SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

:woohoo: Those look sooo good! I am really excited for this strain. ACE says Zamaldelica and Malawi are this years biggest sellers and the feedback coming from Zamaldelica is extremely positive.
Just curious gang, when you wash do you just let them drip dry or do you somehow remove excess water? I've been using an extra bucket with nothing in it to spin the branch to get some of the water off before I hang it. Well sometimes a bud or 2 go flying. I would like to skip this step if it isn't necessary.

Hey neiko.......I have the same problem.....I definetly shake as much out as I can, and with the few plants I have harvested.......I found to do the big top colas first and then they have more time to drip dry......:passitleft:
Gorgeous buds Smokey! :thumb:

Hanging for a little while in the arid garage should be a good idea IMO. A little air movement would certainly help too, but I don't think you'll have any problems. I've dripped-dry a few harvests now (all harvests since starting to wash last year) and they do just fine.

I just got done jarring the Zamaldelica and it was 5.5oz so I did pretty good job with my guess :)

We tried some tonight and it is out of this world, definitely the best bud I have grown yet :party: It tastes just like it smells already right of the drying line and is super potent with zero anxiety or bad vibes. The wife really really liked it too if you know what i mean :rofl: :high-five: I will be growing more of these in the future for sure :thumb:

I took a tester off of the Tikal and it is all the way haze pheno with a spicy flavor so that explains why its taking so damn long. It took a few bowls but once I was high it was a nice buzz. Hopefully it gets stronger as it finishes it looks like it still has another 3 weeks or so easily.

A few of my tikal clones are getting white nubbies and the start of roots and one of the Kali China x PCK is up along with the male Hurkle, no signs of the other two yet though.

Have a good night and great weekend all :passitleft:

Congrat's Smokey! Harvest rep's to ya.
Nice pull smokey......hope I can get a couple three from mine......great news the wife likes it.....I was reading on aces forum for zamadelica......any it seemed like seasoned smokers, were confusing them selves while smoking it........a lot of psychedelic experiences, any of that?:passitleft:

not yet...but i can see trying..and soon :)
Hey Gang....Smokey , Ziggs and u guys...great news on the Zamal strains! I have to say too you guys....4 days ago i trimmed off a lil bottom branch off one of the Zamal Hash's set the tiny buds on my workbench for 4 days and just tried it last night!!!!!!!!! very impressed with flavour and effect ...just heavenly actually. I was very surprised at the great taste this early in bloom (4 -5 weeks). Was only able to get one small J out of it but , just wanted an idea of what i have commin, ya know.
I will add as well, this crop of buds and colas are behaving way different than previous crops after the CD.'s. Instead of bulking up with huge fat colas the buds are gaining weight by resin and only resin, and not just sheer size! I'm stoked. looking more like Doc's stuff now ,so i'm stoked for sure. Am glad i started another ZH plant with my next group! Have an awesome day Gang.
Almost forgot ...great call on your harvest Smokey....5-1/2 z's. Very good yield my brotha... reps are a comin! Cheers!:Namaste:
Hey Gang....Smokey , Ziggs and u guys...great news on the Zamal strains! I have to say too you guys....4 days ago i trimmed off a lil bottom branch off one of the Zamal Hash's set the tiny buds on my workbench for 4 days and just tried it last night!!!!!!!!! very impressed with flavour and effect ...just heavenly actually. I was very surprised at the great taste this early in bloom (4 -5 weeks). Was only able to get one small J out of it but , just wanted an idea of what i have commin, ya know.
I will add as well, this crop of buds and colas are behaving way different than previous crops after the CD.'s. Instead of bulking up with huge fat colas the buds are gaining weight by resin and only resin, and not just sheer size! I'm stoked. looking more like Doc's stuff now ,so i'm stoked for sure. Am glad i started another ZH plant with my next group! Have an awesome day Gang.
Almost forgot ...great call on your harvest Smokey....5-1/2 z's. Very good yield my brotha... reps are a comin! Cheers!:Namaste:

sounds like zamal likes living soil. As much as possible, try to grow plants that thrive in our soil. They turn out special.
sounds like zamal likes living soil. As much as possible, try to grow plants that thrive in our soil. They turn out special.

Yes agreed Doc. My hopes are sky high for my up and coming Maple Leaf Indica Doc. 100% landrace ....Yeepa! The Zamal Hash plants are getting a nice coating of resin on them and like I mentioned , tried a couple popcorn buds the other day and WOW, such potency and great ,full flavor already....just stoked over these ZH's. Cheers gang!:circle-of-love:
Woops....hey Smokey, hope all is peachy with ya bud! Cheers eh!
Thanks Everyone!

The Zamaldelica i am pretty sure tastes like lime at least it does to me. I haven't been able to smoke more than a bowl of it at a time its still a little harsh and makes me cough to much and it fucks up my head/neck so not sure if its gonna have any psychedelic effects but I would be amazed if it did. It has a great buzz though not really a confusing buzz to me, my malawi x pck is a lot more of a confusion kind of high. This is just real enjoyable makes you warm all over after a few hits and it continues to creep in for 5-10 min after smoking it so it can really kick your ass. It is all enjoyable though even if you have to much there is zero anxiety, the wife even likes it and she has anxiety issues without smoking so I am really careful what I give her. I will give an update on it in a couple weeks once its cured better and I can smoke a propper fatty :passitleft:

This Tikal is at 12 1/2 weeks. Since I don't have anything ready to replace it with atm I will just let it go for now. Awesome to hear you like yours already duggan, should be killer in the end :high-five:

Not sure what my next round is going to look like atm I need to keep it small, there is a good chance I will need some pretty serious surgery soon, it is looking like they either need to do some fusing and creating some room where my spinal column meets my brain or possibly cut part of the bottom back of my brain lobes off to create room for the spinal fluid to go down into my spine from my head but I don't really know whats going on until next week when we go over the latest test results with the surgeon. If I am going to be unable to take care of them I don't want to have a bunch of plants for the wife to worry about on top of everything else and I have a good enough head stash to skip a cycle and be ok, I think.... :passitleft:

Anyway enough rambling Here are some pics of this crazy tikal.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! :passitleft:
Mornin Smokey....Hey brotha, Truly hope you are OK! That surgery sounds very serious and my thoughts will be with you and these challenging times. Keep us all up to speed will ya , just so we're not all worried too, too much if we all of a sudden don't hear from ya OK! Does your wife know how to post , just in case you can't? Stay positive Smokey! Have a great day pal! Cheers.:Namaste::circle-of-love:
Thanks for the concern guys! This is actually good news at least someone hopefully knows WTF is actually wrong with me I have been living with insane headaches and neck pain for longer than I can remember at this point. I already had a triple spinal fusion that never helped and my new doc thinks I probably didn't even need it and I was just miss diagnosed. She sent me for some shots yesterday to help me in the short term and I had some brain scans done that we will go over next week to hopefully see exactly where the issue is. At this point I don't really care what they have to do if it makes be better I am down!

You guys make me feel better on a regular basis and I thank you all for that. My life has basically been work, farming my bud and these forums for the last few years. I am always hurting to much to do much else and in the rare case I feel good enough to go out I usually end up hurting before I even get there.

Wow man,good luck with the surgery smokey. Yeah on that tikal, it sure looks like the haze phenotype. Same as mine. It will never finish just cut it when you're ready. After 16 weeks i said f it thats enough and cut it. I do really love the smoke and so does everyone who's tried it. Feel better bud!
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