Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 34

Hello my 420 friendlies. :)

Thelma and Louise are doing fine as frog hair this evening. Today was feeding day. I fed them 1/2 gallon each of nutrient water: 3tsp Big Bloom, 2 tsp Grow Big and 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom according to the Fox Farms Feeding chart at 1/2 strength.

Last night I decided to add CFL to my light array. Its just one per plant plus the LED. Louise in particular was happy about that. I also ph'd tonight. I PH'd the nutrient water and then I PH'd the runoff water. The PH was low going in, but right at 6 coming out. Thats pretty okay, right? Its kind of a load off my mind. I hated that I knew I needed to know what the PH was but with no means to test it.

Thelma isnt getting any taller, but she is getting wider or fatter or bushier. Pick your adjective. :blushsmile:



Louise is not showing ill effects from yesterday's beheading. She did however really like the CFL addition. Yesterday her leaves where almost horizontal to the stem, but today they are at a far deeper angle to the stem. I think that might be referred to as "praying".




Is this anything to worry about? The purple spots forming along the top of the stem. Its doing that on both sides.


I might not have noticed it if she had more foliage.

Anyway, thats it for this update. I hope yall have a good one!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Wow, Sorenna, they both look so marvelous in their individual ways. Yes, it's called "praying to the light". Leaf turgidly - a sign of health and vigor. It's one of those things that speak to high brix levels. The redness is the larger fan leaf petioles changing hue. They go a lovely rusty red that always makes me think of Tibetan monks. :laughtwo: I think it's because one of my first plants was a Buddha Magnum. Although, looking at the picture it appears your stem is changing color as well. I'm stumped. We'll have to learn together.

Good work with PH. Thank goodness I don't have to. I'd kill them with neglect if I didn't have LOS. It wouldn't be pretty. :laughtwo:

I really enjoy stopping in here. You keep a nice thread. :love:

My adjective is " lush ". LOL!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Wow, Sorenna, they both look so marvelous in their individual ways. Yes, it's called "praying to the light". Leaf turgidly - a sign of health and vigor. It's one of those things that speak to high brix levels. The redness is the larger fan leaf petioles changing hue. They go a lovely rusty red that always makes me think of Tibetan monks. :laughtwo: I think it's because one of my first plants was a Buddha Magnum. Although, looking at the picture it appears your stem is changing color as well. I'm stumped. We'll have to learn together.

Good work with PH. Thank goodness I don't have to. I'd kill them with neglect if I didn't have LOS. It wouldn't be pretty. :laughtwo:

I really enjoy stopping in here. You keep a nice thread. :love:

My adjective is " lush ". LOL!

Thank you, SweetSue. :blushsmile: I enjoy updating this thread and reading the responses. Thank you for your compliments. They are so different. For instance, the Strawberry Blue is a much light shade of green than the THC Bomb. As anyone can see the Bomb is also a lot more "lush". :))) While Louise is still pretty stingy, through no fault of her own. I think it will be fascinating to see what she will do next with the topping. Ive never seen it before, so I am very excited. Im also very excited to watch Thelma make flowers and buds. I think she is about to do that. The centers of all the arms look different to me than they did when they were simply making the next set set of leaves.

Im glad you stop in. I always make sure the leave the porch light on for yall. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I may be a filthy heathen, but that sure looks like praying to me. They seem close to the source, reverential.

I agree, she looks reverential. Thank you for stopping in. Always nice to see you. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

They look awesome Sue. :goodjob:
I am trying to decide if I should FIM or top one of my Northern autos since I have two.

Thank you, shadowmoses. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 35

Today marks the end of their 5th week. Yay to still have them both. :) So, 5 down, 7? or so to go.

Thelma is giving me a very pleasant surprise. When I looked in this evening, her top is noticably more even. Yesterday there was quite a slope, today, not so much. :)



Her entire look is changing. She looks more mature. She has a blush to her. She about to bloom. I can feel it from her. :blushsmile:

My very lovely Thelma

Louise hasnt done a whole lot over this cycle, but her inner leaves are quite a bit bigger than they were yesterday.


One day I was admiring One of Thelma's perfect leaves and tonight I found myself doing the very same thing to Louise.


I left them to their own devices, snug in their shiny little home. :blushsmile: You can see the added lights that are seemingly having a fantastic effect on both my girls. I couldnt be more pleased.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Looking good man Thelma is a great color! :thumb: definitely a sativa

Thank you, Double Vision. :blushsmile:


You know, I didnt realize she was sativa dominant until after I popped the seed and did some strain research on her. So, this Strawberry Blue mistake is turning out to be a very good thing. :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

*happy dances*

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I see you added some CFL's for additional light. Great choice!! Might I suggest turning them on their sides though? You get very little actual lumens from the ends of the bulb, the majority comes from the side. So a better set up would be this orientation

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I see you added some CFL's for additional light. Great choice!! Might I suggest turning them on their sides though? You get very little actual lumens from the ends of the bulb, the majority comes from the side. So a better set up would be this orientation


Thank you, UltraDan. I get what you are saying, but right at the moment I dont have any way to orient the bulbs that way. As soon as it is possible I will get some fixtures to give me more options.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Is this anything to worry about? The purple spots forming along the top of the stem. Its doing that on both sides.


I might not have noticed it if she had more foliage.

Anyway, thats it for this update. I hope yall have a good one!

Red/Purple petioles are normal on most strains.

Red/Purple stems is abnormal on most strains, and is indicative of a lack of Phosphorous.

They look awesome Sue. :goodjob:
I am trying to decide if I should FIM or top one of my Northern autos since I have two.

Just noticed your name, BMTH fan?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Red/Purple petioles are normal on most strains.

Red/Purple stems is abnormal on most strains, and is indicative of a lack of Phosphorous.

Isnt Phosphorous one of the nutrients they should be getting from their regular feeding? I took that picture before the last feeding, so she had only gotten 1/4 strength of Fox Farm Big Bloom and Grow Big. Ill check her stem again and see if its spreading. Once its corrected, will her stem go back to green or will it stay that way? This last feeding I gave them both of those two, plus a little bit of Tiger Bloom, at half strength this time.

Thank you for your help.

Oh.. since you are here anyway.. :blushsmile: When I feed them, they are in 5 gallon smart pots, I mix up one gallon of nutrients and then I split the gallon between the two pots. Is this the way I should be doing it? Ive never fed plants before, so Im kinda just flying by the seat of my pants.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Isnt Phosphorous one of the nutrients they should be getting from their regular feeding? I took that picture before the last feeding, so she had only gotten 1/4 strength of Fox Farm Big Bloom and Grow Big. Ill check her stem again and see if its spreading. Once its corrected, will her stem go back to green or will it stay that way? This last feeding I gave them both of those two, plus a little bit of Tiger Bloom, at half strength this time.

Thank you for your help.

Oh.. since you are here anyway.. :blushsmile: When I feed them, they are in 5 gallon smart pots, I mix up one gallon of nutrients and then I split the gallon between the two pots. Is this the way I should be doing it? Ive never fed plants before, so Im kinda just flying by the seat of my pants.

Yes it is, as long as it's included in the nutrients. And I'm pretty sure it's going to be in Tiger Bloom.

In soil, Phosphorous is absorbed from 6.5 and above. If the PH is lower, you'll experience lockout.

The 1/4 strength might not have been enough for her, or she could just be a very, very P hungry strain. Was this on the SB? I had similar red/purple appearing on my stems when I went into flower, I don't recall if I had red stems on my first SB plant. But my SB clones now also show some small signs of it, and they're being fed full strength nutes now.

In my experience, it has gone back to green, but doesn't happen overnight. Some plants would take a couple weeks for me to see the redness go away. As long as it isn't advancing, you're good. If you see it slowly going away, you're rockin'.

The way you're mixing nutes is fine, that's how I do it too. If you notice one plant is hungrier for some nutes, or another plant wants less of something (Nitrogen abundance always appears first for me), you can always mix separate batches, in half gallon amounts. Just make sure to divide the total ml/gal by 2 and you're all set.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Isnt Phosphorous one of the nutrients they should be getting from their regular feeding? I took that picture before the last feeding, so she had only gotten 1/4 strength of Fox Farm Big Bloom and Grow Big. Ill check her stem again and see if its spreading. Once its corrected, will her stem go back to green or will it stay that way? This last feeding I gave them both of those two, plus a little bit of Tiger Bloom, at half strength this time.

Thank you for your help.

Oh.. since you are here anyway.. :blushsmile: When I feed them, they are in 5 gallon smart pots, I mix up one gallon of nutrients and then I split the gallon between the two pots. Is this the way I should be doing it? Ive never fed plants before, so Im kinda just flying by the seat of my pants.

not sure if this would help but when I was watering my plants when they were in 3 gallon fabric pots I would mix up one gallon of nutes an split it between them both but now that they are in 5 gallon fabric I make two gallons of nutes same amount of nutes in each gallon and give them one gallon each I do this again at my next watering and give them plain water after that so it goes feed,feed,water but my plants are kind of big I would reduce that if they were smaller
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