Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

*giggles* Of course! :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Nice plants; glad the strawberry blue made it. I have a strawberry blue seed (also notably small) and will be interested to see how yours turns out.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Hello Captain Cow. :welcome: Ive very pleased you made it here. :blushsmile:

Im glad the SB made it too, I didnt really think she would, but thankfully, I was wrong. Since you are waiting to see how she turns out, Ill do my very best not to kill her before then. haha
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

hehe! Okay, so I have a slight flair for the dramatic. :;): What can I say?

Thank you. They both seem to faring well after their respective procedures last night. I dont know what made me try that particular technique - FIM. It just seemed like the way to go with all the options for messing with our girls. I guess well see how it all works out, eh?
Nothing wrong with the dramatics. This is suppose to be an enjoyable hobby. Anytime you can have fun with it is always a bonus!:cheer:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

so how are the plants? I got a big day tomorrow myself going to do some transplanting and watering I like that you are doing some lst it has been working great for me but what do I know this is my first grow indoors so I have nothing to compare it to lol :goodjob:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Nothing wrong with the dramatics. This is suppose to be an enjoyable hobby. Anytime you can have fun with it is always a bonus!:cheer:

Oh, I am having all sorts of fun. I dont know what to expect next. Exciting. On the other hand, Im so very nervous that Im gonna kill them.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

so how are the plants? I got a big day tomorrow myself going to do some transplanting and watering I like that you are doing some lst it has been working great for me but what do I know this is my first grow indoors so I have nothing to compare it to lol :goodjob:

Funny you should ask. I was just feeding them and am about to update! :)
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 27

Hello! Today was feeding day. They got their second feeding, still at 1/4 strength of Big Bloom and added a touch of Grow Big too.

Thelma is just such a little star. Shes so pretty and resilient after yesterdays lay over. Its hard to tell now that she went through that, except for the change in her overall shape. I think she likes the bows on her pot, see how she preens for the camera. I think we have a bit of a ham on our hands. :)

Louise looks fantastic today. She is showing no ill effects from yesterdays haircut. The only difference is now she looks a bit open in the center, but soon enough that will fill in. So proud of her recovery and her budding beauty.

I didnt do anything else to them today. Just fed them. I didnt bother to turn them today, because chances are after moving them to the tub and back again, they are not sitting in there exactly as before their little outing.

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

See yall next time!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Happy happy, joy joy!!! They're such little darlings. Fascinating, aren't they? I keep expecting it to become more commonplace, but they just get more fascinating every day. How do you keep to just one picture? :laughtwo: I start and can't stop. 36 once asked if he was posting too many pictures and we laughed, because I blow everyone else out of the water with my extensive daily pictorials. I can't resist them. They're so photogenic. :love:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Happy happy, joy joy!!! They're such little darlings. Fascinating, aren't they? I keep expecting it to become more commonplace, but they just get more fascinating every day. How do you keep to just one picture? :laughtwo: I start and can't stop. 36 once asked if he was posting too many pictures and we laughed, because I blow everyone else out of the water with my extensive daily pictorials. I can't resist them. They're so photogenic. :love:

Yes! They are totally fascinating. Its like being a first time mom and learning what they will do and what they wont. How they behave when the get what they want and how they behave if they dont.

I actually took 6 pictures, but I only posted 2. I take lots, yesterday I took close to 40, but I only posted a few. Some are blurry, some just dont show what I want them to show. Some are nearly identical to others. I try to keep in mind that not everyone has a fast pc that will spit out pages of pictures with ease. Also, Thelma is just now getting to a size where there is more than one angle from which to shoot. I did take a few the other day, leaf porn, I think you call it. lol Louise is just so little, what else is there to take a picture of? When they bulk up more, Ill post more. When I have to take 3 pictures to get the whole plant view. :)

Be assured I have folder after folder of pictures of them.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I just realized that the photo of Louise shows off her inner growth just starting at the nodes. I noticed it a couple days ago, but they were very tiny at the time, and though I tried, I could not get a picture of it. Today, I inadvertently did. You can see it at 2 of the lowest nodes.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Good work Sorenna. I'm always finding things as I edit the pictures. I'm particularly fond of zooming in on shot as I crop and watching the trichomes jump off the screen. I never tire of trichome shots. :laughtwo:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 28

Evenin'! :blushsmile:

The girls are doing really well today. Thelma is sort of exploding all over. *giddy giggles* I took a few pics of her today to show her off. Also, one that I think might be the beginnings of a problem, but I am not worrying about it or taking any steps to correct it yet. Im biding my time to see what she will do next. Overall, I am so very pleased with her progress.

Thelma - Bomb THC Bomb

This shot shows the new curvature of her stem as it gets lost in the canopy of leaves.

Ive started tucking her leaves to expose what I *think* could be bud sites one day soon. I count about 5 so far. :)

I noticed one lone, new leaf last night that had a bit of yellow in it. Im not worrying about it, because Im not a nit picky, over-protective mama, but I am keeping my eye on her apparent boo boo. My guess is nitrogen deficiency caused by an improper PH balance. (If its even a problem at all, maybe just a fluke leaf?) I have a meter on order so Ill check her PH when it gets here.

Mizz Louise is just looking stellar, so long as you dont look beneath the newest, biggest leaves. lol I dont see any real changes in her center except yellowing from cutting the leaves. This is expected, right? Common sense, really. Im just dying to know what it will look like in there when she decides to show me what she has coming in.

Louise - Strawberry Blue


I filled up their reservoirs today. Not much water, like a quart each. I started with a gallon of water and had a little more than half left after filling each one. They both got a 1/4 turn today as well.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Good work Sorenna. I'm always finding things as I edit the pictures. I'm particularly fond of zooming in on shot as I crop and watching the trichomes jump off the screen. I never tire of trichome shots. :laughtwo:

I bought a portable USB digital microscope for this purpose. It's like going into another world... trichome wolrd :)
Compliment and a question...

Thelma and Louise look to great. I can't wait for their roots to fill the pot, so they can focus their energy above ground. What strains are you thinking of growing next?
Re: Compliment and a question...

Thelma and Louise look to great. I can't wait for their roots to fill the pot, so they can focus their energy above ground. What strains are you thinking of growing next?

In a perfect world, Id say Think Different and Auto Blueberry, but since I still have 4 THC Bomb seeds, Im sure my thriftyness will require I use those before I get any new ones. Im also interested in trying a sativa dominant auto, but I havent done much research into these types of strains, so I cant say for sure which one might tickle my fancy. If I have to choose just one, after all my THC Bombs are gone, I think it might be the Auto Blueberry.

Then I actually do manage to get 5 harvests from my current THC Bomb seeds, I might just try some fancy photo strain, a blueberry sativa would be divine, but I dont know if such a thing even exists. lol

Thanks for stopping by.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Yeah that would be nice However the laws are changing in my county choppers are flying low taking account !!
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