SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

No kids for me thank you very much :rofl: I like other peoples kids just fine but thats because they go home after an hour or so :)

Man Zigg that sounds more like what I was hoping for, I think I got the narcotic pheno, after smoking it I just feel really wrecked all over and its very hard to concentrate :passitleft: Not sure what mine tastes like but it is yummy.

I think the panama and the columbians have pretty similar effects, maybe one day soon I will get to try some proper grown Columbian :party:

I just took some pics to see if they looked like they would be ready this weekend and I am thinking they can both use another week and I don't have the next batch ready to replace them anyway so why not. I too am starting to get a backlog of bud that needs consumed, efforts must be doubled :passitleft:

Bubba getting ready to be jarred either tonight or tomorrow.


Malawi x PCK
Hey Smokey, we can help you with that backlog problem. :laughtwo:

Thanks for the pictures. So you figure another week, huh? As a new grower I'm still learning to read the signs. Working in living soils you can't trust the trichomes because they often don't go amber. That means the bottom part of my Cheese Candy has about three weeks to go, from the looks of it. Let's see how close I come to it.

Those look awfully tasty. Mmmmmm. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I don't go by amber that much, I do get it on some of my plants but not all of them. The things I look for are a little different for each strain I grow. Bubba and Hurkle both turn their fan leaves to orange or purple when they're ready so they're easy. If there is nothing obvious like that I look for signs of them not growing anymore, no new pistols, slower water uptake etc. I try and let them go a bit past when they stop growing to give them time to ripen up. They usually start smelling more as this happens. Revegging a plant that you intend to keep around and grow a long time is a great way to watch everything happen from ripening all the way to them declining and dying off. I was amazed at how much longer they continued to improve after I had chopped. Since then I give them a week to two more than I used to. :thumb:
Thank you for that invaluable insight Smokey. Like many novice growers I've been too quick to chop. It's nice to have calmer heads around and I always speak up when I plan to harvest hoping someone who disagrees with me will tap me on the arm and say "Susan......" :laughtwo: That policy has worked well in the past, though I don't always listen. A bit hard-headed I'm afraid. :battingeyelashes:
I don't go by amber that much, I do get it on some of my plants but not all of them. The things I look for are a little different for each strain I grow. Bubba and Hurkle both turn their fan leaves to orange or purple when they're ready so they're easy. If there is nothing obvious like that I look for signs of them not growing anymore, no new pistols, slower water uptake etc. I try and let them go a bit past when they stop growing to give them time to ripen up. They usually start smelling more as this happens. Revegging a plant that you intend to keep around and grow a long time is a great way to watch everything happen from ripening all the way to them declining and dying off. I was amazed at how much longer they continued to improve after I had chopped. Since then I give them a week to two more than I used to. :thumb:

Mornin've just given another great bit of advise. When to chop and when not to. Your reasoning is spot on as well. Going by water uptake or lack there of is good as well as pistil appearance. I like to wait till all the pistils have withered and receeded back to the calyx. Your right about the flavour as well....that great flavour we all covet seems to come on in the last couple weeks as well as alot of the weight we also covet.When the gland heads are full and swollen they are ripe and will be at peek potency with all the flavour we expect.Alot of novice growers chop way too early for lack of experience in knowing all this. I was no different and have chopped many crops over the yrs. too soon. It really pays to wait as long as you can to achieve all the flavour and weight the buds can give us.Cheers pal and all the "gang" have an awesome Saturday!:circle-of-love:
Morning Duggs :passitleft:

Yeah buddy all the good shit happens at the end. It's no different than fruit, doesnt matter how long a peach or a melon took to grow if it was cut before it was ripe it's gonna be blah :thumb:
Morning Duggs :passitleft:

Yeah buddy all the good shit happens at the end. It's no different than fruit, doesnt matter how long a peach or a melon took to grow if it was cut before it was ripe it's gonna be blah :thumb:

Weed isn't exactly like fruit, but both need to ripen.

I observe what I call a "Harvest Window" in my garden. There is a week to ten day period of time when a crop should be harvested based on all the factors mentioned by others in their posts. The early part of the window will have a slightly different flavor and effect than the latter, but not radically different.

The problem with harvesting too early is that the terps aren't fully developed so you're not getting it all....but in some cases the early product might be desireable and there is nothing wrong with harvesting whenever you might feel like it!

Waiting too long results in lower brix and lower quality flavor, but the effect is often similar to the stuff harvested on time.

I haven't noticed a significant number of amber triches with the High Brix gear, no matter how long I let them go.

Here's a good practice:

Grow 3 or 4 plants of the exact same strain/clone. Harvest them a few days apart from eachother and see if you can notice any differences, etc. It really helps dial it in.
Thanks doc that's some good info. I think my problem in the beginning is I wasn't actually getting to that window on at least some of my plants. What's that old saying about patience being a virtue or something like that :passitleft:
Did some work on the veg plants last night.

Tikals got up-potted to 2gal softies.

SLH, Rubbed the stems and the smaller one smelled more Skunky while the bigger one smelled more like lemon. I only wanted to grow one of these out and the last one was more skunky so I killed that one and topped the lemon one and will be up-potting and flipping her soon.

Zamaldelica, The two smaller ones started showing lady hairs so I topped and took 5 clones off of each of those and killed the male. I am hoping I can get 3 keepers from each plant but would be happy with 5 or 6 of any combination as long as I get at least one from each plant so I can pick a keeper mom if I like this one. If the clones fail I am just going to drop them both into the 25gal softie and run a scrog instead :thumb:

After reading what Doc said about the brix getting lower if they go to long and thinking about the fact that my trics swelled up sometime last week I am going to go ahead and chop the malawi and panama today. They testers already calmed down after being in the jar a few days and I think they're good2go :high-five:

I got the water started for the wash but it takes about 3 hours to make that much. I will get some pics up later today of the veg plants and the final pics of the flowering plants right before chop. I also got to get the soil recycle started and mix up a full new batch, i'm running out quickly.

Have a :passitleft: day all!
Oh Nate almost forgot, update on bubba. She isn't really a couch locker but the wife brought it to my attention that I have been napping A LOT since I started smoking it... During the buzz its nice body and head high, really fantastic but if you smoke to much of it it's night night time once it starts to wear off :rofl:
Oh Nate almost forgot, update on bubba. She isn't really a couch locker but the wife brought it to my attention that I have been napping A LOT since I started smoking it... During the buzz its nice body and head high, really fantastic but if you smoke to much of it it's night night time once it starts to wear off :rofl:

That's great news on the bubba, that's what I'm looking for.......hey I have been thinking, do you notice it takes longer to root bound a plant in a softie as opposed to a plastic pot?

I guess I bought 10 1 gallon softies......for the transplant from solos, but have been thinking about this........I do think that going from the airpot to the 7gallon with the JH really helped with the root explosion.......,if I remember she was root bound in that 3 weeks after I up potted......with that said it won't seem that scoring the roots from an air pot or smart pot would be needed......

So after that ramble.....have you noticed a better root system from your 1 gallon softies.......or the old plastic pots?:passitleft:
That's great news on the bubba, that's what I'm looking for.......hey I have been thinking, do you notice it takes longer to root bound a plant in a softie as opposed to a plastic pot?

I guess I bought 10 1 gallon softies......for the transplant from solos, but have been thinking about this........I do think that going from the airpot to the 7gallon with the JH really helped with the root explosion.......,if I remember she was root bound in that 3 weeks after I up potted......with that said it won't seem that scoring the roots from an air pot or smart pot would be needed......

So after that ramble.....have you noticed a better root system from your 1 gallon softies.......or the old plastic pots?:passitleft:

Careful what you wish for, I like it so much I have been smoking it a lot which = a lot of naps :)

I like the root building pots a lot more than normal pots and I don't score the roots when I transplant out of them since they aren't all spun up around the edges. I have been using 2 or 3 gal pots to veg in. I might need to drop down to 1 gal also now that I am not trying to grow big plants anymore :thumb:
Careful what you wish for, I like it so much I have been smoking it a lot which = a lot of naps :)

I like the root building pots a lot more than normal pots and I don't score the roots when I transplant out of them since they aren't all spun up around the edges. I have been using 2 or 3 gal pots to veg in. I might need to drop down to 1 gal also now that I am not trying to grow big plants anymore :thumb:

Well it will be nite time

So how do you know when it is time to up pot a root builder pot? Mainly water uptake?:hmmmm:
Ok will note that......hey so after talking to neiko and some others we decided to move my mars 900 up to 48inches on these seedlings cause the leaves were twisting up.....and it was like half way through the day they looked droopy almost like they were tired of all the light....anyway today they seem happy all I think I have the problem fixed......anyway how often are you moving your lights up and down in your tents?

Or are these LEDs powerful enough to just leave up towards the top of the tent/room and let the plants grow to them......have you had any ladies stretch abnormally because your led was to far away?
Nate you can set the lights at the height you want to leave them and just use risers to get the plants closer until they need to be moved further from the light. That way the lights don't need to be moved and you can get all the plants to the same canopy height.
Nate you can set the lights at the height you want to leave them and just use risers to get the plants closer until they need to be moved further from the light. That way the lights don't need to be moved and you can get all the plants to the same canopy height.

Thanks sue.....I guess what I was after was especially in veg....are we letting the plants grow up to the light or keeping them at a set point, via risers or adjusting the light.......:passitleft:
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