Kinda looks like some of my leaves grass hoppers but your girls are looking great
Thanks Con
I went to a garden center this afternoon and grabbed BT , some Insecticidal Soap and a few Catnip plants for Ted the Cat !
I also gave the top of the soil a good coating of Diatomaceous Earth for any other hungry critters.

Game On , I have toothpicks too ! 😂
Thanks Con, funny I actually got a Safer caterpillar & Worm concentrate, makes a shitload ! 😂
That’s the BT Kurstaki They recommended it , the BT, at the garden center as did everyone here :blunt:
Ground Cinnamon ? Interesting , I’ll read up Thank you so much

Ted is so spoiled !
Good afternoon 420 friends
I hope everyone has had a great July !

A little update on the 3 Auto’s :

Green Crack #1 is not the smallest of the 3 plants anymore ! Lol
She has really filled out a lot in the last 2 weeks , at day 54 from the soil and day 22 of flower , this plant is very healthy and enjoying life outside.

She is very Sativa-ish and her flower is slower forming but moving along nicely.

Green crack #2 has not been topped and is standing at 39” Growth has slowed down but flower production is excellent at day 54 from soil and day 26 flower. Lower branches are filling in nicely, she’s gonna do just fine

She’s a Sativa dominant plant for sure
Purple Punch Auto Update….

PP is a small robust plant, Indica dominant, that was Topped and basic LST on nodes 2-6 She is at Day 54 from soil and Day 34 flower and packing on the weight .

These PP auto plants dont get very big but produce some great tasting smoke, this will be my 3rd one and they’ve all been pretty much the same.

These 3 plants, Green crack’s and the Purple Punch are going to get a haircut, some flower-time primping tomorrow.

Thanks for following along
Purple Punch Auto Update….

PP is a small robust plant, Indica dominant, that was Topped and basic LST on nodes 2-6 She is at Day 54 from soil and Day 34 flower and packing on the weight .

These PP auto plants dont get very big but produce some great tasting smoke, this will be my 3rd one and they’ve all been pretty much the same.

These 3 plants, Green crack’s and the Purple Punch are going to get a haircut, some flower-time primping tomorrow.

Thanks for following along
WooHoo! ❤️

Looks like a productive Summer! Everything looks Healthy! Great Update! ❤️
WooHoo! ❤️

Looks like a productive Summer! Everything looks Healthy! Great Update! ❤️
Thank you MedScientist

I was battling a small leaf eating problemover the last couple of weeks, bought a few diff products and Bam ! Lol
Luckily it has worked well for the moment, fingers crossed
Great photography, love it ! Plants look amazing too, no purple stems, nice green leaves sticking straight out (praying). Nice job.

I'll have to try growing an auto someday.
Thank you OG
You had mention about the smell of the Green Crack’s when you hopped on , they are very mild at the moment and are smelling a bit citrusy ! 🥭

They're gorgeous. I love the stem of that first Green Crack.
Thanks Carmen
Haha , that Green crack #1 has responded well to having HST early on. I wanted to give different treatments to each one …
You know… in the name of Science !! Lol
Love your stuff by the way
Great photography, love it ! Plants look amazing too, no purple stems, nice green leaves sticking straight out (praying). Nice job.

I'll have to try growing an auto someday.
This was an early morning photo I took a few weeks ago of the Purple Punch reaching for the morning light !
Thank you OG
You had mention about the smell of the Green Crack’s when you hopped on , they are very mild at the moment and are smelling a bit citrusy ! 🥭

Thanks Carmen
Haha , that Green crack #1 has responded well to having HST early on. I wanted to give different treatments to each one …
You know… in the name of Science !! Lol
Love your stuff by the way

Thanks man, please keep me posted as to how strong it gets late flower ! I'm tired of growing Northern Lights or Durban Poison. (low odor strains) although I love smoking Northern Lights.

I'd love to try growing green crack and have seen it in low odor recommended strain lists.
Those beauties are nicely dialed in Sniper!
Thanks Stone

Its been a great summer for growing so far, Im taking safety measures for the wet and humid weather this week, I’ll update later tonight if I can get decent pics
Good evening 420 !

Glad to see everyone’s “ Stuff “ is doing great ! Super cool stuff you all have going on.

The weather here in the Boston area has been fabulous this summer, its been very tropical this last month and now some heavier moisture…..a week of not so great weather, cooler and wet and the nighttime dew will also be getting heavier
…..and I now have buds to protect !!

I gave the Ladies a Haircut !

Give me a pair of Scissors and I turn into Vidal Sassoon !! Lol ✂️
Hold on …..:smokin:

Green Crack #1 is doing great, Day 60 , Day28 flower, still on the slim side but its a Sativa dom, great growth and flower. she is packing on the weight by the day, needed more light badly, the defol will do her some good and she is very healthy .

Purple Punch Auto is prob going to finish in a few weeks , Day 60 and Day 40 flower ,I need to get out the loupe and start checking her. I’ll update again on this one. She’s quite well developed and I’m trying to keep her out of trouble with the moisture.
I might put them all under cover tonight in the kids old tree house !! Lol 😂 Its airy and open, but has a good roof

Green Crack Auto #2 is at Day 60 and Day 32 flower and pack’in on the weight.
This plant had some basic Lst on the lower 2 nodes, a little cleaning up and I let it run natural. Its been a really strong one right from the start. just have to keep an eye on the moisture for a little longer

All plants; Rainwater ph’d to 6.5
Alaska fish & Morbloom , compost, EWC,
Tomato-tone, Bone meal

Thanks for watching
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