Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I can no longer take pictures for today, she has gone night night. But I did post a pic of her true colors a few days ago. This one.


Thanks for your input. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 46

Hi yall. :blushsmile: No pics for this update since I just took some this morning and they really dont look that much different than they did then.

Thelma is all perky and pretty right now. She is just growing like a weed! Pun intended. :)

Louise seems no worse than last night and does not seem to be affected by the extra water I ran through her, no drooping, though she might still. I dont know how long it takes for that to show up. Im noticing just how much she is growing. Shes like double her size from a week ago. I know she is still small by flowering standards, but I may flip in 2 weeks, depending on how she is behaving between now and then. Never can tell with her. What do yall think about flipping soonish? I ask because if Im going to do that, Im planning to add 30 minutes of darkness each day, so it will take 12 days to get to 12/12. I dont think I want to just flip her because there is still Thelma to consider. I dont think shell be done before Im ready to flower Louise.

I just had a power outtage for an hour. *grumbles* I hope that doesnt affect her veg. Surely it wont, right? So annoying this town I live in, someone farts too loud and it goes out. :rollingeyes:

Anyways, thats all I can think of for now. Its a good thing Im not a politician. I could never filibuster for hours like they can. lol
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

For Louise, as a photo period, the decision on flowering is usually constrained by
? How soon do you need ripe flowers?
# In this case, Thelma is blooming, so you have time.

? When do you run out of space?
# You don't want to outgrow the height of your lights, or your final pot size. I like to leave a minimum of 12" for HPS to 1" for CFL. Since all plants can be repotted, height is the limiting factor. A couple extra weeks of veg time when this small can easily double your flower weight.

# Another limiting factor is nutrients in your soil, but since you are supplementing as you grow, this isn't a limiting factor - It's more an annoyance. With a longer veg time, more things tends to go wrong. So then you try to correct the things that go wrong.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

* some one farts ad it goes out * lmao!!! same as where i am f sk ,
flip if new growth looks nice and healthy , what lights are you on at the mo ?

Im using Mars II Reflector 96x3 and one CFL over each plant.

The new growth still looks pretty good, but I still dont trust it. I think she is getting worse. So I flushed her with 3 gallons of PH water. She drooped and she complained, but now she has perked back up. Now Im just gonna watch her for a week and see what she does.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

For Louise, as a photo period, the decision on flowering is usually constrained by
? How soon do you need ripe flowers?
# In this case, Thelma is blooming, so you have time.

? When do you run out of space?
# You don't want to outgrow the height of your lights, or your final pot size. I like to leave a minimum of 12" for HPS to 1" for CFL. Since all plants can be repotted, height is the limiting factor. A couple extra weeks of veg time when this small can easily double your flower weight.

# Another limiting factor is nutrients in your soil, but since you are supplementing as you grow, this isn't a limiting factor - It's more an annoyance. With a longer veg time, more things tends to go wrong. So then you try to correct the things that go wrong.

Well, I want to be sure she is healthy going into flower, so Ill wait for that to clear up first, then I will probably flip her. Well see how things go.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 47

Evenin'. :blushsmile:

The girls are doing okay. Thelma is looking marvelous. I didnt feel like opening the tent, so I just peeked in from the side and got a picture of her.

I was struck by how pretty she looks in bloom.


Louise is not feeling well and didnt want her picture taken. I think she still has a problem so I flushed her with PH'd water and will let her sit for a week to dry out a bit. I switched hers and Thelma's places in the tent, so Louise could be closest to the fan, to help with the drying. She was pretty droopy after I first finished, but now she has perked back up again. I have always loved the way she prays to the light. Im keeping a close eye on her and nursing her through her ordeal, I hope.

See yall next time. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I think the flush will help , there was something she didnt like , did you test the run off when flushing ?
Im sure when she is dryer she will be good as gold , make sure you feed GROW nutes a couple of weeks into 12/12/flower when the time comes , change to bloom after the stretch . roughly 2/3 weeks,

I am sending you plenty of Irish luck :green_heart:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thanks for the luck. Ill surely need it. GROW nutes for a while longer yet. Got it. :blushsmile: The run off was low so I Ph'd the water to flush her. Well see what happens.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Yep! All sorts of rowdiness here! :party:

:welcome: Its my pleasure to welcome you to my journal. I hope you find a comfy place to settle in. If you get lucky someone might pass of bowl of roasted "popcorn". :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thank you, Db003 and Whitty! Nice to see you both. :blushsmile:

Yes, Thelma is my AngelBaby and Louise is my DemonWeed. :laugh:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Is this where all the rowdy girls hang out? (I see SweetSue here... :laughtwo:) Hi, Sorenna! Subbed up and will read through later. :circle-of-love:

Got a good laugh over that Canna. Still laughing. Rowdy and darned proud of it! :blunt:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I blinked and Thelma grew up! Let life distract you and look what happens. :thedoubletake:

You shouldn't be afraid to share crappy pictures of Louise. They're only crappy to you, and with people like Antics, Rad, UltraDan and now Canna hanging about they might be able to give you more insight. Just a thought. Me? I'm a good cheerleader, but I know almost nothing about cannabis cultivation, successful grow notwithstanding. I chose powerful soil that grew for me. Haha!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I blinked and Thelma grew up! Let life distract you and look what happens. :thedoubletake:

You shouldn't be afraid to share crappy pictures of Louise. They're only crappy to you, and with people like Antics, Rad, UltraDan and now Canna hanging about they might be able to give you more insight. Just a thought. Me? I'm a good cheerleader, but I know almost nothing about cannabis cultivation, successful grow notwithstanding. I chose powerful soil that grew for me. Haha!

Well, I kinda look at it like this.. I wouldnt want anyone to take pictures of me when Im feeling my worst. Its the least I can do. Ill post a pic, probably later after she wakes up from lights out.

I took a picture last night, I just didnt post it. haha
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Don't worry about pictures of plants doing bad.

Here's mine:

That's Big Bang, from GHS. She's been growing like shit for months now, while everyone else passes her. I've given her the nickname Big Bitch instead. Why? Because I have 3 plants doing great, and she's the only one that wants to be an asshole.

All 3 in the same soil, all 3 receiving the same line of nutes. That's enough to prove it's not my fault. She's just a finicky strain for one reason or another. Don't worry about that, post the pics, maybe someone will see something, and a lightbulb goes off for them and they can tell you exactly how to fix her.

And this is the internet anyways, there's no reason to worry if someone doesn't approve of you or your grow. If someone doesn't like the pics, they can unsubscribe and let the rest of us hang out and enjoy helping each other.

And which one is which? All these names confuse me! lol it seems like everyone names their plants. I give them numbers lol.
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