re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED
Thelma and Louise - Day 58
Sorry, again, its been a couple days since the last update. Happy things are happening in other areas of my life right now. Yay! I like happy things.
So, last time we talked I went on and on about pruning Mizz Thelma and making milk from it. Today, I have pictures of her without all those leaves, but honestly, its hard to tell the difference and I took quite a lot from her. lol But she is far more open and I took the opportunity to count her tops and, unless I made a mistake, I count 21. That just makes me go wow.
She makes a pretty plant and pretty flowers:
I caught her teaching her little sister how to make flowers.
Remember I told yall she has a fat stem?
Thelma has discovered stretching, Im afraid. lol She is 17" tall now. 3 inches in 2 days, I think?
Louise is just kinda hanging out. She doesnt seem to be doing much, but she does that. Sometimes she grows like gangbusters and other times she just crosses her arms, sticks her tongue out and refuses to budge a centimeter. lol She is still 14" tall.
Her stem isnt nearly the size Thelma's, but considering her stem was skinnier than a toothpick at first, I think shes done pretty well for herself.
Thelma is much thirstier than she was before. I have to give her water in her SWICK twice a week now, before it was only once. Her light weight always shocks me on feeding day. Louise is stingy and shes not giving up her water without a fight.
Thats it for this episode of Thelma and Louise. Stay tuned for tomorrows antics and new developments.
Ni night!
P.S. Disregard Thelma's slightly droopy leaves. I took the pictures before she had a chance to get good and awake. Shes definitely bright-eyed and bushy now.