Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I was messing around with one of Thelma pictures and my graphics program and I thought this picture turned out nice.

Just doodlin' a little. :D

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Sweet Sorenna. You know me and leaf porn. :laughtwo:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Sweet Sorenna. You know me and leaf porn. :laughtwo:

I took that picture, just as pink as all the others I take, because I wanted to get a picture of her pistils. Its very hard though. I can only see them in real time if I turn her a certain angle and for some reason the camera just doesnt find it like my eyes do. Either that, or its wishful thinking, but I really dont think so.

I think that is very fine example of a seven point leaf, so it I kinda shifted the focus of the image and "turned on" the green lights.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Seven points at such a young age. Neat! This is getting more interesting.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Louise was working double time last night. First time shes made appreciable growth in just one cycle. :) Thats the good news.

The bad news is now its very obvious that my FIM was not successful. All I really managed to do was deform her. :straightface: Im talented like that. So now...well, later...when she wakes up, Im going to just top her. Ill try another FIM another time, maybe on another branch. I dont know.


re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

The good thing is that its screw-up proof. If you mess it up, then you can just take the top instead. Now I know I should wait for the leafset that Im going to FIM to grow out a little bit more so I can see a little better.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

We call that a learning curve. Yours is working well.

I'm still laughing over your "I guess I really did miss. Haha!" :laughtwo::love:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

lol.. Well, I did! :biglaugh:

Now I know why I chose the FIM option. Subconsciously I needed a method with an out for when I messed it up.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 32

So, not much to report this evening. Thelma is determined to shade all her new growth, but, man, the new growth is so cool to watch grow in. Its weird how when you look at a plant everyday, the changes to it seem gradual, but if you look at comparison pictures, then you can really see a difference.

Louise has found her growing legs, I think. Ill measure her tomorrow. Ill top her tomorrow. I was gonna do it this evening, but we didnt even get home until 11pm. Itll keep one more day, I think. :blushsmile:

I was late getting home because my oldest son got married today. The neat thing is at the reception they had ball jars with rings and caps to use for the evening and to take home. I got 5. :) Guess what Im going to use them for?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Congratulations Sorenna! What wonderful news! Ahh, in case you hadn't noticed I'm a big fan of marriage.

Good haul on the jars girl. :thumb:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Congratulations Sorenna! What wonderful news! Ahh, in case you hadn't noticed I'm a big fan of marriage.

Good haul on the jars girl. :thumb:

:blushsmile: Thank you. He made it to 24 before having his first child or getting married. I think I did pretty good with that one. His wife is lovely and their babies are so precious. I have another that is 22 and he doesnt even have a girlfriend. Is it bad that Im glad about that? lol Life had taught me there is plenty of time settle down after youve spent some time on your own and gotten to know yourself.

lol They sort grew up with me joking with them that it was against the law to get married or have children until youre 30. They about half believed me for a long time, too. hehe
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I can't tell you how happy I was that my son married before reproducing. His mother certainly didn't and couldn't have objected in his life now, could she. :laughtwo:

Our daughter is 32 and has a severe anxiety disorder. Agoraphobia usually accompanies it, and did for her as well. Next week, her boyfriend, whom she met online and has never physically touched, is packing up the home he shares with his father and driving here to live with her as his father continues on to Georgia to share a home with his sister.

We live in a whole new world Sorenna, where people bond electronically from distant points. Love doesn't care about geography. My life is about to get even more interesting. Our daughter's apartment shares our balcony. This young man was raised by a controlling and manipulative woman and he has never met anyone like me. I kinda feel sorry for him. I can be a bit much in person for someone not used to this much unconditional love. :laughtwo:

So both of us had children take major steps this month. Don't you just love being Mom?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Yes, I do love being the Mom. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Sorenna, Congradulations on your son getting married! Also Happy Mother's Day!
I completely agree with you, when you spend everyday inspecting the plant its really hard to see them grow until you look at the photos you've taken, then you're like wow, she really has grown a lot.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 33

At lights on this evening, I peeked into the tent and Thelma was just sleeping away, all of her leaves were relaxed, so I gave her some time to wake up a little bit.

Louise got her head well and truly lopped off this time. Since my FIM didnt take, I decided to top her instead. And thats just what I did.


Now she looks all scraggly. lol This poor plant has been through the wringer since her birth, its unfortunate for her that she is destined to be therapy instead of to get therapy. hehe


After about an hour, I went back to Mizz Thelma and she had decided by that time to wake up and be part of the day. She just doesnt seem to be doing anything to me. Maybe shes working where Im not looking or where I cant see.


I was gonna measure their height but I forgot to do it before the scissors did their work. Louise is still about 4 inches tall after her haircut. Thelma is still 6 inches tall.

Yall have a great night.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thank you, Ranger. :blushsmile:
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