Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Mind if I use that in the 'woman im looking for' box at eHarmony?:slide::winkyface::slide:

Good Rascio. :laughtwo:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

its worse when you read from the last page and go back , im hell for it , part of adhd I think , never been diagnosed but my 2 kids have it and they remind me of me , i cant even watch tv i get lost lol , if you ever notice my likes will go backwards from last to first lol , there is discolour in most leaves , wouldnt hurt to give a little epsoms next watering , just to be sure :)

Im gonna give them some when I feed them on Sunday. I only do this once, or until they show that they are having a problem, or do I make it part of their weekly feeding?

Thanks again for keeping such a good eye on my baby girls. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I am going to 100% agree with Nutty here. Remember that Magnesium is a mobile element, so you will see deficiencies manifest in older growth first as it pulls the Mag from storage to use for new growth. If you wait until you see a mobile element deficiency in new growth then you have depleted all the stores and will be constantly trying to play catch up.

Also, as Magnesium is depleted you might see other deficiencies peer their ugly heads out that correspond to the uptake of Magnesium, such as Iron and Calcium.

I'm sure you have seen these charts a thousand times on just about every journal or FAQ thread, but I will post them here again for quick reference.



I have seen the lower chart with all the leaves, but I have not seen that other chart. Thank you. Ive already read through all the responses and Xtrchessreal already asked my first question. So now I kinda know how to read it. Thanks for posting it. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

also on a brighter note
my new instant plant fertilizers . yes i have plenty on time on my hands :)

Tea bags for plants! There might be a market for that. I dunno. :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Don't try to fool yourself, you are talking in your authentic voice :)

(( hugs ))

:blushsmile: Thank you. Its not the words, its things like updating daily and posting a lot of pictures, or the little colored update line. I admit I stole all these ideas from SweetSue. haha
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Mind if I use that in the 'woman im looking for' box at eHarmony?:slide::winkyface::slide:

I dont mind at all. Then when you meet her for the first time you can give her a K.I.S.S. :)

Keep. It. Simple. Stupid.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

That is some definite pistle growth right there :circle-of-love:
Looking good Sorenna :thumb:

Thank you. Im tickled pink!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

reps for pistil spotting

Why, thank you, Radogast. How sweet!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I didnt give the girls a real good inspection last night when I got home. I wish I had though, because I find this today:



Is this a progression of the magnesium problem or is it nute burn? Keep in mind that I did feed her full strength on Monday evening. Or is it something else entirely?

*sad panda*
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I PH'd her at 6.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Here are my thoughts on Louise's condition.

I fed her on Monday, full strength, but I did not put her back on the SWICK so she has had no fresh water. Could that have caused her to burn?

This is what Ive been doing all this time, I think I might not have gotten it right:

I feed them each 1/2 gallon of nutrient infused water once a week, but I do not put in any other water until their next feeding. Thelma is on her SWICK all the time, so she gets fresh water whenever she wants and is not affected by this brown stuff on her leaves, but Louise is not on her SWICK because she still gets too wet of I dont take her off of it. I guess what Im trying to say is I think I might be drowning her in nutrients and not diluting it between either by a hand water or by her SWICK.

If yall agree that this might be her problem. I think I will flush her and take her off the SWICK and then leave her be until Sunday, when I will feed her. Ill just hand water her, maybe a liter of water, between feedings from now until she starts to flower.

We all know Im a nooblet, so feel free to tell me this is all wrong headed thinking, if you think it is.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

:blushsmile: Thank you. Its not the words, its things like updating daily and posting a lot of pictures, or the little colored update line. I admit I stole all these ideas from SweetSue. haha

You took those ideas and infused it with your own authentic voice, a voice we are all drawn to Sorenna. It's a delight to come here and see all my buds sitting around in your room having discussions. Feels good, doesn't it? I like to imagine a time when we could do that for real, sitting around, smoking and laughing, working out the particulars of soil science. Ahhhh, sweet thoughts. :passitleft:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

It's a delight to come here and see all my buds sitting around in your room having discussions. I like to imagine a time when we could do that for real, sitting around, smoking and laughing, working out the particulars of soil science.

*gigglesnorts*...You know what came to mind when I read that? A circle of chairs, a smoky livingroom, and people sized buds, some with hats and some with bows, sitting around smoking and laughing.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I had to read that a few times to realize you didn't mean bows and arrows. I may be a bit country.

Have you added anything to the soil or amended or topdressed? Do you have access to quality earthworm castings or compost?
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