Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I was joking about the good leaves lol.

If you're not taking off good, healthy leaves, there's a problem with your grow. The fact that you only removed good leaves says your grow is doing just fine :thumb:

Oh, thank god. I really thought I took off all the wrong leaves and screwed her up.

She only had one marred leaf throughout the entire plant. That one blade I burned with the CFL the first night I put it in there. lol It just happened to be on one of the the fans I took off.

The main motivating factor for defoliating her in the first place was because the humidity in my state is near 100% and has been for like a week. I found at least 5 different places on her leaves that were very wet spots that should not have been there because I havent introduced any water of any kind in there for 3 days. They werent just damp, they were wet, like dime sized spots where a leaf from above laid on top of it and the contact must have caused the wetness. I do not want mold and until the humidity dies down some outside then I think its in her best interest if I keep a close eye on it. My RH meter is not working because the battery died and I havent had the chance to get another, but trust me, it had to have been like 90% in there when I got up this am.

I closed all the windows and turned on the AC. The humidity has dropped a great deal since I did that.

Thanks again, you and UltraDan are my heroes today. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Lol. He was just joshin with Ya Sorenna. You did just fine. :thumb:

lol.. Thank you. I really thought I messed up. haha
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I don't think you can really mess up defol. Lol

Take this creepy thing for example :rofl:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Your well fed leaves are great nutrients. You can feed them to worms or compost pile if you have them.
You can eat them, but they taste like leaves. :)

Juicing is an option
Juicing The Plant For Her CBD's
If I were you, I would take my fingers and rub them up and down on the bottom of your stems near the soil. Do this to knock off the tiny leaves and stems that will never contribute much because they are shaded and little.

I dont yet have a worm bin. I still havent quite talked myself into proprogating critters purposely in my house. lol I dont have a compost heap either. I think the landlady might drop her upper plates if I built one in (my) backyard. haha

I did actually take off a few more of those tiny no account leaves down at the bottom of the stem when I took her out for the second time today to go on a pistil hunt.

I searched every single node on her main stem from every angle and with a flashlight and I didnt find anything except those stipule thingy's. I didnt find any balls either, so I guess thats a good thing. I just dont know why she isnt flowering yet. Three days into week 6 on an auto, from all Ive read, she should be flowering for at least a week by now. Though I did read something about a few autos not flowering unless they were put under 12/12 lighting like a photo. *shrugs* Ill give it more time and then worry about it, I reckon. Im thinking that maybe I had the LED too far away until UltraDan corrected me about the height of the light and now she is just behind? I dont know.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I don't think you can really mess up defol. Lol

Take this creepy thing for example :rofl:

Ive been following your grow, so I have seen that picture before. In fact its the one picture that gave me a clearer understanding on what exactly fluxing is. I can read about methods until the cows come home, but what I really need it to see it and that did it for me. And dont call her creepy. lol Have you seen her lately? Shes a beauty.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 38

So my favorite time of day has come and gone once more: I just got done looking in on my lil lovies. And they are nothing short of spectacular! No, Im not biased, nope! :)

Thelma has recovered her good humor after yesterdays foray into defoliation. It was nerve-wracking and fun, too. Im doing so many more things than I intended to do when I first started this grow. I gotta be careful because I tend to get carried away with these kinds of things. I have to recall that in Thelma's case she is an auto (supposedly) so I cant mess with her too much and that is the only thing staying my hand from picking more leaves off of her because I think she is still a little too dense. I havent ruled out some more LST though. :blushsmile:

Shes just so perky. This girl would totally dance under a time lapse. She goes from peppy to sleepy. Even if I didnt know what time it was when I looked in on her, Id still know if it was 2 hours before lights out, because thats when she droops like the weight of the world is on her leaves. Kinda fascinating, really, especially since Louise does not do it, at all, that Ive seen.



She is gaining height, not a lot mind you, but it counts. lol

Louise still prays everyday. Her lines and developing nuances are just so pretty. Now she kinda looks like she has a top portion and a lower portion. Like shes stacked. haha

Her soil was feeling a little bit more moist than I am comfy with so I blocked her access to the SWICK temporarily. Thelma is still nicely and evenly moist so she still has her access. Im more and more convinced that younger plants dont like the SWICK as well until they get bigger and require more moisture.

Her center is changing daily, which is awesome. I cant wait for those 2 shoots to get taller. I noticed something. The bigger, older leaves are 5 points, but the leaves in the 2 new shoots are 3 pointed. Interesting. Now Im wondering how many sets will it take to get her back to 5 points. Next one, maybe? The one after? Cant wait to find out. :blushsmile:



She is also getting a bit taller. Its kinda hard to gauge their height when they no longer have a defined top point. Now the tips of the leaves are way taller than the stump left after her topping. Still, I count a 1' maybe 1 1/2' increase.

So, thats all for this update. Im planning to LST Thelma in the next couple of days, but I want to get some sort of wire and that will require a trip to the store.

Oh, yes, dont mind the splotchiness, particularly Thelma's, of their colors. I finally found the elusive white balance on my camera so every one of these pictures were taken under the LEDs, but no pink. I hate pink! lol The green color is fairly well representative of their true color, but its not even because of the different colors of lights in the LED.

See yall next time!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

loopy lou the strawberry blue in her new home
this soil was drenched in my good and bad bacteria
it also has lots of pigeon minerals in it , dried meal worms , and the soil is full of dried shells from the beach

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

She looks wonderfully familiar. :blushsmile: She gorgeous! Ill be rooting for her. She my new favorite of all your plants.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 39

Hello everyone. I know I did one of these this morning, but that one was supposed to have been last night but I was out celebrating my sister's college graduation and couldnt be bothered to make an update when I got home, so I did it this morning. Their light cycle is from 8pm to 2pm. So they have had a "night" since this morning so in my mind its the next day and Im back on track for daily updates.


I dont know why, but I have such a feeling of foreboding where she is concerned. She isnt flowering, she doesnt seem to be advancing much, if any. She has no preflowers and no calyxes either. I feel like something is wrong, but I have no idea what, or even if. I defoliated her a little bit yesterday and today Ive redone her LST. I untied her and used some wire that I found straightened on a section of chainlink fence so I clipped them to use for LST purposes. I really hope she appreciates my sacrifices for her. After I cut the wire to useable lengths, I washed them and the damn things cut my fingers and hand in 3 places from the jagged ends Id just cut. *adds wire cutters to my ever lengthening shopping list* Made me say wordy dirds. lol

Here is what she looked like before the new LST.

And here is what she looks like now.


Now I dont plan to bug her anymore for a while. I just wish she would flower. Its making me a nervous nelly.


Louise is still just as lovely as she was this morning, just a bit more growth at the nodes. Im good with that. Last update I posed a question, wondering if the newest leaf sets on the new tops would be 3 pointed or 5 pointed. They are 5 pointed. I didnt have to wait long to find out.


See yall next time. :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thank you, Db003. I havent said so, but your plants are looking mighty fine too. I think Thelma needs a gnome. :winkyface:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

The LST on Thelma is perfect. Within a couple days, she will have a canopy ready for the signal to flower.
Every week you wait for flower to start is more grams at harvest, probabkly around 15% more. :) Enjoy the slow seeming ride.

The structural change to Louise is really mighty fine.

I would remove the leaves on the stem below Louise's lowest fan leaves, they will only soak up (a tiny bit of) growth energy in exchange for (a tiny bit of) trim.
Then again, I'm a noob grower here :) Other's have more experience based advice.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

They are both looking great Sorrnna. I wish I could give you advice on why Thelma is not flowering, but I have no clue and am not very knowledgeable with autos. I'm sure someone else will chime in though. She still looks healthy so no need to worry. Like Radogast said, it just means you'll have a bigger yield. :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

The LST on Thelma is perfect. Within a couple days, she will have a canopy ready for the signal to flower.
Every week you wait for flower to start is more grams at harvest, probabkly around 15% more. :) Enjoy the slow seeming ride.

The structural change to Louise is really mighty fine.

I would remove the leaves on the stem below Louise's lowest fan leaves, they will only soak up (a tiny bit of) growth energy in exchange for (a tiny bit of) trim.
Then again, I'm a noob grower here :) Other's have more experience based advice.

Thanks Radogast. Ill see what leaves I can find down around those lowest fan leaves this evening when the lights come back on. I really think alot of it is whats coming in at the nodes, but I cant remember exactly. Im waiting for her to get a bit bigger before I start to LST her. Her new branches are still too short every where, plus I have to go hunt up some more suitable wire in my yard. lol

Yeah, I know Im mostly impatient. Im just gonna stop disturbing her and make a small change in there hoping to lower the humidity and or lower the temperature. I think that will help alot.

Thanks for looking at my LST. Its relieving to know Im doing it right. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

They are both looking great Sorrnna. I wish I could give you advice on why Thelma is not flowering, but I have no clue and am not very knowledgeable with autos. I'm sure someone else will chime in though. She still looks healthy so no need to worry. Like Radogast said, it just means you'll have a bigger yield. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks, UltraDan. Its okay, I dont find alot about it on the internet either, though I did find one :420: thread about really late flowering autos, but they were a particular strain and I think the issue was found and solved in some way with the seed seller or something. Anyway. Im just going to see what I can to improve the humidity in there and cross my fingers. Im thinking I may have to stop the SWICK to help with the RH if I dont get it under control with my fan and the vents in the tent.
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