SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

I am right there with ya, my veg tent I set up is in the same room I bloom in, and being in the basement I have to run the bloom lights to keep the veg tent temp now cause don't have any to put in bloom.......maybe some from seed 11/13....lmao, any way I am noticing also that these tents aren't one hundred percent light proof.........I might just take down the tent and put me up a wall with a door......another note...a 6 in fan is way to big for a 3x3......lmao even on the lowest setting it is sucking the walls in....,I feel your pain smokey.....

Anyway sounds like your in for some grow room changes smokey good luck, oh and I noticed you bought a few more platinums, so they still those still the way to go?

Are you running two tents or one tent in a grow room? With two tents the little bit of light leak isn't a problem since the bit leaking out of one can't really find its way into the other. If you have a tent inside of a normal grow room however I could see it possibly being a problem.

I don't really know about the lights, i'm sure there are some better newer models out platinum even has a new line with some 10w cree chips mixed in but since I was just adding a couple to the plats I already have I just went with the same thing. Plus it was nice to know exactly what kind of coverage and heat to expect and not guess :thumb:

Best I can suggest is to give them 24 hr dark then restart on the time you desire. Can't guarantee they won't stress but that's the easiest/fastest way.

Thanks Gov, thats exactly what I ended up doing. Yesterday was the first day of lights on flowering schedule, hasn't seemed to effect them so far :high-five:

The new lights came in, just gotta pick up the rods and I am going to get the one hung in the 4x4 to replace the two 50w reflector series I have in there now along with the other p300. The other one isn't going to go in the 5x5 till after this scrog grow is over. I already have more than enough light in there for a scrog with the limited clearance and I am already getting some bleached tips. I was able to tuck most of the bleached tops down again to give them a bit more room but I really got to get the rod mod in, that should give me at least a few days before I have issues again :rofl:

The Tikal has had its second cat drench a few days ago and is showing no signs of the post CD stall. I think due to the 25g pot and it's filling in like crazy :thumb: It is super sticky already and has a fantastic berry smell to it, I think I actually got the advertised pheno this time :party:

I will get some new pics up sometime in the next couple days, still trying to get used to the split schedule. Temps and humidity are staying right where I need them to be in both tents though so its working out really well so far. Im getting around 71 at lights off and 80 at lights on for both tents with rh around 55 at lights off and 45ish with lights on. It will be interesting to see what spring and summer weather changes do to everything :rofl:
I am right there with ya, my veg tent I set up is in the same room I bloom in, and being in the basement I have to run the bloom lights to keep the veg tent temp now cause don't have any to put in bloom.......maybe some from seed 11/13....lmao, any way I am noticing also that these tents aren't one hundred percent light proof.........I might just take down the tent and put me up a wall with a door......another note...a 6 in fan is way to big for a 3x3......lmao even on the lowest setting it is sucking the walls in....,I feel your pain smokey.....

Anyway sounds like your in for some grow room changes smokey good luck, oh and I noticed you bought a few more platinums, so they still those still the way to go?

No doubt. I am only running one of those cheap inline 40$ booster fans on my 4x4 and with the intake filter the walls get sucked in a bit even with that weak little thing. I just pulled the intake filter off of my 5x5 because the walls getting sucked in was jacking up the tension on my scrog netting. I need to get new intake filters if I am going to keep using them anyway they are around a year and a half old now and deff aren't flowing like they used too :rofl:
Hey smokey.... Glad ur rh is in control....with my furnace running have to keep my humidifier running all the time.....anyway on the room yeah I got a 6 x 8 room I built and flower in one half and put a 3x3 tent in opposite corner for veg.......haven't had plants in both yet but I can see your point bout not 100% light proof.....especially the cheap ducting I got.....may need some insulated duct.....there isn't to many light leaks other than that....if I can't get em taped up I thought bout just putting up another wall and door that way I could make it what ever size I want......I'm thinking like a 2.5x 5ft......anyway I'll get her figured out.....I got a few weeks to work on it.......

Hey good news on the tikal that the giggly one?:passitleft:
Some new pics :party:


Golden Tigers

Bubba Kush x Hashplant

Kali China

Malawi x PCK about 6 months cure :passitleft:

Have a good night all :passitleft:
Wow smokey......look at that gotta save a little for smoke especially if it's the giggly pheno.....

For sure, I will probably be able to keep 3oz or so by the time its done. The nice part about a dry sift machine is you can just run an oz at a time or whatever you want since its not so much work to deal with the ice and water mess. Mostly its just to keep me legal we're only supposed to have 5oz at a time between the two of us so I will run the excess and trim and keep the rest as bud but smoking / vaping HB bubble is just amazing.

What about ,me? I want some too :tokin:. What a nice selection ya got goin on Smokey. And ya,...that bud of Mal. X PCK looks sooo tasty. Cheers my brotha!:high-five:

Come on down bud, the invite for the HB crew is always open :passitleft:
never made it, never even tried it :)...i should do something..i have a lot of great herb left :)
I need to get a few things...a nice bong..a good vaporizer... bubble bags...learn to make hash.

O man Ziggs you're missing out. It's like smoking a fatty in one nice tasting hit and 100% sativa hash is just out of this world :passitleft:

You should look into dry sifting before buying bubble bags. There are lots of ways to do it, can be as simple as a screen on a frame that you shake around and you can still cook with the bud after dry sifting it. The traditional way is they take a couple screens and put a bunch of material in between them. Then they wrap that in plastic and start beating it with sticks for 10 min or so and then collect and press it. The tumbler I want to buy is out of stock for another month so I am thinking of making my own machine. I am thinking a couple interlocking bins with the bottoms replaced with a couple different sized screens. Then connect a orbital sander or some kind of rotating mech that will nock the thing up down and around a bit. I am thinking that would give a better final product hopefully without needing to card it to clean it up like you would with a single screen tumbler. Sorry im rambling just took a big hit of tikal hash, its kinda like rocket fuel :drool:
Which dry-sift machine are you considering Smokey? That's the direction I intend to focus on as well. I have a 7-bag set of 1-gal bubblebags and have made some fantastic water hash with them...but I prefer drysift. Seen so much discussion last few weeks regarding microbials etc in bubble (from improper drying typically) that I want to look more closely into dry-sifting.

Which dry-sift machine are you considering Smokey? That's the direction I intend to focus on as well. I have a 7-bag set of 1-gal bubblebags and have made some fantastic water hash with them...but I prefer drysift. Seen so much discussion last few weeks regarding microbials etc in bubble (from improper drying typically) that I want to look more closely into dry-sifting.


gov, is dry ice used for dry sifting? or nothing is used for dry sifting...sorry..:rofl: just tried some Purple Malawi(has more purple haze pheno than the other previously harvested one has more Malawi) that accidentally broke off the other day during a harvest and rearrangement, i had the washing buckets filled still, and washed and dried i...didnt cure obviously...
well..its awesome...and causes runon sentences!!! :rofl:
Nope. No chemicals or anything. Just a really cold room (or winter garage for those living north of Mason Dixon ;) ), and some great produce dried to 4 weeks hanging, kind of crispy...and time. It takes time and yield is usually low, but the result is usually better than bubble because, 1.) You don't wash away any of the terpenes, and 2.) you have less chance for microbial contamination thanks to no moisture involved in the process.

I've made several types of hash, and through trial and error can confirm making any kind of hash above 75f can be an exercise in futility. In fact, I recommend below 50f
I was looking at the pollinater 150 but they just got bought by an American company. The tumble now looks promising as well but that's a lot of money for a rotisserie in a wooden box which from the sound of it in the videos is what they used.
never made it, never even tried it :)...i should do something..i have a lot of great herb left :)
I need to get a few things...a nice bong..a good vaporizer... bubble bags...learn to make hash.

I recommend a vaporizer that can use a water tube or can be hooked up to a bong. They can be pretty harsh without the water filtration to cool it down. The hash in the vaporizer is fantastic I barely even cough and get higher than any other method of smoking.
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