Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Hey Sorenna, just checking in. My SB still has red lines on the stems. I started feeding Flower nutes this week, with a bloom booster (0-15-15) so I should start seeing a difference in a week or so, but I think our first guess is right.

You should be able to find epsom no problem, it's very common in most stores, and pretty cheap for the plain unscented variety. I've read the same dosage as everyone else suggested, 1 tablespoon per gallon. You're always in good hands here at 420 Magazine :thumb:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

What beauties Sorenna. So impressed with Louise and I'm learning lots listening in on Rad and Ranger. I haven't tried training at all, so I'm not worth much there, but I was thinking along the same lines. Top her again.

I'm also interested in hearing about this bowl shape. Come on Ranger, give.

Thank you, SweetSue.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I use 1 heaping tablespoon per gallon. I warm up a small bowl of water and add the Epsom salt so it dissolves nicely, then add it to the rest of the water in the watering can.

I would agree with Nutty that it is looking like it wants more Mag.

I'm sad I missed the Flux/Topping discussion. Lol. I think you know how I would've voted. But I think in Louise's case, topping her again is the best route. Radogast explained that perfectly.


Thanks for your input, UltraDan. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Pardon the delay, real world concerns.
My Great-Aunt (and probably her Great-Aunt before her) use a technique where the the primary and other branches are trained on twine. It's a very gentle technique, but effective because all the action takes place at the end of branches where they are most pliable.
Bowl may be better if you curl the branches out, rather than have them simply stick out. This would also maximize your use of space and light. Remember to use twine (jute or sisal) not string.
It's an easy technique and cheaper than dirt. If you have any questions, plz feel free to check out LinkInSig. Seeing it in action may be easier than my stilted prose.
Love and respect

Now that you mention, I did see this technique in your journal. Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Ill go have another, more depth look in a little while. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Hey Sorenna, just checking in. My SB still has red lines on the stems. I started feeding Flower nutes this week, with a bloom booster (0-15-15) so I should start seeing a difference in a week or so, but I think our first guess is right.

You should be able to find epsom no problem, it's very common in most stores, and pretty cheap for the plain unscented variety. I've read the same dosage as everyone else suggested, 1 tablespoon per gallon. You're always in good hands here at 420 Magazine :thumb:

Nice to know about your SB. Thank you for passing on your findings. When I saw those purple blotches on her stem, I must have just caught the streaks when they were first forming.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Okay, I went to the store and I got some Epsom Salt and I know I add 1 heaping tablespoon to a gallon of water. My question is this... I just fed them about 24 hours ago. 1/2 a gallon each. Will it be too much water if I do it again, only this time with just the Epsom Salt or would that only act like a mini flush of the feeding thats already in there?

I hate having issues. lol
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

If you are 100% sure it is a Mg issue, I would consider a foliar instead of watering. If you do foliar, make sure to hit the bottom of the leaves. This is copy/pasted.

How should you apply Epsom salt?
-Using a Magnesium compound as a foliar spray is less risky than adding it to your fert solution (unless you have calculated what you need or are using CalMag Plus). Fill a spray bottle with lukewarm tap water. Add one drop of dish soap and 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts. Allow to dissolve. Mist lightly, not to runoff or beading, onto affected leaves just when the lights come on. Repeat daily until pale stripes disappear.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Realized "curl" might be vague or misleading. Have you ever seen a seashell cut in x-section? You've seen the walls of the shell almost s-curve out to the next level? This 3D curve would lend a lot of strength to the plant/bowl. For 3D you might try training to pre-shaped willow wands (or whatever is similar and local). Proper proportions would, happily, blend beauty w/productivity as you open up the entirety to light.

Wow! I just looked at some of the folks your charm and pleasant way have attracted to help and learn from you and am feeling humbled. You've got quite a crew.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I'm not sure about the Epsom salt. How about stress? Maybe she's just not happy about something,, but before you start messing with her.... I might just leave her alone. No more topping either...... just my humble opinion. What is that saying about a boiling pot.... it don't boil or something... I think she looks fine... Maybe hungry from New growth,,, I dunno,, be patient

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

If you are 100% sure it is a Mg issue, I would consider a foliar instead of watering. If you do foliar, make sure to hit the bottom of the leaves. This is copy/pasted.

How should you apply Epsom salt?
-Using a Magnesium compound as a foliar spray is less risky than adding it to your fert solution (unless you have calculated what you need or are using CalMag Plus). Fill a spray bottle with lukewarm tap water. Add one drop of dish soap and 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts. Allow to dissolve. Mist lightly, not to runoff or beading, onto affected leaves just when the lights come on. Repeat daily until pale stripes disappear.

Im not 100% sure about anything except my desire to bring forth a harvest, preferably big enough to last until my next harvest. lol Im a pretty simple girl. haha

I have the Epsom Salt, but I havent yet done anything with it. Since I am using LEDs, I expect to have a Cal/Mg deficiency. Im pretty much just waiting to see it manifest itself, partly so Ill know what that looks like and partly to make sure I will indeed have a problem with it.

I appreciate you dropping by and leaving that useful information. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Realized "curl" might be vague or misleading. Have you ever seen a seashell cut in x-section? You've seen the walls of the shell almost s-curve out to the next level? This 3D curve would lend a lot of strength to the plant/bowl. For 3D you might try training to pre-shaped willow wands (or whatever is similar and local). Proper proportions would, happily, blend beauty w/productivity as you open up the entirety to light.

Wow! I just looked at some of the folks your charm and pleasant way have attracted to help and learn from you and am feeling humbled. You've got quite a crew.

Very interesting, Ranger. We dont have Willows here that I am aware of. I do get what you saying, though about the strength of it.

Yes, I do have illustrious company for my first jaunt into the grower world and I am ever so grateful. I mostly made this journal for me, so I would have a written record of it that I can go back and look at for whatever reason. Im glad to have yall with me. I know my journal will help at least one lol But I hope it might help someone else, too. Thats a goal, anyway.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I'm not sure about the Epsom salt. How about stress? Maybe she's just not happy about something,, but before you start messing with her.... I might just leave her alone. No more topping either...... just my humble opinion. What is that saying about a boiling pot.... it don't boil or something... I think she looks fine... Maybe hungry from New growth,,, I dunno,, be patient

I think the phrase you are looking for is... A watched pot never boils. hehe I dont know what could have stressed her out? Its been a while since I topped her and I havent been digging up and down her stem like I have poor Thelma's. I bought the Epsom Salt, but I havent used it yet. Ive always thought that Louise's leaves were much more pale than Thelma's, but I can see what TheNuttyProfessor is talking about. Here in a bit Im going to post an excellent photo of an older, yellower leaf and a newer, more lush leaf. They just happen to sitting one on top of the other.

Upon closer inspection I can see some yellowing, dry patches starting to form in the outer margins of her leaves.

I think at this point, Ill just watch her and will plan to correct the issue with the next feeding which is 4 days away.

Thanks for keeping an eye on my lovies.

It takes a village to raise a child.
It takes a forum to raise a plant.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Very interesting, Ranger. We dont have Willows here that I am aware of. I do get what you saying, though about the strength of it.

Yes, I do have illustrious company for my first jaunt into the grower world and I am ever so grateful. I mostly made this journal for me, so I would have a written record of it that I can go back and look at for whatever reason. Im glad to have yall with me. I know my journal will help at least one lol But I hope it might help someone else, too. Thats a goal, anyway.

Ha! That's just what I intended when I began Sorenna. Somehow it grew into my wonderful entourage, many of whom have become as enamored by your journaling style as I have. You breathe a new life into the pages. Obviously that energy is appreciated. It only gets more fun from here.

Edit I like to think of it as our community gardens. :laughtwo: I like the way you put that. :love:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Okay, here is the promised picture of one older yellow leaf and one new green leaf. The older one is from like the second set of leaves she ever made. The new green one is from one of the new branches growing from a lower node.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Ha! That's just what I intended when I began Sorenna. Somehow it grew into my wonderful entourage, many of whom have become as enamored by your journaling style as I have. You breathe a new life into the pages. Obviously that energy is appreciated. It only gets more fun from here.

Edit I like to think of it as our community gardens. :laughtwo: I like the way you put that. :love:

*smiles* Well, you should like my journalling style. Its based on yours. :blushsmile:

((((((All who read this))))))

Theres a virtual hug for all of yall from me to you.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

To me, im no professional or anything but i think the newer leaves look healthy and dont think she is really having any problems, its quite common for the lower leaves to yellow when they are not really needed anymore, just think, that yellow leaf is what was feeding that branch to grow to this stage, the new top and its leaves will be feeding that branch/top now. Dont quote me on that but thats the way i have always looked at them on my outside grows lol, looking good sorenna ;)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

LOL... that reminds me of one of my boys when they were little.

"Mama, I can count to 100 really fast!"

"Oh yeah? Let me hear it"

"1..2.. skip a few..99..100! Tada!"

I always skip the last page of a book. Sometimes it ruins the book, sometimes it just asks more questions than it answers. Almost every time it makes no sense whatsoever. lol

Im very happy to have you with us and caught up. Thank you for joining us. :blushsmile:
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