did two passes tonight (probably do a third run tomorrow). I found it a pain in the ass! Next time I'm going with dry ice hash which is so much simpler and faster.

Probably didn't help that I used 15 ounces though. :rolleyes:
I have a set of bubble hash bags. You put a bunch of weed in the freezer (there's some debate about whether fresh or dried is better) as it's getting good and cold you line a bucket with your bags going from the smallest micron mesh to the largest. Take the frozen weed and put it in a bucket with lots of ice and just enough water to float the ice. Stir it well for several minutes, then pour it into the bucket with the bags. Pull out the bag with the largest mesh and put it aside. It's holding the weed and ice. Slowly pull the other bags up one at a time scraping the hash from the screen as you remove them. Put it aside to dry. Some guys just use the work bag, and the smallest screen, rather than the sequentially smaller micron bags. Using smaller screens is supposed to separate the hash into different grades, but if you're just using it for edibles that doesn't matter.
Then you do the same thing again.
There are videos on yt of how to do it.
The set of bags cost me $40 on the 'zon.
I started making it with two main bags 25 and 73 micron for the keeper hash and another in front of the 73, 120 I think and whose contents were tossed away.

Now I use a 25, 40 something, 73, 90 something, and then the 120. I think having more helps in keeping them from stopping up and draining slower. I really hate waiting on that 25 micron bag to drain.

I just bought a 5 gal BubbleMagic machine that I used on the Hawaii Maui Waui. I like it. It didn't come with instructions for making hash but there were videos on YouTube to watch.

I did it a little different. I added ice, the 220 micron zipp up bag with the frozen green weed, more ice to the mid level on the machine, and added cold water to the same line.
I let it sit and get as cold as possible, then ran the machine for 15 minutes and let it drain into my buckets lined with mesh bags.

I repeated the process with the same weed.

I think I got more from the machine than the "stir the bucket" method of agitation.

I don't smoke it every day. But when I feel like it, I sure do love smoking hash. :yummy: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I started making it with two main bags 25 and 73 micron for the keeper hash and another in front of the 73, 120 I think and whose contents were tossed away.

Now I use a 25, 40 something, 73, 90 something, and then the 120. I think having more helps in keeping them from stopping up and draining slower. I really hate waiting on that 25 micron bag to drain.

I just bought a 5 gal BubbleMagic machine that I used on the Hawaii Maui Waui. I like it. It didn't come with instructions for making hash but there were videos on YouTube to watch.

I did it a little different. I added ice, the 220 micron zipp up bag with the frozen green weed, more ice to the mid level on the machine, and added cold water to the same line.
I let it sit and get as cold as possible, then ran the machine for 15 minutes and let it drain into my buckets lined with mesh bags.

I repeated the process with the same weed.

I think I got more from the machine than the "stir the bucket" method of agitation.

I don't smoke it every day. But when I feel like it, I sure do love smoking hash. :yummy: :cheesygrinsmiley:
My neighbour has one of those machines. He really likes the hash that comes out, but I haven't tried it.
I checked the bags, and the first one is 220 micron. That's the one I use as a work bag.
Interestingly enough, SCD just asked me this question in my LST thread! Here's how I do it (and I just did!).

I bought a set of 4 bags for $24 US and just did two passes tonight (probably do a third run tomorrow). I found it a pain in the ass! Next time I'm going with dry ice hash which is so much simpler and faster.

Probably didn't help that I used 15 ounces though. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the link.
I've only put 150g through at a time.
I haven't tried the dry ice method, I'll look it up in more detail later. I considered it, but the first step in my research was to find out if I could get dry ice around here, but my google-fu is not strong, so I only came up with industrial sources, and I do not need 150kg of the stuff lol!
My neighbour has one of those machines. He really likes the hash that comes out, but I haven't tried it.
I checked the bags, and the first one is 220 micron. That's the one I use as a work bag.

Thanks for the link.
I've only put 150g through at a time.
I haven't tried the dry ice method, I'll look it up in more detail later. I considered it, but the first step in my research was to find out if I could get dry ice around here, but my google-fu is not strong, so I only came up with industrial sources, and I do not need 150kg of the stuff lol!
Maybe from a builder supply store like Home Depot or lowes?
Maybe from a builder supply store like Home Depot or lowes?
I don't remember checking either of those, specifically.
If I get the urge to try dry ice hash again I'll remember to give them a look.
Still haven't pulled the trigger on lollipopping Jacinda, but that will happen soon.
Donatra has started to reach up a bit more, and is continuing to put out 10 and 11 blade fans.
Ebony is starting to give me "about to flower" vibes. The nodes on the ends of her shoots are starting to get closer together, and are all shooting out pistils.
I realized that I've been making a mistake editing the group shots. When I download them to the computer I crop them fairly tightly, which reduces the file size and makes them look a bit better, but it means that it's not possible to use them to judge how fast the plants are growing. I'll be keeping copies of the full pics from now on, but I think it's too late for this grow. I'll see if the originals are still on my phone.
Space Grow 25 July 2022 .jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 107
Space Grow 25 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 105
Space Grow 25 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 25 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 92
Space Grow 25 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 25 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 82
Space Grow 25 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 25 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Have a great day everyone!
My neighbour has one of those machines. He really likes the hash that comes out, but I haven't tried it.
I checked the bags, and the first one is 220 micron. That's the one I use as a work bag.

Thanks for the link.
I've only put 150g through at a time.
I haven't tried the dry ice method, I'll look it up in more detail later. I considered it, but the first step in my research was to find out if I could get dry ice around here, but my google-fu is not strong, so I only came up with industrial sources, and I do not need 150kg of the stuff lol!

Felonious suggested ice cream stores like Baskin-Robbins or Dairy Queen.
I've been a bit busy this morning, so Jacinda will have to wait until this afternoon or tomorrow morning to get trimmed. Not much to report otherwise. Still watering with nutes daily.
I'm just glad it's cooled down outside. It was great this morning, nice and cool.
Space Grow 26 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 108
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Don't know why the camera decided to focus on the background today.😐

Jacinda the Ripper - day 106
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 26 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 93
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 26 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 83
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 26 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Beauties Melville! Gotta be pistils soon. :popcorn:

Oh we can tell. :)
There are pistils, just not buds yet!
I'll see if I can get clearer shots of them tomorrow.
Beauties :drool:
Nice and consistant Mel. Cant decide if I like one more than the other, I like them all lol
Donatra is still my favourite. She's had a really nice smell since she got her first big fan leaves, reminds me of joints in high school. Now when I give her a stem rub I get a lemony scent as well.
I'm really looking forward to sniffing the buds when they start to stink!
I've been a bit busy this morning, so Jacinda will have to wait until this afternoon or tomorrow morning to get trimmed. Not much to report otherwise. Still watering with nutes daily.
I'm just glad it's cooled down outside. It was great this morning, nice and cool.
Space Grow 26 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 108
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Don't know why the camera decided to focus on the background today.😐

Jacinda the Ripper - day 106
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 26 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 93
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 26 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 83
Space Grow 26 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 26 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

There are pistils, just not buds yet!
I'll see if I can get clearer shots of them tomorrow.

Donatra is still my favourite. She's had a really nice smell since she got her first big fan leaves, reminds me of joints in high school. Now when I give her a stem rub I get a lemony scent as well.
I'm really looking forward to sniffing the buds when they start to stink!

Hey Melville :ciao:
The girls are Awesome.
Ever leaf is perfect, very happy ladies. :welldone:

Did you say your feeding every time?
What nutrients?
They like it .;)

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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