SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

I'm late again.
I'm so sorry to hear about the problems, Smokey. I hope they find a light at the end of this tunnel.
I'm anti-religious but I'm putting all possible good thoughts your way. Hang tough, bro!
Thanks Major.

I think I am caught up on all the PMs, thanks for all the concern everyone, you make me feel very :love:

If I missed responding to anyone I apologize, im on lots of drugs these days and im not talking about just the kind we grow :(

I will let you all know what the doc says next week when we go over my MRI and CT Scan on Tuesday :Namaste:

Thanks again everyone :circle-of-love:
Good news everyone, I don't have that condition the doc was thinking I had :party: My original fusion didn't actually fuse all the way on the bottom level. She is going to order me a bone stimulator and told me I need to be a bit healthier for a bit to try and get it to finish growing in.

I took some new pics the other night I will try and get around to uploading them today we have the flue in the house this week so spending the day laying around :passitleft:

Hope everyone is ready for the holiday and has a great thanksgiving. Its kind of an extra special holiday in our family, my dad received his liver transplant on thanksgiving day 12 years ago and would of been gone long ago without it.

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone
It kinda has a lime flavor / smell to it, it's most unique in over 20 years of smoking I have never had anything like it. I really wish I would of kept a mom but I feel like that with most new strains :rofl: Oh yeah its potent as hell too, gonna be rolling up about a half a pack of fake marbs with it for the Dead Show this friday night :party:
Yeah this year has been amazing, we have seen more great shows this year then all the rest of our lives combined :rofl:. It took us like two years of living here before we even realized how fantastic the concert scene actually is here. We're both from the sticks so we had to travel hours to see anyone good most of our lives so I guess we didn't really think about it much. We went to see Neil Young a few weeks ago right up front on the floor, it was great except for a good hour of him screaming about monsanto in the middle of it and spraying us with some kind of fake pesticide stuff that smelled like hell, sure worked great to cover up the pot clouds though :rofl:
Yeah this year has been amazing, we have seen more great shows this year then all the rest of our lives combined :rofl:. It took us like two years of living here before we even realized how fantastic the concert scene actually is here. We're both from the sticks so we had to travel hours to see anyone good most of our lives so I guess we didn't really think about it much. We went to see Neil Young a few weeks ago right up front on the floor, it was great except for a good hour of him screaming about monsanto in the middle of it and spraying us with some kind of fake pesticide stuff that smelled like hell, sure worked great to cover up the pot clouds though :rofl:

That's means he would love our produce........:partyboy:
Good news everyone, I don't have that condition the doc was thinking I had :party: My original fusion didn't actually fuse all the way on the bottom level. She is going to order me a bone stimulator and told me I need to be a bit healthier for a bit to try and get it to finish growing in.

I took some new pics the other night I will try and get around to uploading them today we have the flue in the house this week so spending the day laying around :passitleft:

Hope everyone is ready for the holiday and has a great thanksgiving. Its kind of an extra special holiday in our family, my dad received his liver transplant on thanksgiving day 12 years ago and would of been gone long ago without it.

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone

this is awesome news , smokey!! :high-five:
Veg tent, the big one is the tikal mom before I gave her a huge pruning last night. Clones are from that tikal mom and are ready to go in soil and the babies are 1 Hurkle and 1 Kali China.


Flowering Tikal 14 weeks completed :rofl: This one is out of control, I have been to lazy to harvest it and it keeps growing so I have just been letting it do its thing. I am probably going to process this entire plant as bubble anyway. I already have more bud on hand than I should from my last harvest :)
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