Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

To me, im no professional or anything but i think the newer leaves look healthy and dont think she is really having any problems, its quite common for the lower leaves to yellow when they are not really needed anymore, just think, that yellow leaf is what was feeding that branch to grow to this stage, the new top and its leaves will be feeding that branch/top now. Dont quote me on that but thats the way i have always looked at them on my outside grows lol, looking good sorenna ;)

Thank you, Feral. What you say makes sense. I know it happens to plants when they are nearing harvest time, but shes not anywhere near there yet. Perhaps she has used up all the goody in those leaves. I dont know.

I really wish I could just speak plant. That would be most useful. lol
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 43

Today, I havent been in the tent much. I did get in there for a couple pictures though. Of course! :) I havent done anything to either one of them today. Im just letting the veg out while I do the same on Game of Thrones. :blushsmile:

Thelma looking luscious and beautiful. Good thing shell never even see a boy, because I dont have a shotgun!

Of course Louise is not to be outdone and she posed for a picture, too. No longer the gangly lil girl of a couple of weeks ago. She is looking like a proper plant, finally. :blushsmile:


Im off to SleepyTown. I hope yall have a good night or day, or time period, whatever. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Priceless update Sorenna. Night night. :love:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

its worse when you read from the last page and go back , im hell for it , part of adhd I think , never been diagnosed but my 2 kids have it and they remind me of me , i cant even watch tv i get lost lol , if you ever notice my likes will go backwards from last to first lol , there is discolour in most leaves , wouldnt hurt to give a little epsoms next watering , just to be sure :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

its worse when you read from the last page and go back , im hell for it , part of adhd I think , never been diagnosed but my 2 kids have it and they remind me of me , i cant even watch tv i get lost lol , if you ever notice my likes will go backwards from last to first lol , there is discolour in most leaves , wouldnt hurt to give a little epsoms next watering , just to be sure :)

I am going to 100% agree with Nutty here. Remember that Magnesium is a mobile element, so you will see deficiencies manifest in older growth first as it pulls the Mag from storage to use for new growth. If you wait until you see a mobile element deficiency in new growth then you have depleted all the stores and will be constantly trying to play catch up.

Also, as Magnesium is depleted you might see other deficiencies peer their ugly heads out that correspond to the uptake of Magnesium, such as Iron and Calcium.

I'm sure you have seen these charts a thousand times on just about every journal or FAQ thread, but I will post them here again for quick reference.


re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I agree totally, but its at an early stage and what i meant was there is no reason to do anything drastic, flush or change up anything, just continue as normal but of course adding some epsom salt, CaMg or equivilent to the next feed hehe
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I added this today to my own , lol
a friend who sadly passed away on new years eve ( her 38th bday ) very sad she give me all her meds to play about with


also on a brighter note
my new instant plant fertilizers . yes i have plenty on time on my hands :)

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I am going to 100% agree with Nutty here. Remember that Magnesium is a mobile element, so you will see deficiencies manifest in older growth first as it pulls the Mag from storage to use for new growth. If you wait until you see a mobile element deficiency in new growth then you have depleted all the stores and will be constantly trying to play catch up.

Also, as Magnesium is depleted you might see other deficiencies peer their ugly heads out that correspond to the uptake of Magnesium, such as Iron and Calcium.

I'm sure you have seen these charts a thousand times on just about every journal or FAQ thread, but I will post them here again for quick reference.


Okay I have seen some charts but that one with the circles and arrows, (parentheses, Brackets, quotated, underlined...its like Alice's Restaurant) seriously how do you read that chart? Can you point me to the article that one came with? I really really want to see that please...if you have it. :)

For your audio pleasure entertainment: Alice's Restaurant -
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Lol. Broken down its not too bad. Green lines point to an element that antagonizes (or disrupts the absorption of) the element it's pointing to. Purple lines stimulate, or assist in absorption of the element it's pointing at. So Nitrogen helps the plant uptake Magnesium more efficiently(purple line). But too much Nitrogen disrupts the plants ability to adequately absorb Phosphorus (Green line).

So, with deficiencies, you need to also look at corresponding elements

**EDIT** Keep in mind that chart is for soil. Not sure about hydro
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Lol. Broken down its not too bad. Green lines point to an element that antagonizes (or disrupts the absorption of) the element it's pointing to. Purple lines stimulate, or assist in absorption of the element it's pointing at. So Nitrogen helps the plant uptake Magnesium more efficiently(purple line). But too much Nitrogen disrupts the plants ability to adequately absorb Phosphorus (Green line).

So, with deficiencies, you need to also look at corresponding elements

**EDIT** Keep in mind that chart is for soil. Not sure about hydro
If I am reading it right I think you mean too much Nitrogen disrupts Potassium and Boron. Please don't take this wrong I am simply analyzing this chart. I see the general idea but it needs some real numbers to go with it to state what it is in balance and it should say something about pH. For instance a Potassium deficiency is caused by what? And what can you do to stimulate Potassium uptake? If the Potassium is there then why a deficiency and what should I look for? I have never experienced a Potassium deficiency and going with the chart it is likely only if a severe imbalance is in place. So by the chart I need to look for too much Nitrogen, Calcium, and Phosphorus. Now I look at the leaf pictures to see if I have overlapping issues. All of the elements in this fictional problem are mobile but no pictures of Calcium abundance so I should have leaves that look like Nitrogen and or Phosphorus abundance as well as a leaves deficient in Potassium. I might also have leaves that look like Iron and or Manganese deficiency. The solution would be to flush...but what pH should I use, probably neutral aka 6.5 ish I know the chart doesn't say that but I think that would be a good assumption.
I don't know why I do this, I just want to solve a puzzle but I think I don't have enough tools or knowledge to solve my own fictionalized problem. Now I have to go and do some homework that I made for myself. Knowing where to go and look is half the battle...My first stop is: Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Yes, Potassium not Phosphorus. That is my fault for not looking back at the chart before writing. lol

Keep in mind that this is a chart showing how elements effect each other in soil, and is not directly associated with Cannabis. Just as the pH charts are not Cannabis specific, but how nutrients interact in certain pH ranges.

This is called Mulder's Chart if you would like to do some homework ;)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I am going to 100% agree with Nutty here. Remember that Magnesium is a mobile element, so you will see deficiencies manifest in older growth first as it pulls the Mag from storage to use for new growth. If you wait until you see a mobile element deficiency in new growth then you have depleted all the stores and will be constantly trying to play catch up.

Also, as Magnesium is depleted you might see other deficiencies peer their ugly heads out that correspond to the uptake of Magnesium, such as Iron and Calcium.

I'm sure you have seen these charts a thousand times on just about every journal or FAQ thread, but I will post them here again for quick reference.


It's hard to see....
The legend for the green line reads antagonism..
Underneath the :420: stamp, the legend for the purple line reads something like stimulation.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 44

*waves a tired hand* Hi yall. Im really tired so my update tonight is mostly just placeholder so I dont lose count. haha

Both of the girls are looking spiffy, particularly Louise. I have a few concerns about Thelma, but Ill post and sort through those in the am.

But! :)

Im pretty sure I found real, live, honest-to-goodness pistils on Thelma! *happy dances*


Til tomorrow! Im dragging my poor, sore body to bed.

Oh and I can see yall chatting in the thread today. Ill read them better and respond tomorrow when my brain moves past "sluggish mode".
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