SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Yup Yup I don't need the space for another 3 or 4 weeks so I fully intend to let her go and to make bubble out of her or at least the majority of her :high-five: I have been wanting to do a big hash run for awhile now for in my vape and I already have more bud laying around the house than I am comfortable with, we are technically aloud to have 5oz between us "ready to smoke" which I typically get at least that much or more from a single plant :rofl: I still have a gallon zip bag full of fresh cut non dried Hurkle in the freezer from about 6 months ago that I haven't ran yet but its so dense I think I will waste most of it if I run it as bubble, which is why I haven't gotten around to doing it.

Anyone know if I can let it thaw out good and then wash it? It never got washed when I harvested, just cut it and put straight in the freezer. Since its the last of my CBD bud for a while I don't wanna mess it up :)

Thanks all :passitleft:
:rofl:......she is outta control......ya outta just keep her going until ya need the space......see how long she can could be smoking some of her and keeping her a perpetual flowing an apple tree, just pluck off a fruit and enjoy......:rofl:


When I was young and I first started smoking I always imagined growing bud exactly like that. I thought you could just have a plant and pick buds off of it as needed and new ones would grow in to replace them :rofl: Would be awesome if you could grow like that :thumb:
Yup Yup I don't need the space for another 3 or 4 weeks so I fully intend to let her go and to make bubble out of her or at least the majority of her :high-five: I have been wanting to do a big hash run for awhile now for in my vape and I already have more bud laying around the house than I am comfortable with, we are technically aloud to have 5oz between us "ready to smoke" which I typically get at least that much or more from a single plant :rofl: I still have a gallon zip bag full of fresh cut non dried Hurkle in the freezer from about 6 months ago that I haven't ran yet but its so dense I think I will waste most of it if I run it as bubble, which is why I haven't gotten around to doing it.

Anyone know if I can let it thaw out good and then wash it? It never got washed when I harvested, just cut it and put straight in the freezer. Since its the last of my CBD bud for a while I don't wanna mess it up :)

Thanks all :passitleft:

Smokey, that's a good question . About the wasting some of it ....Smokey, if ya pull it out of the freezer , chop it up like you would , celery in spag. sauce...but not too fine, and while it's still frozen. That way you'le be OK! Hardly any waste ...and the nice thing about running "bud" thru the bags....ya get to mix it a little longer , or twice thru your system, whatever it is.
As far as pulling it out , then washing and drying...if it was me , i would fear mold during the drying period...cuz ya have to wait for it to thaw out , then wash it , then hang it. If ya force it to dry too fast to avoid mold, ya might sacrifice other stuff. Dunno about doing that Smokey. Cheers eh !
Awesome.....did i hear right?? Bubble from that Tikal, ol lady? Nate said it great ...what a hoot brotha, come on...DO IT! Let er grow Smokey. Let us all see , just how long she'l go!:slide: Bet ya , another three weeks easy....:cheer:
Have a laugh or two eh. Just tried some more ZH.....:):thumb::volcano-smiley:
Top of the evenin to ya Gang!

How is it Duggan? :) fellow Zamal smoker..:)
Smokey, that's a good question . About the wasting some of it ....Smokey, if ya pull it out of the freezer , chop it up like you would , celery in spag. sauce...but not too fine, and while it's still frozen. That way you'le be OK! Hardly any waste ...and the nice thing about running "bud" thru the bags....ya get to mix it a little longer , or twice thru your system, whatever it is.
As far as pulling it out , then washing and drying...if it was me , i would fear mold during the drying period...cuz ya have to wait for it to thaw out , then wash it , then hang it. If ya force it to dry too fast to avoid mold, ya might sacrifice other stuff. Dunno about doing that Smokey. Cheers eh !

can't he wash and directly put into bubble bags without drying? :)
can't he wash and directly put into bubble bags without drying? :)

That was my plan but I was thinking of not running the hurkle as hash anymore but it is already frozen and was never washed. The stuff is stupid dense, I have to load only half of my grinder max with it or I can't even turn it. Maybe since its not been dried yet I could chop it enough without polluting everything not sure.

I am not to worried about mold, I live in the desert and its so dry here it's basically non existent. I was more concerned that the trics would be fragile from getting frozen and get nocked off in the wash but it would only bother the ones on the outside anyway I guess.
That was my plan but I was thinking of not running the hurkle as hash anymore but it is already frozen and was never washed. The stuff is stupid dense, I have to load only half of my grinder max with it or I can't even turn it. Maybe since its not been dried yet I could chop it enough without polluting everything not sure.

I am not to worried about mold, I live in the desert and its so dry here it's basically non existent. I was more concerned that the trics would be fragile from getting frozen and get nocked off in the wash but it would only bother the ones on the outside anyway I guess.

a mini food processor would work quickly to chop to size for extraction, no? i never made it. maybe i should. I too have lot of buds..:)
It would work for sure but might make a mess of things. The goal is to get just the heads so the more you mangle them the more contaminates you end up with in the final product. These buds are seriously like rocks but I haven't looked at what the frozen non dried up ones are like. I ran a batch of dried hurkle as bubble before and I am pretty sure I wasted most of it in the process. These loose fluffy sativas on the other hand should be perfect :)
How is it Duggan? :) fellow Zamal smoker..:)
Mornin Ziggs....ya bud! Very tasty indeed, I really like it so far and they have another two weeks to go ! YEEPA!
can't he wash and directly put into bubble bags without drying? :)
Yes he can Ziggs, that's not the issue...he wanted to know if he could pull it outta the freezer and wash and hang for smoking. If he pulls it outta the freezer and decides to make bubble , the best way is to chop it up like a salad while it's still frozen ...then process it into bubble . Cheers!
a mini food processor would work quickly to chop to size for extraction, no? i never made it. maybe i should. I too have lot of buds..:)
NO, don't use a will beat the shit out of it and fling gland heads all over the damn thing....don't use it for high grade bubble, it's just too violent a mix for what we're after!
use the 250 bag over a bucket filled with the cannabis and some dry ice. Shake it, turn it upside down and you'll have a bunch of lovely kief.

Run that though your bubble bags and you'll get all kinds of full melt.
Mornin Doc. I'm not aware of a 250micron bag . They start at 220 and go down from there....250 is too big and will allow a lot of "unwanteds" in the hash , bits of plant matter , dirt , etc. Cheers gang and Smokey , sorry for the highjack my brotha!
Just so everyone knows, the bag sizes are as follows. 220, 190, 160, 120, 90, 73, 45, and 25 micron. This is what makes up Bubbleman's (Mark's) 8 bag kit. Full melt hash is usually gathered from the 90, 73, and 45 micron bags with the 45 yielding a very oily product that catches fire whenever ya put a flame to it...that's just with the 45micron...more volatile terpines in that size of gland head! The 25 catches a lot of the smaller Sativa heads and basically anything that makes it thru all the others. The 120 bag is where I start collecting ...the 220, 190 and 160 are cleaner bags, don't collect from these three.
Mornin Ziggs....ya bud! Very tasty indeed, I really like it so far and they have another two weeks to go ! YEEPA!

Yes he can Ziggs, that's not the issue...he wanted to know if he could pull it outta the freezer and wash and hang for smoking. If he pulls it outta the freezer and decides to make bubble , the best way is to chop it up like a salad while it's still frozen ...then process it into bubble . Cheers!

NO, don't use a will beat the shit out of it and fling gland heads all over the damn thing....don't use it for high grade bubble, it's just too violent a mix for what we're after!

Mornin Doc. I'm not aware of a 250micron bag . They start at 220 and go down from there....250 is too big and will allow a lot of "unwanteds" in the hash , bits of plant matter , dirt , etc. Cheers gang and Smokey , sorry for the highjack my brotha!
Just so everyone knows, the bag sizes are as follows. 220, 190, 160, 120, 90, 73, 45, and 25 micron. This is what makes up Bubbleman's (Mark's) 8 bag kit. Full melt hash is usually gathered from the 90, 73, and 45 micron bags with the 45 yielding a very oily product that catches fire whenever ya put a flame to it...that's just with the 45micron...more volatile terpines in that size of gland head! The 25 catches a lot of the smaller Sativa heads and basically anything that makes it thru all the others. The 120 bag is where I start collecting ...the 220, 190 and 160 are cleaner bags, don't collect from these three.

Smokey, my if you were to suggest buying several bags instead of the 8 bag kit...which bags, make, size, would you suggest a person who never made bubble, buy and use? Thank you .:)
Mornin Ziggs....ya bud! Very tasty indeed, I really like it so far and they have another two weeks to go ! YEEPA!

Yes he can Ziggs, that's not the issue...he wanted to know if he could pull it outta the freezer and wash and hang for smoking. If he pulls it outta the freezer and decides to make bubble , the best way is to chop it up like a salad while it's still frozen ...then process it into bubble . Cheers!

NO, don't use a will beat the shit out of it and fling gland heads all over the damn thing....don't use it for high grade bubble, it's just too violent a mix for what we're after!

Mornin Doc. I'm not aware of a 250micron bag . They start at 220 and go down from there....250 is too big and will allow a lot of "unwanteds" in the hash , bits of plant matter , dirt , etc. Cheers gang and Smokey , sorry for the highjack my brotha!
Just so everyone knows, the bag sizes are as follows. 220, 190, 160, 120, 90, 73, 45, and 25 micron. This is what makes up Bubbleman's (Mark's) 8 bag kit. Full melt hash is usually gathered from the 90, 73, and 45 micron bags with the 45 yielding a very oily product that catches fire whenever ya put a flame to it...that's just with the 45micron...more volatile terpines in that size of gland head! The 25 catches a lot of the smaller Sativa heads and basically anything that makes it thru all the others. The 120 bag is where I start collecting ...the 220, 190 and 160 are cleaner bags, don't collect from these three.

If you start with the dry ice kief, THEN run that through the series of Bubble bags...that's what I'm suggesting.
Smokey, my if you were to suggest buying several bags instead of the 8 bag kit...which bags, make, size, would you suggest a person who never made bubble, buy and use? Thank you .:)

That's cool Ziggs, ya when I do runs of bubble I only use five bags now cuz I just don't need or want so many diff. grades of it around. I use the 220, 160, 120 , 73, 25. That's it. I collect from the 120, 73 and 25 bags. The other bags are omitted cuz their heads just go into the next smallest bag, get it ! Gotta book , taking first aid course today , Cheers Gang!
If you start with the dry ice kief, THEN run that through the series of Bubble bags...that's what I'm suggesting.

I gotcha Doc. It's just another process to add to all the work already. When i do runs of BH, it's a real episode doing it by one's self. Alot of running around and always something to be doing. Always set aside a good three hours for four or five runs of BH. Cheers gang .:Namaste:
Hello all,

WOW the dead show, soooooo much smoke :rofl: The entire MGM was full of pot smoke the second the lights went out and everyone smoked the entire concert. They are usually really strict on people smoking inside of that place but what are they gonna do throw out the entire audience plus the ushers were probably ripped 5 min in to the show anyway, people were smoking big fatties less than 5' from them :passitleft:

I think the Tikal is finally ready. The trics changed on her sometime over the last week or so. I might cut her tonight and throw in the freezer to run this weekend :party:


Veg tent

Clones, went into soil a few days ago and don't look so good now, they looked great in the cups
I tried a bud off her when I chopped the zimaldelica. Mine has a very spicy almost peppery flavor/smell to it. Wasn't as strong as the other Ace plants I have grown back then. Hopefully the extra month has kicked her up a notch :passitleft:

The Zamaldelica has a really strong lime smell and flavor while smoking now that its cured good, esp out of a bong. Love Love Love that stuff. Tried to mix it with some of the SLH to make a lemon lime flavor but that didn't really work out :rofl:
I tried a bud off her when I chopped the zimaldelica. Mine has a very spicy almost peppery flavor/smell to it. Wasn't as strong as the other Ace plants I have grown back then. Hopefully the extra month has kicked her up a notch :passitleft:

The Zamaldelica has a really strong lime smell and flavor while smoking now that its cured good, esp out of a bong. Love Love Love that stuff. Tried to mix it with some of the SLH to make a lemon lime flavor but that didn't really work out :rofl:

i just potted a soaked and cracked SLH(Super Lemon Haze) this a.m. :)
My Zamals have been fruity, grapey, citrus, but no lime... The GTs are very! :high-five:

The Purple Malawis are interesting. the plants are different mostly due to my topping them when young. they will have some buds on them. :) it will be a great Christmas!!
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