SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

So I came home to a nice surprise tonight. Seems a little nug of bubba got left in the garage from when I was washing it. Since my garage is really hot and dry it was nice and crisped up already :rofl:

First impression is this is gonna be some killer bud. Has a light piney / kushy flavor already but with a very sweet side to it, can't wait to taste the properly dried and cured if it tastes this good already. It was also really smooth esp considering how it was dried.

I only had enough for one bubbler full which is a lot less than I usually smoke and I have been ripped for the last hour and a half so far. Nice mixed body and head stone that just keeps on going :high-five:

This stuff is gonna be killer in a few more weeks :party:
WooHoo!! :high-five:
The recharge isn't quite the same as the amendment but it's very, very similar in that it includes everything in the amendment PLUS some other things. The third run a amendment is quite a bit different, but the "kit" components are quite similar with some other stuff added to the recharge as noted.

The reason it doesn't need to cook and can be top dressed is because the roots are already established and the minerals are going to slowly work their way into the soil from the top, where they will be greeted by a robust and hungry biota.

The "toxic" part can be seen in the crust that forms on top of the soil a few days after giving the recharge.

Now, someone is going to read this post, fixate on the word "Toxic" and then go out and through sheer ignorance start saying, "Doc Bud's kit is toxic." First of all, Fuck them. (they'll do it soon enough) Secondly, it's not "toxic" like kerosene or's just that plants won't grow in the crust, which is great for weed control and wind erosion. But it takes time for those minerals to combine and so forth which is why we wait a month.

It's not the same for plants that are already well established.

Again, we're using natural, organic substances. When the phosphorus and calcium combine at first they create a battery, and the electrostatic charges in the various minerals cause a crust to form. That crust won't germ seeds and won't allow roots to grow very well, but what's going on under the soil continues just fine.

So I have dirt from round one and extra liquid to proceed to round 2. What am I missing? Do I need to get round 2 ammendment and recharge? or just one of them?

Not too clear on that, sorry to jack the thread but kind of relevant to Doc's post...(could go in 2 other threads, a pm....)
The second run amendment is for recycling and re-cooking your soil after its been used. I don't think most people add it the very first time the soil is recycled but after that I wouldn't skip it if you're recycling.

The recharge is just the stuff you top dressed with around week 3, if you are all out you should probably get some more for your next round :thumb:


A few months back I was asking about your blue dream. Here is mine 1day after 2nd cat drench. So far so good :)
She is in a 10gal tote. Under mars hydro 3w reflectors.
Hello Smokey,

How is the smell on the malawiXpck and the panama? Curious to know how they both smoke. I'm hoping that Malawi is not a couch-locker.

Nice Grow !!
Kinda wanna know this myself too iv'e got three fem Malawi X PCK in waiting for not the next grow ,cuz that's Zamal Hash(up and running now) but was thinking of it for after that. Got any info on how it is yet bro? Cheers eh!
The panama has a sweet smell that I can't place and the malawi doesn't smell like much at least it didn't the last time I stuck my nose in the cola :) Maybe after I jar up the Bubba I will be able to tell better right now my entire grow room and half of the upstairs smells like nothing but bubba, she was a stinky one :rofl:
Are they the flowering clones you just put pics up of in the 2nd journal? They look nice! How long did you let the clones grow out before you flipped them?

I figure for my SOG test grow I will do all Zamaldeca from clones in a 25 gal square pot and flip them not long after they start growing again. Just not sure how long I wanna wait after the clones start growing and how many I should run. Im kind of thinking of giving them one week after they start growing and doing 5 is a good starting point but its just a guess :)
Smokey, no the clones were started when I trimmed the ACE tent. They were started 11/13 :hmmmm: moved outside to reveg. Back into tent to bloom under 10/14. They are being tamed. :) I have in tent 1 in my SWICKs Panama(+) and Zamaldelica(+). I started these 2 and 2 more Ziggy-ACE Strains :) the other day.
Purple Haze (+)
Golden Tiger(+)

The weed with seed is excellent. I look forward to the grown out (+) strains :thumb:
Right on Ziggs. I smoked some of the panama and Malawi tonight. Panama has great taste unlike any of my other buds. Malawi didn't taste like much yet. The is zero cure on them I haven't even Jared it up will probably do that tomorrow but I had to try. Kinda hard to say what the buzz is like from each since I smoked a bowl of each back to back but let's just say I was in a good place :rofl:

I really really like this Bubba :passitleft:
Right on Ziggs. I smoked some of the panama and Malawi tonight. Panama has great taste unlike any of my other buds. Malawi didn't taste like much yet. The is zero cure on them I haven't even Jared it up will probably do that tomorrow but I had to try. Kinda hard to say what the buzz is like from each since I smoked a bowl of each back to back but let's just say I was in a good place :rofl:

I really really like this Bubba :passitleft:

I gave a buddy of mine a nice bud (has Panama(+) seeds in it :)) of the Panama yesterday. He called to tell me it was like going down memory lane from the 70's and 80's .. he said it was amazing. i never had Panama or any other landrace or pure sativa before 1 yr ago or so? -it is excellent! :thumb:

the Purple Haze I just tried again..WOW!!! sweet and cerebral..but a cerebral lock :) you get locked on particular thoughts...very cool!!
...a little tongue dangling, slack jaw too...but hey..its friday..and if it ends in 'y', its a day to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of your garden. :)
I gave a buddy of mine a nice bud (has Panama(+) seeds in it :)) of the Panama yesterday. He called to tell me it was like going down memory lane from the 70's and 80's .. he said it was amazing. i never had Panama or any other landrace or pure sativa before 1 yr ago or so?
it is excellent!

the Purple Haze I just tried again..WOW!!! sweet and cerebral..but a cerebral lock :) you get locked on particular thoughts...very cool!!
...a little tongue dangling, slack jaw too...but hey..its friday..and if it ends in 'y', its a day to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of your garden. :)

Haha I feel you I just spun up a friday fatty consisting of mostly bubba with some panama and malawi x pck mixed in for good measure. Wish me luck I think im gonna need it to get through this one :rofl:

How does your panama effect you, its still early to tell on mine but its not the fun head sativa high I have been looking for at least not yet. I did get a little of the chest panic attack thing going on last night after smoking more of just it and I kinda snapped at the wife cause she was trying to read me something while the tv was on loud and I felt like I was about to loose my mind, I was like ahhhh you or the tv has to stop im going crazy!!! Had to smoke some hurkle to calm down a bit :rofl:

After that I might give both of them another week and wait till next weekend, they both still have some fresh pistols and I think the extra two weeks over the tester will smooth that out a bit.

Im really hoping the giggle phenos of the tikal is what I have been searching for :passitleft:

My Malawi x Purple haze was also the sexiest plant I have ever had and also turned out to be male and plant food for the next round. One of these days I will start another one but I have a feeling that will be one of the hardest to keep under control size wise :morenutes:
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