Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

lol Ewww.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thank you, 36Grow. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Definitely keep the edibles in your bucket list! You can adjust dosage on them with ease, he can work his way up to higher doses that way. A sprinkle of decarboxylated weed here and there when big azzed choco chip cookie infused with small amounts at first...the list is endless. When cannabutter comes into play you can make it mild, or strong. It's very versatile.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Yep, Im sure its a whole new world. I cant wait. Im not much of a baker, but I am willing to make exceptions. :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

My daughter is extremely sensitive to cannabis, and yet a small dose will eliminate the relentless anxiety and stop her nightmares. I make a whole pan of brownies with just 3 grams of buds and she cuts them into 8 pieces and then cuts each piece into 5 more. Her dose is one of those 5 pieces. She spreads the dose out through the night, one piece about 30 min before bed, one piece before bed, another if she wakes in the night and the last two when she wakes. It's the only way she can consume it.

This may be the way to try with your husband. You'll soon discover if he has any tolerance. Start small.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 53

Not a lot going on for me inside the tent today. Both girls are working overtime on their job of growing. Very impressed with both of them. Thelma is starting to stretch a bit more in the top. Louise has already turned her bent branches back to the light. The lights will go off 30 minutes earlier again, putting them at 16/8 now for their lighting.

I have decided I really dont like this longer dark period thing. It was hard enough not peeking at them for 6 hours and now I have to do it up to 12? Ugh. lol

All is well for today.




Ni night!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I have decided I really dont like this longer dark period thing. It was hard enough not peeking at them for 6 hours and now I have to do it up to 12? Ugh. lol

If you really need to work on them during the 12-hours of dark, you can use a green light. The green part of the light spectrum won't interrupt the dark cycle like white or red light will. That said, it only takes 30-seconds of non-green light to interrupt the dark cycle and temporarily put the plant back into veg, so it's better to just stay out of the tent during lights-off. It's hard at first, but eventually you get used to only seeing your plants once or twice a day.

My plants just went into flower, so we'll be harvesting around the same time. It's so exciting! Keep up the good work growing and updating. :Namaste:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Oh, I dont need to be in there, I just want to be able to look at them. lol

Its so cool at this point in the grow, people start throwing around big words like "harvest". :) Im beside myself excited for these last few weeks. Its really cool that you will be harvesting around the same time. I. cant. wait.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Plants seem to love there home!! :thumb: the plants will def fill in and fill your tent well. Love how your plants are looking in flower
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Looking good my friend! Can't wait to see some flowers on the auto!

Hi Sillymoose! :1! Thank you. Im going to feed them again tomorrow. See how well they like me after that. lol
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Plants seem to love there home!! :thumb: the plants will def fill in and fill your tent well. Love how your plants are looking in flower

Hello Arellanobrian. :blushsmile: Thank you. Im so danged excited to see how they turn out, its ridiculous. lol
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

By the looks of them now there going to get nice and big in flower! The next couple of weeks tour going to see them grow quite a bit every day.

And I'm also very interested in going into edibles as you can really put it in anything. I've wanted to get some canna a coconut oil and butter lol just have a full 3 course meal with canna everything
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

It would be difficult for me to make a full meal of it. My kids eat what I eat and thats one thing I wont serve them. lol Ill have to make the horrendous sacrifice of having brownies instead. Poor Me. :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Lol I understand im priority's as a parent always come first, just one of the fantasy's I have. I think doing the brownies and breakdown Ng it up for several doses would be the best for someone that doesn't like smoking
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I just love how the plants are looking Sorenna. I know how hard it's going to be not to be able to look at them during the 12/12 schedule too. can dooo-eeeet!

When you get to making the edibles, check out the off topic forums for recipes and ideas. ;-) You can learn how to decarboxylate your ground up weed to add to recipes, sprinkle here and a sprinkle there. LOL You absolutely must try the caramels! Oh yum.
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