SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Smokey.........still fighting the damn flu.....bummer nice to hear from ya though. So your next run will be all golden tigers......can't wait to see em you always take good have some electric kool-aid........:passitleft:

I have a Kali China and a Tikal clone from a different pheno than the last one and what I think will be a male hurkle getting ready to go also :party:

If the hurkle ends up being a male I wanna try and make some high CBD ace strains at some point :high-five:
Hey all,

Gots some updates fer yah.

Tikal ended up tasting much sweeter than it did a month ago when I took a tester. It's not cured yet but I got 2.3 oz jared up and its decent smoke but not as potent as the other Ace strains I have grown. I made the rest into bubble hash this weekend with the water and ice method. While the bud might not be all that potent compared to the others the hash is out of this world. One nice little piece about the size of a grain of rice and i'm ripped for an hour or two :high-five: Now that I think about it maybe the Tikal bud doesn't seem as strong because I was smoking the tikal bubble before ever trying the bud :rofl: I am really liking the bubble, esp for times when I wanna smoke but only have a few minutes and think im going to start growing for mostly for hash. I really dislike dealing with the wet keif and the mess of the water and ice so I am doing research on dry sift machines. So far I am leaning between a Tumble Now by bubble man or a pollinator p150 but am still looking around. If anyone has any experience with dry sift setups I would love to hear any insight you might have :thumb:

On to the grow
I up-potted my other tikal into a 25 gal, pruned, LST'd and flipped her last night. She is about 5 or 6 months old at this point and already has a monster trunk with a full 5 gal rootball so I expect her to take up my entire 5x5 tent and be a monster in a few months :MoreNutes:

Some pics

Harvested Tikal

Tikal Clone, I think its gonna make it...

Kali China on right, Hurkle on left, Hurkle got topped her yesterday. Golden Tiger Seedlings photobombing on the left :)

Tikal getting settled into new home

Hope everyone had a great weekend! :passitleft:
Tikal hash sounds incredible Smokey! I gotta get on that bandwagon. I liked Major's video on dry ice extraction. I think I blogged it if you haven't seen it. That looks really easy and no water to deal with. I can't believe you vegged a tikal in a 5 gallon pot....holy shit it's going to be huge! I started flowering my Kushy Tikal, I went from 1 gallon to 10 and she is over 50" already, I'm ending week 2. I didn't think this phenotype would stretch but it might grow out of the tent.
Good luck with that beast. Glad to see the Hurkle going for ya. I can't find anymore of those testers around either so I'm happy you got your cbd plant back. Have a good one Smokey!
Hey smokey, glad to c ya.........I agree with neiko although any hash to me sounds good, yeah I loved my experience with Tikal, very clean crisp that mother is gonna be a gonna let her take up a whole tent for 16

Have a good one dude, :passitleft:

Yes, yes I am :rofl: I'm gonna pick up some scrog netting for it to try and keep the height managed. Notice I said try... :rofl:
Tikal hash sounds incredible Smokey! I gotta get on that bandwagon. I liked Major's video on dry ice extraction. I think I blogged it if you haven't seen it. That looks really easy and no water to deal with. I can't believe you vegged a tikal in a 5 gallon pot....holy shit it's going to be huge! I started flowering my Kushy Tikal, I went from 1 gallon to 10 and she is over 50" already, I'm ending week 2. I didn't think this phenotype would stretch but it might grow out of the tent.
Good luck with that beast. Glad to see the Hurkle going for ya. I can't find anymore of those testers around either so I'm happy you got your cbd plant back. Have a good one Smokey!

Dry ice does look interesting I might give that a try before dropping the money on a tumbler. I really like the idea of straight dry sift though especially since I live in the desert and all :)

100% Sativa hash is incredible I highly recommend you guys make at least a small batch if you haven't tried it yet :passitleft:
Yo Smoke! I walked that same path about a year ago (on the hash thing) and agree dry-sifting has a high appeal factor (flavors and aromas are the most unfettered in dry-sift). I haven't built the stock necessary for me to transition my overages into dry-sift hash...yet, but have done a couple small separations on some sifting screens my buddy has (have done several runs in my bubblebags though). Mostly just experimenting and goofing off, but the results were simply wonderful. Most folks don't have 2-3 zips of bud they're willing to turn into "only" 3-5g of hash, but as prohibition continues to decline, I'd imagine more people will be interested in it too.

Hey Smokey, how are you feeling? great to see you around. :) your GR looks like its going to produce your best yet produce. :thumb:

Thanks Ziggs, almost have this cold kicked, well it seems like I do until I take a hit of this bubble and cough up a lunch (edit ment lung but I guess lunch fits too :rofl: ) and a half :rofl:

Yo Smoke! I walked that same path about a year ago (on the hash thing) and agree dry-sifting has a high appeal factor (flavors and aromas are the most unfettered in dry-sift). I haven't built the stock necessary for me to transition my overages into dry-sift hash...yet, but have done a couple small separations on some sifting screens my buddy has (have done several runs in my bubblebags though). Mostly just experimenting and goofing off, but the results were simply wonderful. Most folks don't have 2-3 zips of bud they're willing to turn into "only" 3-5g of hash, but as prohibition continues to decline, I'd imagine more people will be interested in it too.


Hey Gov, hows it going bud. I had to start making it because I can't keep up with the amount of bud I am growing :rofl: Now that I had a batch turn out right I want to smoke it I would say 80% of the time over bud. Will be a sad day when its gone... I figure I should be able to pull between 1/2 to 1 pound off of this tikal if I let her have the whole tent. That should make a killer batch of dry sift :rofl: I will just pull a zip or two off each plant for bud and run the rest from now on I am thinking. The wife is cool with getting me a tumbler for the xmas :high-five: :party:

Have a good one all :passitleft:
No better way to store our produce than in concentrate form in a small my room. Just sayin. :cool:

I really gotta look into a tumbler too. PLEASE provide feedback on yours when you have some Smokey. ;)
Thanks Ziggs I'll give it a look :)

I learned something last night. If you freeze fresh undried bud and then dethaw it it turns to almost mush... I put it back in the freezer guess it will have to be water hash again for the hurkle run :/

Will do gov, gonna be a while before I have something to put through it though :(
Thanks Ziggs I'll give it a look :)

I learned something last night. If you freeze fresh undried bud and then dethaw it it turns to almost mush... I put it back in the freezer guess it will have to be water hash again for the hurkle run :/

Will do gov, gonna be a while before I have something to put through it though :(

water expands when it freezes..:)
make pesto! :)
water expands when it freezes..:)
make pesto! :)

It sure did, pesto sounds about right :rofl: I think I can still run it as water hash but I was hoping I could dry it out so I could have something to put in the tumbler, o wells :)
Hey Duggan how's it going bud. Man I have been loving the shit out of this bubble. It makes me cough up a lung if I smoke it but in the vaporizer it's smooth as can be and after a bowl I am in another place :rofl: :passitleft:

I have 2 Golden Tigers and a Bubba Kush x Hashplant seedlings going and a hurkle and Kali China in Veg getting ready.

Here are a couple pics of the Tikal Scrog. She is one week into flower, I think I am going to be in trouble with this'en :rofl:
Smokey,...Merry Christmas , my brotha!! Your nice lil scrog gonna have enough room for her...:rofl: You gotta little challenge with her comin up eh. Branches are gonna be showing up everywhere...lil shoots , filling your space..:blunt:
Quite a few of the "gang" are getting alot of grows done using ACE's beans. Very reliable, tasty, potent product. I'm lovin this Zamal Hash and it's getting better by the day , i swear. Got another one doing just fine sharing a 26er with an MK-Ultra. Gonna maybe try a special Zamadelica next round with a couple Kosher Kush and MLI's.
Anyhow , have an awesome night and fantastic Christmas with your people Smokey! cheers my brotha, oh ...and hope your neck is feelin OK these days....:Namaste:
You too bud :)

I haven't grown an ace strain yet that I don't like. :passitleft:

Yeah I might have to break some legs on her before the grow is over and thin her out a few times im sure, she got her first feeding last night of 15ml GE and 2ml Tea to get things going, i'll do some transplant next week :MoreNutes:

Anyone know the deal with the new brix mix? Is it something you use all grow or only for a part of it?

Thanks all!
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