They are looking good and ya man cant wait for it to rain they are saying it’s supposed to cool down by 6 going to be a 7 bottles of water type of night. Was going to go home but to many people saw me in Julia’s car lol
Yeah, they're predicting thunderstorms tonight, coming in from Michigan.
Southwest winds. Luckily my plants are fairly well sheltered from that direction, so I'm not too worried. Still taking precautions though.
That’s pretty hot over there wow, we have only had several days like that, not many. Low 20s here and cloudy, at least no rain.
Sounds awesome!
You enjoy that beautiful heat.

I’m currently in sub zero temps and freezing my tits off!
I'd trade you in a heartbeat, but I don't think the plants would like it!
The plants seem to be a bit of alright considering the heat!
Still growing and looking happy!
Oh got it, so it's your fault! 😓
Yep, totally my fault!
Yeah, they're predicting thunderstorms tonight, coming in from Michigan.
Southwest winds. Luckily my plants are fairly well sheltered from that direction, so I'm not too worried. Still taking precautions though.

Sounds awesome!

I'd trade you in a heartbeat, but I don't think the plants would like it!

Still growing and looking happy!

Yep, totally my fault!
Grreeeat hopefully no flooding tonight. Hopefully it cools down after today mind you I don’t mind the weather just don’t like working in it
And here we go!
10 July 2022
Space Grow 10 July 2022.jpg

11 July 2022
Space Grow 11 July 2022.jpg

12 July 2022
Space Grow 12 July 2022.jpg

13 July 2022
Space Grow 13 July 2022.jpg

14 July 2022
Space Grow 14 July 2022.jpg

15 July 2022
Space Grow 15 July 2022.jpg

17 July 2022
Space Grow 17 July 2022.jpg

Hmmm. Well, Ebony has certainly grown tall enough in the last couple of days that the crossbar on the supports is now included in the frame. I guess I really do need something like that in the frame of all the shots as a reference. We'll see how fast they seem to be growing now that that's in the shots.
I love this so much!!! This is a busy place and rightfully so! Superb job on the outdoor front Mel! Just lovely!! Go Big D!!!
So aside from some wind the weather has yet to change. Still hot, humid, and sunny. I put some bricks in place to keep the frames from blowing over this evening/night, and the bamboo should do it's job.
Space Grow 20 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 102 Still no action
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 100 Has almost caught up to Donatra and Ebony in height
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 20 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 95
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 20 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 85 Something @Jon mentioned once about the way outdoor buds grow, with the branch zig-zagging instead of staying straight like indoor buds came to mind as I took the pics of Ebony and Jacinda's shoots.
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 20 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Grreeeat hopefully no flooding tonight. Hopefully it cools down after today mind you I don’t mind the weather just don’t like working in it
I worked up a sweat just watering the plants! I'm ready for it to cool down a bit!
I love this so much!!! This is a busy place and rightfully so! Superb job on the outdoor front Mel! Just lovely!! Go Big D!!!
Thanks Krissi!
I'm loving her leaves!
So aside from some wind the weather has yet to change. Still hot, humid, and sunny. I put some bricks in place to keep the frames from blowing over this evening/night, and the bamboo should do it's job.
Space Grow 20 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 102 Still no action
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 100 Has almost caught up to Donatra and Ebony in height
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 20 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 95
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 20 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 85 Something @Jon mentioned once about the way outdoor buds grow, with the branch zig-zagging instead of staying straight like indoor buds came to mind as I took the pics of Ebony and Jacinda's shoots.
Space Grow 20 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 20 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

I worked up a sweat just watering the plants! I'm ready for it to cool down a bit!

Thanks Krissi!
I'm loving her leaves!
Lol yup just standing here and I’m sweating hopefully work makes it so I just ignore it lmao.

Girls are looking good and wow Lucille still hasn’t flowered I wonder how big she’ll get!
You must love the view out of those windows!
I do! The only issue is you can see straight through to them from the front door!
I have to open the door to the basement to block the view when anyone comes to the front door. Legal or not, the fewer people who know I'm growing the better.
At least there are enough outdoor growers on this street I don't have to worry about the smell, the whole neighborhood stinks of weed during flowering. It's awesome!
I do! The only issue is you can see straight through to them from the front door!
I have to open the door to the basement to block the view when anyone comes to the front door. Legal or not, the fewer people who know I'm growing the better.
At least there are enough outdoor growers on this street I don't have to worry about the smell, the whole neighborhood stinks of weed during flowering. It's awesome!
I'd put a curtain on the front door glass because who opens the door to strangers anymore!
Evening everyone. Didn't really do anything today, just gave them a feed in the morning, and a watering in the afternoon when they started to droop.
One good thing though, my neighbour let me check his plants before flower this year, and there definitely won't be any males. I found clear signs of sex on them all, and the two males got the chop. He had 5 female plants and is bringing the weakest one "to the lodge".
No, I didn't ask what that means.
Not a bad day, but windy.
Space Grow 21 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 103
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 101
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 21 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 96
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 21 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 86
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 21 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Foxy ladies Mel, foxy ladies. :bravo:
Thanks D!
Hey Melvillnator!

Your grows go so quick!

And I’d totes swap weather. Give me hot over cold any day of the week!
Veg usually seems so slow to me, but this year it feels like we just got started!
Evening everyone. Didn't really do anything today, just gave them a feed in the morning, and a watering in the afternoon when they started to droop.
One good thing though, my neighbour let me check his plants before flower this year, and there definitely won't be any males. I found clear signs of sex on them all, and the two males got the chop. He had 5 female plants and is bringing the weakest one "to the lodge".
No, I didn't ask what that means.
Not a bad day, but windy.
Space Grow 21 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 103
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 101
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 21 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 96
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 21 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 86
Space Grow 21 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 21 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Thanks D!

Veg usually seems so slow to me, but this year it feels like we just got started!
plants look great Mel did skywalker start flowering yet? That was a wicked storm last night as well!
plants look great Mel did skywalker start flowering yet? That was a wicked storm last night as well!
Thanks 12!
Nope, not yet. She's growing quick though. Just hitting 150cm. I haven't seen any preflowers yet though.
Thanks 12!
Nope, not yet. She's growing quick though. Just hitting 150cm. I haven't seen any preflowers yet though.
Nice my Death Bubba looks like it’s starting to get Pistils but still no stretch or pre flower almost really screwed up by feeding it bloom
In case anyone was wondering the pics of Lucille show what it looks like when a plant starts to free itself from it's training, lol.
Space Grow 22 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 104
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Lucille training.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Lucille training 1.jpg

See how much she's bent that dowel?
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 102
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 97
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 87
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Nice my Death Bubba looks like it’s starting to get Pistils but still no stretch or pre flower almost really screwed up by feeding it bloom
One off feeding won't do much damage. She'd take it in stride.
In case anyone was wondering the pics of Lucille show what it looks like when a plant starts to free itself from it's training, lol.
Space Grow 22 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 104
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Lucille training.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Lucille training 1.jpg

See how much she's bent that dowel?
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 102
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 97
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 87
Space Grow 22 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 22 July 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

One off feeding won't do much damage. She'd take it in stride.
Ya she seems alright now and holy dowel didn’t know they could do that! Just fed my in ground some of that MC she’s all droopy and barely growing due to the shade wonder if this will help it
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