Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

my strawberry blue is ready to transplant , she started in a very small post and she sits on top of one of the other larger pots ad i noticed her roots where coming out the bottom and trying to grow into the other pot , cheeky bitch , told you loop lou lol :)

LMAO! Be nice to her and she'll be nice to you. :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I am being nice ive been cooking a beautiful soil for her , :) with all racing pigeon minerals and dried meal worms , her new home is a palace , a massive pot full of goodness lol . shes spoilt already , i spoke to someone who grew a strawberry blue and they said the laughed and laughed uncontrollably ... CANT WAIT :rofl::rofl:

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Well, Im almost jealous, but for the racing pigeon minerals (I shudder to think where those might have come from) and dead meal worm yukky stuff. A palace sounds like just the thing though. hehe
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Nice. Ill skip on over and have a look-see. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Looking good Sorenna!! It might be the pictures, but I am not seeing any pistils yet. I am also on my iPhone most of the time, so zooming in might not be my best ability to spot things. When she shows pistils it will be two tiny white hairs coming out of a calyx formed at a node site.

As for defoliation, you know my thoughts! Lol. I would take a LOT of those fan leaves off. But that's just me :cheesygrinsmiley:

Pistils emerging
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Well, if those little white stringy looking things arent pistils, then I am officially worried. She should have been flowering long before now.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Looking good Sorenna!! It might be the pictures, but I am not seeing any pistils yet. I am also on my iPhone most of the time, so zooming in might not be my best ability to spot things. When she shows pistils it will be two tiny white hairs coming out of a calyx formed at a node site.

As for defoliation, you know my thoughts! Lol. I would take a LOT of those fan leaves off. But that's just me :cheesygrinsmiley:

If I were to do the defoliation, where to start and where to stop and what to take off? Just the really big ones?

Pistils emerging

If I were to do the defoliation, where to start and where to stop and what to take off? Just the really big ones?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Well, if those little white stringy looking things arent pistils, then I am officially worried. She should have been flowering long before now.

Can you get a closer shot? Look at where the node splits from the stem though, that is where you will see the first pistils, not in the new growth up top.

Are you 100% sure it is an auto?

Defol is hard because it's all just kind of done by gut feeling. I just find the leaves that don't look like they are contributing anything, and remove them. So ones that are shaded down low that can't participate in photosynthesis. Ones that are shading potential bud sites. And any that look small with no potential growth.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I am 100% certain they are supposed to be Bomb THC Bomb Autoflower seeds.


This is the very best picture I can get of the one and only node that I can see that looks like it might have pistils.


Thanks for helping me, UltraDan.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I am 100% certain they are supposed to be Bomb THC Bomb Autoflower seeds.

Nice wording. LOL :rofl:

Ok, so those still look like stipules to me, which is just a basic part of plant structure and does not dictate male or female or pre-flowers.


Glad to help ;)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Okay. I bit the bullet and attempted my first ever, on purpose, defoliation. I took of 12 of the hugest fan leaves and I think there might still be room to remove some more. These leaves are truly as big as my hand, which isnt big as far as hands go, but I figure a background of my hand is better than a background of my foot. lol

Here she is with fewer leaves

Do these qualify as leaf porn, SweetSue?



By the way, what do yall do with defoliated leaves? Toss em, keep em, use em for something?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

lol @ trying to feed to your pug. Im not going to try to feed them to my cats. My luck they will love them and then Ill have a devil of a time keeping them out of and off of my tent.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Oh great. you took off all the good leaves!

Defol is easy if you simplify it.

First look at bud sites around the perimeter. All the fan leaves that face IN toward the main stem come off. No questions here for me, I take them all off.

Next, I look at the side facing leaves on the perimeter. I tuck any that still block bud sites. If I can't tuck them/they won't stay tucked snip snip.

Last step I do the inside area. For the inside I like to stand over the plant, looking directly down. Use your hands to move leaves to find any hidden bud sites. First try to tuck the leaves out of the way, if they won't stay tucked, snip snip.

When you look at the whole plant, it's like WTF where do I start??? So I like to break it down in sections to make it easier for me. But you did a pretty good job for your first time :thumb:

I let my fan leaves dry inside, then put them in the compost bin in my yard all ground up :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Well, if I took off all the good leaves then I did not do a good job for my first time. Thank you for your explanation of how you do it. I appreciate it and will keep it in mind for the next time I defoliate, which probably be half past never.

Since I took off all the good leaves, what will happen to her now?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Your well fed leaves are great nutrients. You can feed them to worms or compost pile if you have them.
You can eat them, but they taste like leaves. :)

Juicing is an option
Juicing The Plant For Her CBD's
If I were you, I would take my fingers and rub them up and down on the bottom of your stems near the soil. Do this to knock off the tiny leaves and stems that will never contribute much because they are shaded and little.
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