So, there's something I haven't mentioned, and which you would not have noticed without looking very closely at the pics.
Donatra has been starting all of her leaves pretty strangely since she went outdoors. I decided that I would let it be and just keep an
Hi Mel, I saw this kinda leaf pattern early in my grow when I took the plants from inside to outside, but eventually it snapped out of it. Im my case I was thinking the pot was to small for the roots and the plant was stressing out.

So, there's something I haven't mentioned, and which you would not have noticed without looking very closely at the pics.
Donatra has been starting all of her leaves pretty strangely since she went outdoors. I decided that I would let it be and just keep an eye open for any problems or pest issues that could be causing it. Every set of leaves she started like this grew out of it, and are all healthy and normal now. I decided it was probably just a genetic quirk. She's still doing it now, and since I have nothing else to tell you guys today, I decided to put it up now.
Space Grow 01 July 2022 Donatra Leaves.jpg

Space Grow 01 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 01 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 01 July 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 01 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 01 July 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 01 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 01 July 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 01 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 01 July 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

So, that's pretty much it for today.
Happy Canada day!
Could it be weather related? One of mine on the outside is doing the same happy Canada day brother
Made a spray with 5ml neem, 2ml insecticidal soap (potassium salts of fatty acids), and a litre of water. Sprayed all 4 plants, especially the undersides of the leaves. Hopefully that will put an end to whatever has been munching on them. There isn't much damage yet, but prevention is better than any remedy.
Haven't made the drench yet.
Space Grow 02 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 02 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 02 July 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 02 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 02 July 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 02 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 02 July 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 02 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 02 July 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Hi Mel, I saw this kinda leaf pattern early in my grow when I took the plants from inside to outside, but eventually it snapped out of it. Im my case I was thinking the pot was to small for the roots and the plant was stressing out.

The leaves grow out of it as they get bigger, and Donatra isn't showing any other symptoms so I'm just going to blame genetics. Just thought it was interesting.
Could it be weather related? One of mine on the outside is doing the same happy Canada day brother
Maybe, but I would think at least one of the others would do it as well if that were the case. Either way I'm not really concerned about it right now. No other signs of any problem here.

Have a good evening everyone!
It's been getting kind of difficult to take "overhead" shots of the plants, so this will probably be one of the last updates to have them. I might take a few if I need to take the ladder to the backyard for something, but doing that daily is a bit much.
They've reached the point of needing daily watering, as they're droopy every morning. That's even with watering to runoff. As both MC and Remo recommend feeding with every watering that's what I'm doing. I am going to change that up a bit in flower. The last couple of years using these pots I've had to water twice daily starting around mid-flower. Last year I switched to feeding in the morning, and plain water in the early afternoon when they start to droop again, and they seemed to do a bit better.
I have also started looking into the promix organic moisture control mix. It's pretty much the same as what I'm using, but with coco added in. My buddy has used it for a couple of years outdoors, and it holds more water than this blend. The coco doesn't change how it behaves for him, so I'll try a plant in it next year to compare.
Space Grow 03 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 03 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 03 July 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - between the shots of Lucille and the rest of them I got the mulch down
Space Grow 03 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 03 July 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 03 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 03 July 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 03 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 03 July 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Hope you're all having a great day!
I made tacos today.
Space Grow 04 July 2022 .jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 04 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Good morning Mellypants :)

Garden is looking smchmickey smchouse!

My Cleo grew stronger and taller after a stem squeeze too.
Mellypants, lol!
That's a new one!
Thanks Tra!
thing of beuty Mel :green_heart: all looking really nice.
Thanks D!

Thanks everyone for looking in, and I hopw you all have a great evening!
I made tacos today.
Space Grow 04 July 2022 .jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 04 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Mellypants, lol!
That's a new one!
Thanks Tra!

Thanks D!

Thanks everyone for looking in, and I hopw you all have a great evening!
Tacos? Can I have one! Girls are looking great Mel :)
I made tacos today.
Space Grow 04 July 2022 .jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 04 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 04 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Mellypants, lol!
That's a new one!
Thanks Tra!

Thanks D!

Thanks everyone for looking in, and I hopw you all have a great evening!
Pretty plants my friend
I tried taking pics today, but I'm not happy with how they turned out. Just one though.
Anyone know what this is (besides dead)?

It's barely 2cm long.
I saw one on a garbage can at the park the other day but it is known just to me as smashed and obliterated
Your plants are looking sweet Mel! They've all got that "look."

Growing outside would probably be too stressful for me since I'm kinda' obsessed with all things insect! Finding that damn Fieri bug on my plant would have sent me over the top!:)
I tried taking pics today, but I'm not happy with how they turned out. Just one though.
Anyone know what this is (besides dead)?

It's barely 2cm long.
Looks like a catapiller I had a black on in the garden that I killed we have another one in metamorphosis on the fence
Having a crazy day so far. Lots of connection issues.
Space Grow 06 July 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - apparently she's over whatever it was slowing her down. She's jumped up in height over the last week or so.
Space Grow 06 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 06 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 06 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 06 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Your plants are looking sweet Mel! They've all got that "look."

Growing outside would probably be too stressful for me since I'm kinda' obsessed with all things insect! Finding that damn Fieri bug on my plant would have sent me over the top!:)
Thanks GDB!
I'm used to seeing bugs out there, but that one was new to me! I'm starting to spray them with BTK now. I usually wait until flower to do it, but I usually don't find caterpillars on there either!
Looks like a catapiller I had a black on in the garden that I killed we have another one in metamorphosis on the fence
Definitely a caterpillar, I just didn't know what kind. I don't kill all of them though.
My buddy's sister is raising monarch caterpillars since they're endangered. They only eat milkweed though, so no threat to our plants.
By the way, I've been feeling a little lazy about not putting up the age of the plants. It's not something I usually keep track of outdoors, especially since they tend to flip on their own, and on slightly different dates, but I did it in my last journal so I will start doing it again here.
In order of age, Lucille is 88 days, Jacinda is 86, Donatra is 81, and Ebony is 71.
I'll be including their age beside their name at the top of the pics going forward.
Have a great day everyone!
Remembered to take out a wine bottle for scale, but I can't leave it out there as it's not empty (yet).
I know the pic of Lucille is terrible, but it was even worse before I used the photo editing software that came with the computer to fix it up a bit. I'll do better tomorrow.
Space Grow 07 July 2022.jpg

Lucille - day 89
Space Grow 07 July 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 87
Space Grow 07 July 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 82
Space Grow 07 July 2022 Donatra.jpg

Ebony - day 72
Space Grow 07 July 2022 Ebony.jpg

Always a pleasure watching those ladies grow my friend. Really have a green thumb.
Thanks man! Really appreciate it!

Have a great day everyone!
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