Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb Auto & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

That sounds like an excellent plan Sorenna. A nice, gradual transition. More natural.

Good instincts girl. :green_heart:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

louise is looking great !!!

well heres loopy lou the strawberry blue , she popped out for all to view :)

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

LOL you poet! She looks great. :) Im very happy to see her.
White Balance Adjustment and SWICKS

Excellent grow, Sorenna! Ours grows are pretty similar (LED, soil, SWICK, Autos, photo flowers, etc.), so I plan on staying tuned in. I noticed that your photos are still turning out magenta. Have you tried adjusting the white balance yet? Or if you have a smart phone, try the Adobe Lightroom app which allows you to adjust the white balance of several photos afterward. If you have more questions on the subject, let me know. :Namaste:
Re: White Balance Adjustment and SWICKS

In regard to your SWICK setup, I'd let the perlite dry out and then place your smart pots back on top. When you feel the plants need water (determined by lifting the pot or poking your finger in the soil), add enough water to barely fill the bottom of your SWICK container but not to the recommended 1"-2" below your smart pot. The pot should soak up all of the water and the perlite should stay moist. After this, wait again until your pot feels light and repeat the process, which might be a week or two between waterings with small plants in big pots. Use this method until your plants have established a strong root system, then try gradually adding more water each feeding.

If experience has taught me anything, it's that small plants don't like big pots... at least not right away. That said, your plants will pull through just fine. The slow growth you're experiencing at the moment is likely due to the roots using energy and nutrients to fill the pot. In a week or two when then roots have reached the edges, you'll really start to see Thelma and Louise take off.

Happy growing!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thanks for stopping by MysterySeeds. :blushsmile: Its great to see you here. :welcome:

I can just barely get this camera to take pics for me. The phone is worse, so usually I just take their picture under the LED lights, because I tend not to disturb them at lights out. Once in a while, like when I have to pull them out to feed, Ill take their actual color picture. I looked for a white balance on the camera and can find every color except white, so I just make them pink and play like I like pink. haha

I think Thelma is doing awesome and has from the start. She starting to stretch a bit more and Louise is just getting fat. Thats the best I can describe it. But I like that because she may be be little but she looks robust. Shes a photo, I expect her to be smaller, longer, slower.

I really have to redo my lighting. I think they - at least Thelma - are closer than 27" to the lights, so its time to adjust it upward as much as I can in my 5ft tent.

Ive had a busy day and really cant be bothered to get out the camera before bed, so Ill probably just do an update tomorrow and skip tonight.

Ill take a much closer look at your journal tomorrow. I looked over it and loved what Ive seen so far, especially your SWICK setup. Ill be taking a page out of SweetSue's book next time, if I can afford it, and wrap my perlite in the a weed cloth bag, make things easier I think.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

27"? Or cm? Using LED's you can stay closer to the plants than with HID's. I think for most 12-16" is the magic spot that gives the most lumens without causing burn. Remember indoors we are dealing with the square law of light effect. So whatever you Len output is at x" it is 1/4 of that at 2x" and 1/9 of that at 3x". So if 12" is safe for you, then 24" you will be getting 1/4 of the available lumens.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Sorenna, I purchased that weed blocker cloth at the end of the season at 75% off. Worth keeping in mind as summer hits and those things drop in price. Also, dollar stores carry it cheapest. Mine was from Dollar General.

UltraDan, I'm new to this LED thing, but the directions that came with mine said 27-30" away with no distinction for various stages of plant growth and Doc Bud reinforced that when he sent the light to me. I believe when he tested this light he kept it at about that height from the canopy. (I'll have to check that.) Don't individual light panels come with individual distance requirements?
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Sorenna, I purchased that weed blocker cloth at the end of the season at 75% off. Worth keeping in mind as summer hits and those things drop in price. Also, dollar stores carry it cheapest. Mine was from Dollar General.

UltraDan, I'm new to this LED thing, but the directions that came with mine said 27-30" away with no distinction for various stages of plant growth and Doc Bud reinforced that when he sent the light to me. I believe when he tested this light he kept it at about that height from the canopy. (I'll have to check that.) Don't individual light panels come with individual distance requirements?

Yes it is light specific. This is from Mars site for Sorenna's 96x3w. I was thinking flower, but she should still drop it down for Veg..

Height:Germination: 24~30inch; Vegitative:18~24inch
Flowering :12~18inch.

re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

FYI -- I've been washing the perlite in my SWICK pots this week, I'll probably do that once a week instead of buying cloth or using it. If you can, I'd suggest trying to wash it. Good luck!
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Yes it is light specific. This is from Mars site for Sorenna's 96x3w. I was thinking flower, but she should still drop it down for Veg..

It's worth remembering not to rush into flower mode with autos. They start flowering before they're through veg, so one has to be careful and give them the extra time under veg lighting. If memory serves me, I started to make the switch to stronger red tones about week 5 of my initial grow. In Sorenna's case that would be managing the distance of the light, and yes, according to that chart she could certainly drop it down some. Good call Dan.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

My two cents since I'm adding it this morning. I think the mixture of red and blue is working best for me. During the day my autos are in the greenhouse getting plenty of red. At night, and first two hours in morning, they sit next to my MH. I was thinking last night anyway, when trying to rationalize the growth. Last run with this strain, I only had them under my MH for I'm not sure how many weeks, I can check, but it was at least their first four weeks, maybe six. I had different soil, but, like this run no nutes at this point...just my pesos.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I think that at some point all the measurements arent going to matter because I have a finite height in this tent, eventually, just the by growth of the plants they will a shorter distance away, when they are older.

I have to think about it some more. Im am enjoying the conversation so far, though. :blushsmile:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

I think that at some point all the measurements arent going to matter because I have a finite height in this tent, eventually, just the by growth of the plants they will a shorter distance away, when they are older.

I have to think about it some more. Im am enjoying the conversation so far, though. :blushsmile:

You're right, at some point they will get closer, but right now you want them as close as acceptable in order to maximize growth. Once they get to the point that the light is too close, you just need to get creative with LST measures to keep them away. My room is only 4 feet high
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Excellent point UltraDan. I keep forgetting about training to control height. New grower, only one grow with no height issues so I let them run like wild children. So, at some point you want to begin training, and it's worth it to know when that point is, right? I'm getting ready to do my first sativa in 15 gallons of HB soil. I better figure this out soon.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Excellent point UltraDan. I keep forgetting about training to control height. New grower, only one grow with no height issues so I let them run like wild children. So, at some point you want to begin training, and it's worth it to know when that point is, right? I'm getting ready to do my first sativa in 15 gallons of HB soil. I better figure this out soon.

Flux FTW! Lol.

Yes, training is gonna be essential for any grower that has height issues. If you don't wanna go all out with the Flux method, then Topping and Fimming and then training the limbs out and more horizontal would be ideal.
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Thelma and Louise - Day 25

Hello everyone. Ive been a little busy the last couple of days. I did take the time to snap some pics this evening. Ive been doing some thinking based on some posts here today and just some things that Thelma and Louise are telling me that need to happen. Im tired tonight, so Im not gonna get into it, but will tomorrow.

Here are some pics of the lovely ladies today:

Thelma - I took a bunch of random pics of her.

Her height of 5 1/2".






Her height of 3".


re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

Tiny but mighty. Louise is looking strong. WooHoo!!! Thelma.... well, what can we say other than beautiful?

Looking good here Sorenna. Get some rest. :love:
re: Sorenna's - 2015 - THC Bomb (Auto) & Strawberry Blue - Soil - LED

They are both looking great, Louise really has done a 180 in a week or so, awesome to see her doing so well. Have to comment on Thelma too, damn she is fine hehe :Namaste:

I'm with FeralA9X on this one. (I'm almost always on the side of feral creatures.) These girls are looking wonderfully happy and promise to be productive.
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