So which ones are being fed Remo and which ones are being fed MC? Also, do you have to ph with Remo?
I wasn't sure if comparing a sponsor's product with a non-sponsor would be a problem, so I decided to err on the side of caution.
@Roy Growin could I get an opinion on that?

I haven't been adjusting the pH since the soil I use is well buffered, and it hasn't affected anything yet as far as I can see. Remo do say to pH it, and if I come across a problem that looks like it could be caused by pH I'll certainly start doing so.
The soil also gets flushed regularly by the rain, although this year has been a little drier than some.
girls looking foxy Mel, is that the wind that bent the tops on Ebony? or you got her training?
I watered them just before taking the pics and she hadn't had the chance to perk up. She's standing tall now!
I wasn't sure if comparing a sponsor's product with a non-sponsor would be a problem, so I decided to err on the side of caution.
@Roy Growin could I get an opinion on that?

I haven't been adjusting the pH since the soil I use is well buffered, and it hasn't affected anything yet as far as I can see. Remo do say to pH it, and if I come across a problem that looks like it could be caused by pH I'll certainly start doing so.
The soil also gets flushed regularly by the rain, although this year has been a little drier than some.

I watered them just before taking the pics and she hadn't had the chance to perk up. She's standing tall now!
Hi @Melville Hobbes - to be fair to our sponsors, yes, that could be a problem
You can mention another brand but not promote it in any way, so a comparison would be difficult if not impossible
Thanks for stopping to think
I'm pretty happy today, Donatra is growing 11 blade leaves again!
Other than that it is really hot and humid here. Not much else.
Space Grow 21 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Donatra.jpg
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Donatra 11.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Have a great day!
I'm pretty happy today, Donatra is growing 11 blade leaves again!
Other than that it is really hot and humid here. Not much else.
Space Grow 21 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Donatra.jpg
Space Grow 21 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Donatra 11.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 21 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Have a great day!
Yes Mel they look great! And ya it’s hotter then satans a**hole right now tomorrow is supposed to be worst!
Hi @Melville Hobbes - to be fair to our sponsors, yes, that could be a problem
You can mention another brand but not promote it in any way, so a comparison would be difficult if not impossible
Thanks for stopping to think

What I want to know is why is MC the only non-sponsored nute we're not allowed to mention by name? Growers all over the site (especially those not in the U.S.) often use non-sponsored nutes and are allowed to post what they're using without the name of the nute changing to 420. :hmmmm:
Extremely hot and humid here. High of 34C. Not very pleasant. Girls were wilted this morning, but all perked right up with a feeding. Made sure the water was nice and cool too.
Space Grow 22 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 22 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 22 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 22 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 22 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 22 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 22 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 22 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 22 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Sexy Donatra with 11 spades :love:

leaf porn
I'm still hoping she gets to 13!
Yes Mel they look great! And ya it’s hotter then satans a**hole right now tomorrow is supposed to be worst!
Yup, and it is!

is that ontario? nanaimo here is 16 and might reach upper 20's. Still waiting for a real hot day here.
Yes, Southern Ontario, right between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. I am envious of your temps, I'm not made for the heat!
Yes, Southern Ontario, right between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. I am envious of your temps, I'm not made for the heat!

Holly... Thats why I ran out of Quebec as soon as I was ready, Montreal is way to hot (from greenhouse effect polution) and the humidity is crazyyy with the St Laurence river both sides. BC tho has had a weird climate this year. Reports from locals here say last year at this same time they had 40 C and plus. La Niña is bringing cold air from Chile all the way up here.
On the good side, you dont hear of any huge forrest fires this time around...

Keep em hydrated like TC said.
It's a little cooler today, not quite as humid.
Everything is moving slowly along. I have some neem oil on the way as the earwigs have been damaging some leaves, and after the lull last year the leafhoppers are back.
I'll be making a spray, and cribbing @HashGirl's notes to make a soil drench. See if I can't get rid of them this year.
So far the only aphids we have are on the back rose plant, so I'll see how it does on them as well.
That's about it for today.
Space Grow 23 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 23 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 23 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 23 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 23 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 23 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 23 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 23 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 23 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Holly... Thats why I ran out of Quebec as soon as I was ready, Montreal is way to hot (from greenhouse effect polution) and the humidity is crazyyy with the St Laurence river both sides. BC tho has had a weird climate this year. Reports from locals here say last year at this same time they had 40 C and plus. La Niña is bringing cold air from Chile all the way up here.
On the good side, you dont hear of any huge forrest fires this time around...

Keep em hydrated like TC said.
I remember seeing and reading about that "heat dome" last year on the news. Crazy heat, especially for a part of the country that doesn't usually see much in the way of extremes.
That's pretty damn hot! They look like they're handling it well though after watering which tells you how healthy they are. :thumb:
Yeah, they perked back up pretty quickly. I was thinking of rigging some sort of shade for the pots, like loose burlap bags. But it looks like their canopies will do the job before it's really needed. We've got some time before the hottest part of summer gets here.
So today I noticed preflowers on Ebony and Jacinda. I'm thinking they may be the first to shift to flower next month. I was wondering which plants would show them first and I'm a little surprised that Jacinda is showing before Donatra, but going by previous years this is just an indication that they're ready to flower, not that they're going into flower now. It is nice to see though.
Space Grow 24 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 24 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Space Grow 24 June 2022 Lucille 2.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 24 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 24 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 24 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 24 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 24 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 24 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg
Hi Mel!

Girls are looking so fire, like absolutely amazing. I wish that when I can grow outdoors, my girls resemble this in the slightest!
For some reason it wouldn't let me type anything in after the last image.
Hi Mel!

Girls are looking so fire, like absolutely amazing. I wish that when I can grow outdoors, my girls resemble this in the slightest!
Thanks Krissi!
Really hoping you get to grow outdoors soon!
I found one the other day on Surprise and hopefully she sticks around for a while :)
Always love seeing them on there protecting the plants!
Your plants look great Mel, and they're tough! While I'm not a plant, I would wilt under some of the temps they're withstanding! :)
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